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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Research for Impact by University of Cape Town

168 ratings

About the Course

This course is about the Research for Impact approach - a set of principles and practices that will help you to make your research more impactful. Traditionally, the goals and outcomes of research projects were to contribute knowledge and communicate this knowledge through academic publications and journal articles. But If we truly want our research to have an impact, we need to do research differently. Research that influences change in policy, practice, behaviour, and attitudes. On this six-week journey, Jesse DeMaria-Kinney and Mark New share their experience of the Adaptation at Scale for Semi-arid Regions (ASSAR) Project, where they developed and refined the Research for Impact approach. They are joined by researchers and practitioners who followed this approach in their research. Together you will explore the five elements of the Research for Impact approach, i.e. Theory of Change; Stakeholder Engagement and Strategic Partnerships, Strategic Communication, Capacity Development; and Influencing. You will also get opportunities to hear from researchers and practitioners on the ground who followed this approach and hopefully become inspired and equipped to incorporate these principles into your own research projects. The course is free to enroll and take. You will be offered the option of purchasing a certificate of completion, which you become eligible for if you successfully complete the course requirements. This can be an excellent way of staying motivated! Financial Aid is also available....

Top reviews


Jul 18, 2020

I don't have money to pay for issue of certificate.I have completed Research for impact course successfully.I am sponsored by Kommuri Pratap Reddy Institute of Technology.Kindly issue e-certificate.


May 23, 2020

Great experience in my career "to learn in a short period". Changed my idea of research for a great level. Thanks so much much Coursera, Oxfam and University of Capetown.

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1 - 25 of 58 Reviews for Research for Impact

By Dipali P


Jun 21, 2020

It is really helpful for upcoming researchers and practitioners! It changes the view to see an research.

By Manju S


Apr 23, 2020

Its highly recommended and relevant course for all disciplines. Researchers would be able to learn this specific skill how to carry out research for purpose and use. Great Learning would like to be in touch for further learning and dissemination . Appreciation !!!!

By Angelo T


Apr 25, 2020

The approaches taught in the course offer pragmatic application in both upstream and downstream works. Highly recommended.

By Richard O


Jul 11, 2019

This course changed my understanding and approach to academic research. It would be great to incorporate this module in research curricula to ensure students and researchers conduct impactful research not just one to add to credentials. Great!

By Jordi P


Aug 9, 2020

I fully recommend the course to anyone interested in the topic. High standards of lectures and materials. Really useful complementary readgings. A couple of the course themes could be in more depth, but the majority are really good!

By Claire P


Jun 11, 2019

Very interesting course, I thoroughly enjoyed it, would recommend. It's especially important because I agree that research cannot just be done on or about people but to be for the people and that works best with the people!

By Aweke M G


Mar 7, 2021

I found this course the most important one among those I took so far on coursera. It completely changed my understanding and perspective on the purpose and process of conducting research for societal change. Thanks for the opportunity.

By Sukanta M


Jul 19, 2020

The course will be very helpful for even for a field knowledge provider like me to design my strategies, planning different advocacy communications, and helping to design questionnaires to collect data from the field.



Jul 18, 2020

I don't have money to pay for issue of certificate.I have completed Research for impact course successfully.I am sponsored by Kommuri Pratap Reddy Institute of Technology.Kindly issue e-certificate.

By Garcia, R


Jun 30, 2021

A great way to practice research for impact. The activities are really helpful to apply what you have learned in the course.

By Amal J


Jun 26, 2019

Very informative & I enjoyed the peer evaluations because it offered more learning opportunities.

By Pawan R M


Mar 24, 2020

I found it very interesting and useful. It has helped me lot to enhance my knowledge.

Thank you.

By Joleen


Jul 22, 2020

This course is absolutely worth it, I loved every part of it and it has changed my life.

By Kadidiatou S Y


Apr 19, 2020

This course is very interesting and I am going to use this approch in my research.

By Rigzin A


Sep 9, 2020

This course helped me a lot and bring a more wider aspects to me.

By Thamsanqa B


Feb 7, 2021

This is was the greatest course design I have ever attended online. Very interactive and quizzes were quite engaging - that was wonderful, as learning takes place when one is engaged through thought provoking questions like the ones in this course. Well done to Oxfam and UCT, and all lecturers and researchers that were involved. Kudos!

By chabalanga n


Aug 16, 2020

A very transformative course full of skills to enable researchers and practitioners conduct research that creates impact. The skills I have acquired through this course are essential for my career progress as Im now confident of conducting a research that gives greater impact. Thanks to University of Cape Town , Oxfam and Coursera Team

By maria j b


Feb 26, 2021

Thoughout the course all topics were interesting, seing the different perspectives of the participants and how intercultural a research for impact project could be is also encouraging to have an open mind in terms of opinions, positions and experinces.

By Estery M


Oct 19, 2020

The course provided detailed interlinked processes (Planning/monitoring; stakeholder engagement, strategic partnerships, strategic communication , Capacity Development and Influencing) that play a crucial role in promoting impact of research.

By Siyanda V


Jul 3, 2020

It was easy to follow and all the instructors seem to have a passion for research. I am now convinced that this is the future of research the field is evolving and new ideas and practices are becoming more prominent.

By Ségolène Q


Feb 6, 2021

I really enjoyed this course, the design and approach to learning as well as the content. I learned a lot and it was eye-opening. I will definitely use what I learned in this course in the future. Thank you!



May 24, 2020

Great experience in my career "to learn in a short period". Changed my idea of research for a great level. Thanks so much much Coursera, Oxfam and University of Capetown.

By Kim B


Sep 7, 2020

Outstanding, I have learned so much valuable information and I highly recommend this course.

By mutoni s


Sep 16, 2020

This course has been super helpful in broading my knowledge in research with people.

By Fuad R


May 18, 2020

Very good! got introduced to new concepts and insights.