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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Richard Schechner's Introduction to Performance Studies by New York University

72 ratings

About the Course

Performance Studies: An Introduction explores the wide world of performance--from theatre, dance, and music to ritual, play, political campaigns, social media, and the performances of everyday life. Performance studies also ranges across cultures--Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, the Americas. And it spans historical periods from the art of the paleolithic caves to YouTube and the avantgarde. This course is devised by Richard Schechner, one of the pioneers of performance studies, in dialogue with more than a dozen expert scholars and artists. Performance Studies: An Introduction puts students in dialogue with the most important ideas, approaches, theories, and questions of this dynamic, new academic field. Learning Objectives By the end of this course, you should be able to: Articulate and analyze the major concepts of performance studies Identify and analyze performances within the “broad spectrum of performance”--from everyday life and social media to performance art and global spectacles such as the Olympics Comprehend key terms of performance studies, including is/as performance, restored behavior, ritual, play, make-belief/make-believe, performance in everyday life, the performative, and intercultural performance Produce collaborative work that demonstrates teamwork in applying ideas learned in the course Compare, analyze, and interpret performances of their own and other cultures Articulate how the major concepts of the course relate to their own experiences and worldviews Analyze and criticize in a constructive way the work of classmates The lessons present Schechner’s concept of performance studies along with online assignments. In the assignments, students apply what they are learning by composing short responses to materials, writing in their NYU Classes Forums, and by reviewing other students’ forum posts each week. Students choose either to work in groups of 3 to 5 on a term-long project maintaining a project portfolio in NYU Classes or to write a research paper. During the term, each group will lead an in-class 25-minute discussion of their project-in-progress. During the last face-to-face class, each group will present their project. The weekly content is: What is Performance? What is Performance Studies? Performance Processes From Not Performing to Performing Ritual Play Performing in the Paleolithic Ramlila of Ramnagar The Performing Brain Performativity Constructing Social Roles Social Media Intercultural, Transcultural, Global Group Projects & Wrap Up Course Requirements Each student is required to complete the week’s online lesson prior to the class session, attend and participate in the class sessions, complete the weekly assignments, participate and present the group project or submit a final paper. Required Readings See weekly online lessons. Required Viewings (Videos) See weekly online lessons. Written work Each student will either participate in a group project or write a research paper due at the end of the term, submitted electronically. Your professor will confer online and/or face-to-face during office hours to help students develop their writing and their projects. If you do a group project your professor may ask you to do some writing in relationship to your project. Academic Integrity The policy on plagiarism and academic honesty is posted on Classes. Read this document carefully, and be guided by it. Copyright Keep in mind the material you find in the online lessons is subject to copyright. You may not reproduce, reuse, or distribute it without permission outside of your work in this course. For more information on copyright and how it applies to course materials, see the Copyright Basics research guide....

Top reviews

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1 - 18 of 18 Reviews for Richard Schechner's Introduction to Performance Studies

By Walter A G C

Mar 5, 2021

Richard Schechner is a great teacher, I love the way this course was structured, it is a very relevant course to take since it is not only related to arts but to life itself, it was a fantastic experience for me. Thanks.

By M H H

Dec 15, 2020

An wonderful journey and thanks to Mr. Schechner for the guidance. The course is really outstanding, specially in representing social, cultural and gender diversity, an well orchestrated performance itself.

By Javier L M

Feb 22, 2021

The beginning of the journey. This course teaches you how to order ideas and concepts! Beautiful content and very useful for me as a professional dancer and choreographer. Thank you Mr. Richard Schechner!

By Dennis M

Nov 29, 2020

Excellent introduction to Performance Studies from the expert who wrote the definitive text on the subject.

By Richard S

Feb 14, 2022

A very well presented course that is engaging, informative and flexible without being too hard or too easy the questions that are asked concise and philosophically thought provoking at times. There aren't many performance/ film courses available to begin with so this being the few that exists is highly appreciated especially with the effort that was put into creating it.

By Cristina M

Jul 4, 2022

The content was incredible, but independent studying does not work well for this course. I believe the discussions would have made a huge difference. I got bored of reading and thinking alone.

By Gergely J

Dec 12, 2021

It was a rather engaging and effective way to learn about what people would think is "mundane".

By Don F

Sep 25, 2024

This course is extremely interesting although perhaps a bit expansive near the end. I plan to go through some of the material several times because I found the content so enjoyable. I am so happy I found it.

By Paula M L G

Nov 11, 2022

Excelente curso, com grande profissionais e professores. Excelente conteúdo.

By T

Feb 14, 2021

I definitely loved this course!

By Deleted A

Jun 17, 2021

It was an amazing experience

By Aida s

Apr 6, 2021

It was an awesome course.

By Carolyn P

Nov 30, 2020

love acting

By Shabnam S

Sep 30, 2024


By THảo P

May 30, 2022


By Inés M G

Jan 9, 2022


By Lisa A

Sep 13, 2022

It is good, maybe it can use modern methods so will not be monotonous.

By Tatar F

Dec 12, 2021

It was fun, but felt like an exam. But I like this guy. Nice job.