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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Reproduction by Northwestern University

527 ratings

About the Course

Do you have questions about sex hormones or menstrual cycles? This is a crash-course in human reproductive health through fact and biology-based information on a variety of topics. "Sex 101" will cover reproductive anatomy, key biological changes during puberty, sexual biology and contraceptive methods, reproductive disorders, and a special introduction to the exciting field of Oncofertility. Specific lecture titles are as follows: 1) Reproductive Anatomy & Hormones, 2) Menstrual Cycle, Oocyte Maturation, & Sperm Activation, 3) Sexual Biology, Fertilization, & Contraception, and 4) Reproductive Health & Disorders. The objective of this course is to ensure you understand reproductive health and not confuse reproduction with sex (or having sex). This course was designed with you in mind, and is aimed at providing you with quality information that is meaningful to you and that may be hard to find otherwise. Reproductive health is an area of knowledge that needs to be demystified. We have designed this course for you to examine reproduction through a biological and scientific lens addressing these issues in a comfortable and interactive format that will lead to a better understanding of holistic health, long-term....

Top reviews


Mar 6, 2022

Very detailed and informative course on reproduction and health. Presents the concepts with clarity, disspells any misinformation. A very reliable source of knowledge.


May 28, 2017

Very worth taking! Insights on hormonal changes in the female and male body has been very enlightening. I wish I could learn more in a more advanced course.

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101 - 104 of 104 Reviews for Introduction to Reproduction

By Romanov A


Dec 10, 2015

Too easy

By Khadar m x


Feb 3, 2022


By H J


Mar 16, 2021

Shorter amount of information per week would help. Very hard no matter your memory or notes. Couldn't even get passed week one with so many times I had to retake the first test. Hope other people will do better.

By Johann Q


Sep 28, 2015

Just boring lectures.

After 30 minutes I was finish with the course.

The course is very superficial. The instructor also speaks to fast. Sounds like she just read a text trough.