Jul 21, 2017
Informative and a very good orientation towards the Scandinavian and in fact the European film and television scene. Also gave insights on future trends and developments. Many thanks.
Jun 19, 2021
A great course that touches upon Scandinavian film and televison both in terms of art, its main features and particularities, and its history and development as an industry.
By Jesper E
•Mar 5, 2017
Very nice
By Allief F J
•Jul 17, 2020
•Jan 18, 2017
I enjoyed this course very much. Had value. I watch Scandinavian TV and films from the U.S. via Netflix, Amazon and MhZ Choice via livestreaming. In the future I would like more emphasis on recent or current Scandinavian film including actors, actresses, cinematography techniques, etc. Also, the video lengths were fine but the presenters need to be trained and give more engaging, lively presentations --- a bit too classroom "lecturish". Thank you!
By Xingdong Z
•Feb 18, 2016
Very good course as a starting point. Although it still shall be better if there could be more detailed, academic study contents involved. And in addition, it might be both more inspiring and more attracting if the lecturer giving the information with more spoken presentation which approaching to a real class rather than a fixed script text.
By Paca N
•Jul 22, 2020
I chose this course specially because of Dreyer, Bergman and Lars Von Trier although I already knew that it would be about Escandinavian Cinema and TV, too. I have also enjoyed this last part of the course, but I would have preferred to deal deeply with these three excepcional autheurs.
By David O L
•Dec 21, 2017
como repaso general, vale pero no me gusta el tipo de preguntas que hacen, si se ve demasiado cine. quizá algo más practico y entretenido estaría mejor. Así mismo estaría bien contar con material de texto para repaso y consulta posterior
By liisa h
•Nov 12, 2020
Focusing primarily on Sweden and Denmark, this is hardly a survey of "Scandinavian" film & television, and really such a broad topic would need much more time than 7 weeks to adequately cover the material. Many of the lectures are simply a roll call of directors and their films, while a few lessons go in-depth with a specific director. There is very little time spent in comparing the films and movements with what was happening elsewhere in world cinema at the time, and with different instructors teaching each lesson there is often overlap in some of the material. More film clips and fewer names would be appreciated, as there is an assumption that students have seen the films being discussed (there is also this assumption in the optional discussion questions). I found the mispronunciation of many English words by the presenters to be very distracting and would have preferred that the lectures be presented in the speakers' own language with subtitles. Anyone interested in foreign film theory is surely literate enough to read subtitles.
By Caelyn M
•Nov 8, 2021
There is some interesting material here; but the course has not been updated since 2013 and while it made some predictions about streaming services, more information about the more recent success of Scandinavian content would have been appreciated. Despite its age, the course is slapdash. A discussion prompt clearly referring the material from week 1 is duplicated in week 2, and then the week 3 discussion prompt references week 2 material. And after the first weeks, there are no more discussion prompts. A one point, one of the additional resources was an interview in Danish, without subtitles, not even Danish ones! The assessments were shallow and focused on trivia. I would have also appreciated more of a guide to which films were the best examples of the themes covered. I understand getting the rights to show those films would be difficult; but a set of viewing suggestions would have been appreciated.
By Didier L
•Jan 22, 2016
Teaching style of teachers is very dry and boring.
By Allen H
•Mar 1, 2016
This is a lousy course.
The subject and material could be interesting; however, the lectures are inanimate and the quizzes are a Rubic's cubes of sudden death with no value to assess whether you've understood the key points of the lectures!
While this course was a timed release (implying someone at the U of Copenhagen is involved with it week to week, it feels as if it is an archived course with no live administration; the only interaction you seem to have is with other students.
This has got to be the worst Coursera course I have taken and I have taken quite a few.
By C. B C
•Dec 22, 2015
If you want to memorize what year countries started their public broadcast systems, this is the course for you.
It only briefly discusses critical paradigm shifts and shows. The course lacks a critical analysis element and the video lectures are unstructured. It would be almost impossible to pick three key points they want you to learn from each video.
By Lawrence L
•Mar 29, 2016
Although I have passion with film, the quizzes seems to have lots of technical problems. I dropped out right on the first module
By onemanstartup
•Jan 15, 2016
Short overview of history without much of a value.