Jun 7, 2017
The sessions where clearly explained and focused. Some of the exercises contained slightly confusing hints and information, but I'm sure those mistakes will be ironed out in future iterations. Thanks!
Apr 9, 2017
Great introduction to spark. Fun assignments. Since it was the first ever session, there were quite a few kinks with the assignments. But the discussion forums rescued me any time I was stuck.
By Valter F
•May 29, 2019
I love the indepth aproach at the RDDs. I'd say DataFrames and DataSets required a bit more examples and testing material though.
By Björn W
•Apr 10, 2017
Quizzes in the lecture videos would be nice. Also more, but shorter videos would be enjoyable. Programming assignments very nice!
By Evgheni E
•Mar 24, 2017
The video speed is way to fast, this woman is speaking really fast, first as i slowed the video down at 75% was its ok.
By Rudolf Z
•Oct 29, 2017
Good course. Lectures intoduce main concepts of spark very well. Also good explained how spark works under the hood.
By Jose R
•Feb 8, 2018
Creo que es un curso muy educativo y muy práctico con retos que permiten conocer las herramientas en profundidad
By Andrejs A
•Jan 8, 2020
Specially the last lectures where useful. but there is quite some gap between the lectures and practical task.
By Léo Z
•May 7, 2017
Good course. Could be more comprehensive about analysis. Content is all video and Lecture notes would be nice.
•Oct 25, 2018
Very good and knowledgeable course. It basically explains about spark core, dataframe, dataset and spark sql.
By Łukasz G
•Apr 25, 2017
Good introduction to Spark. One thing that I didn't like was use of simple Ints and Strings instead of types.
By CarloNicolini
•Apr 7, 2020
Learned a lot of new things, but I would have focused on more but shorter and more variegate assignments.
By Ting T W
•May 9, 2020
Nice course, get a fundamental knowledge of spark, scala. Homework is good with a decent level.
By Patrik I
•Jan 13, 2020
The videos had focus issues every now and again. It was still possible to see everything shown
By Alberto A
•Jun 29, 2017
Good stuff, well presented, but the instructor takes no risks to explain more complex details.
By aknin k
•Dec 25, 2019
Bien mais j'aurais aimé avoir plus d'exercices pour s'entrainer sur les dataframes / datasets
By Chuishi
•Jan 8, 2018
Very good course! Contents are very useful. The lectures are intuitive, thorough and clear.
By Sjoerd T
•Apr 8, 2017
Took a bit long before the course actually started, but when it did, it was a great course!
By Sridhar K
•Sep 6, 2018
Really i get a wonderful experience and it gives the platform to increase my knowledge.
By Federico A G C
•Jun 30, 2018
The instructor is great as well as the material. The exercises are a little off topic
By Khalid S
•Mar 25, 2018
The course didn't flow as smoothly as I would have liked but I still recommend it.
By Piotr G
•Jul 5, 2017
Great content, however some materials are not clear and videos had a few problems.
By Aaron
•Dec 10, 2019
A good course to know about how spark works but not how to use it, I like this!
By Иван М
•Apr 8, 2017
Nice course, could use little fixes. Sometimes practice goes ahead of theory
By Kristoffer V
•Jul 3, 2019
Sometimes the labs included techniques not fully covered by the lectures.
By Faisal A
•Jun 29, 2020
Assignments could be made a little better. The lecture content is great.
By Anuj M
•Jun 21, 2020
Great course, trainer is simply amazing with the delivery and teachings