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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Recommender Systems: Non-Personalized and Content-Based by University of Minnesota

647 ratings

About the Course

This course, which is designed to serve as the first course in the Recommender Systems specialization, introduces the concept of recommender systems, reviews several examples in detail, and leads you through non-personalized recommendation using summary statistics and product associations, basic stereotype-based or demographic recommendations, and content-based filtering recommendations. After completing this course, you will be able to compute a variety of recommendations from datasets using basic spreadsheet tools, and if you complete the honors track you will also have programmed these recommendations using the open source LensKit recommender toolkit. In addition to detailed lectures and interactive exercises, this course features interviews with several leaders in research and practice on advanced topics and current directions in recommender systems....

Top reviews


Nov 2, 2016

I think this is an amazing course for beginners who are interested in recommender systems, I strongly recommend this course to the students and engineers who are working on recommender systems.


Feb 12, 2019

One of the best courses I have taken on Coursera. Choosing Java for the lab exercises makes them inaccessible for many data scientists. Consider providing a Python version.

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26 - 50 of 137 Reviews for Introduction to Recommender Systems: Non-Personalized and Content-Based

By Alex B


Aug 25, 2019

This course mostly works. Contains a lot of wasted video time where no information is communicated. Uses simplistic tools that don't scale to data applications or otherwise dated tools not really used by data scientists or machine learning engineers making exercises either simplistic or a waste of time. Better than other courses in the series in that the assignments are legible.

By Timea K


Jul 2, 2017

You should talk about music recommender systems as well! It was just OK, but boring some times... You were talking about lots of evident things by Amazon, making the course question. if it is seriously a university content.

By Neha G


Nov 20, 2019

would give negative rating if it was possible, course appears non-cohesive and dispersed without any clear terminology being used in the videos. Assignments are not clear either.

By Francisco R


Jul 7, 2020

Info desactualizada y no tiene la opción de usar python

By Pham V H


Dec 11, 2016

the video is too long!

By Mehmet


Oct 14, 2020

Recommender systems have big impact in our digital life. In the past we trust acquaintance's opinions before buying, renting or watching. short time ago we handed over steering to the machines and algorithms. We trust their suggestions for watching, buying something, even driving a car. Therefore recommender systems will be top prior inevitable aspect for every organisation. This course is a brief introduction to Recommender System. I suggest everyone who interested in. Thank for Joseph Konstan and Michael Ekstrand

By Gurupratap S M


Dec 1, 2019

Really a very nice course with great attention to detail. The guest interviews were also superb and gave me exposure to different areas of research in recommender systems in general. Both Michael and Joe are experts and provide deep insights with plenty of examples and study cases. Honors exercises are another added bonus to practice and get hands on experience. I had already deployed a recommender system in production am glad to continue learning and learn different techniques. Thank you once again

By Nesreen S


Nov 13, 2019

I found this course very informative. with real-life examples of the recommender's use case and who it can be implemented. I loved that it has an excel assignment to get an intuition about the concepts allowing business-like and non-techincal audiences to understand and practice the concepts. I found the honor track and assignment though challenging but very important and helpful though the documentation of lenskit was not very clear.

it was enjoyable and very useful.

By sidra n


Aug 15, 2018

I would like to have more detail and help for honors track especially for people like me who do not have much programming experience and want to learn how to implement recommender system. I am unable to solve the assignment and i still need some help. Would be great if the solutions of the honors track should be available to those who want to learn and not just for the sake of getting certificate

By Shantanu B


Mar 17, 2020

This course takes me through many of the techniques that started at the dawn of recommendation systems and some which are still going strong in certain domains and certain scale. Rather than just concentrating on the numerical aspects of the topic, there has been a great emphasis on learning the tricks of the trade and the aspects that should be kept in mind while employing the techniques.

By muffaddal q


Dec 12, 2019

a good course with detail explanation on many aspect of non-personalized and content based recommendations. Interviews with experts with excellent. Helped to learn how professionals are solving different problems related to recommendations in their respective fields.

By Julia K


Sep 9, 2019

This course is a wonderful logical informative introduction to several basic types of recommender systems. It is a great part to start! The instructors a clear and well organized. Some assignments were a little bit awkward but overall they

By Rosni L


Oct 3, 2016

This course is really helpful in understanding the state of the art of non-personalized and content-based recommender systems. More it is invaluable to have changes to get the latest information from the expert through the interviews.

By Yury Z


Mar 8, 2018

Informative and helpfull for me as recommender systems practitioner. Even for things I've knew already the authors offer clean and holistic base. Surprisingly the honour track programming assignments was pretty challenging.

By vibhor n


Jun 2, 2019

A good introduction to the basic concepts of recommender systems. Loved the idea of having excel work assignments. For someone just wanting a quick learning of the concepts doesn't have to go through all the Java stuff

By Mario W


Jul 3, 2021

Great lecture with smaller exercises, fully met my expectations. Excellent lecturers with for me perfect understandable English, interesting interviews and wrap-ups. Congratulations and many thanks!

By Yuncheng W


Nov 2, 2016

I think this is an amazing course for beginners who are interested in recommender systems, I strongly recommend this course to the students and engineers who are working on recommender systems.

By Danilo L A


Sep 16, 2020

Awesome. All concepts were very well explained in an understandable and didatical language.

Loved the interviews with all the specialists.

I've learned so much, thanks for this course!

By Igor P


Sep 19, 2016

it's a fantastic course that gives you a good idea of what the objectives of recommender systems are and some intuition on the way how it can be accomplished.

By Sonia F R


Feb 6, 2017

Un profesor excelente y un temario muy bueno. También me han gustado mucho las entrevistas y los recorridos por las páginas web que tienen recomendadores.

By Eyal B N


Jan 5, 2025

The course is very interesting and helpful. The main issue is that it is outdated. The programming exercises will be much more valuable in Python.

By Dame N


Nov 24, 2017

Thank you for your course, very Helpfull for those who are keep in touch with recommender System engine. This is a very cool Introduction course.

By Pawel S


Dec 11, 2016

As a software engineer with computer science background I found that course enhancing my knowledge. I'm going to continue the specialization.

By ignacio g


Oct 26, 2016

The course es really helpfull to understand how the recommender system works and what points yo have to take care when you have to implement

By thomas l


Jul 21, 2018

I think I am on the right track to changing my career from java engineer from data scientist, this course is one of the best start point