Mar 21, 2022
Thank you very much for an inspiring and exceptionally helpful course. This course goes beyond teaching and learning about research management and leadership within an introspective framework.
Nov 11, 2021
Fantastic course! My gratitude of thanks to all professors and speakers for sharing their knowledge and ideas . You are all brilliant and very inspiring. You did excellent job. More power!
By Ioana M
•Mar 22, 2022
Thank you very much for an inspiring and exceptionally helpful course. This course goes beyond teaching and learning about research management and leadership within an introspective framework.
By Dalia L M
•Apr 26, 2022
The course is very informative and interesting. I personally learned more than expected. Now I am more aware of the type of leaderhsip and how to be more proactive.
By Debarati R C
•Jun 20, 2020
It is very useful to learn people management, research management and financial management. This course is effective in developing leadership skill in researcher.
By Ibrahim F
•Jun 2, 2020
Great course ! Thanks for sharing your expertise and experience which will be a great benefit in advancing my career development in clinical research field.
By Susan M
•Aug 14, 2022
Really very helpful and highlyrecommend for postdoc/fellowes, Assist Profs and Assoc Profs. Senior faculty who have never had training would also benefit.
By Rebeca H
•Aug 8, 2022
a very complete and useful course. I definitely recommend it to early career researchers as well as to researchers who are transitioning to independence.
By hemalatha p d
•Feb 23, 2023
it was great learning with personal experiences of experienced professionals.
got valuable learning .
must for early researchers.
worth learning .
thank you
By Karl R
•Mar 15, 2024
A comprehensive post award management course that is a must for new grantees that have to no manage staff, budgets, workload. Essential course IMO.
By Guilherme F R
•Aug 21, 2020
Foi um curso maravilhoso, ofereceram vários métodos diferentes e abordagens além de materiais especializados e personalizados para ajudar iniciantes.
By Ram S
•Mar 28, 2022
Great course contants yet very interesting and through which we exlproing new possibilities and information. Really i enjoyed very much Thanks
By Stefanos B
•Oct 19, 2021
Nice fast Introduction to management. A few gems in there on how to manage yourself and people around you as you progress through your career
By Omnia I T
•Apr 6, 2022
Such a great course. I'm so glad I took it. It certainly filled in the gaps of several lacking skills in academia and science.
By Haminat A A
•Jan 30, 2023
Wonderful full of knowledge that enrich me as an early career researcher.
A very big thank you to all the amazing instructors.
By Vasumathi
•Jan 11, 2022
very nicely organized and very good topics. All faculties are explained very well. once again thank you to coordinator.
By Ekundayo A
•Nov 27, 2020
Detailed with practical learning for each module. Quite impactful and a life and career-changing resources.
By Balamurugan S
•Mar 17, 2023
It was a very elaborate course for individuals joining the academia as a faculty. Highly recommended one!!
By Dr S B
•Jun 14, 2020
Thoroughly liked the whole course curriculum. It is very important for everyone seeking leadership skills.
By Eduardo V G
•Oct 23, 2021
What a great course. It is very well structured and oriented. I look forward for more info and updates.
By Andrés I
•Feb 16, 2023
A complete view of leadership and management in the research environments, especially academia.
By Kristin W
•Aug 14, 2023
This is an excellent course for anyone beginning an academic career, not just researchers!
By Lencho A
•Nov 1, 2020
Am glad to be in this course rely it was amazing time to me. Thanks all of you!!
By Sandra S
•Nov 17, 2024
Escolhi opcao gratis sem pagar nao sei qianto e 29 USD nao sei quanto e 29 USD.
By Macgerald C
•Oct 27, 2020
Pragmatic & Powerful Course. Punches alot of common sense & evidence. Kudos!
By Mohammad K
•Jun 29, 2023
AMAZING! This should be required training for all early career researchers!
•Oct 19, 2022
Excelente para aquellos que estan comenzando una carrera de investigacion.