Apr 19, 2019
An interesting and thought-provoking course on how self-reflective meditation can help achieve life's goals such as peace and contentment. My thanks to the educator and course organisers.
May 18, 2022
This course is deceptive because you approach it through your false mind and learning and implementing the self reflection methods you come out a better person. Just to note: I am 67 yrs old
By Deleted A
•May 19, 2019
The Instructors voice is monotone, English is not his first language and it is hard to understand him.
By Nicola J
•Apr 19, 2019
An interesting and thought-provoking course on how self-reflective meditation can help achieve life's goals such as peace and contentment. My thanks to the educator and course organisers.
By Tunie V W
•May 10, 2019
I have learned so much about myself in this course and I recommend it to any person who need to let go of old programming. This is a life changer.
By Abeywardena, H
•Dec 6, 2020
I got 42% for my first self understanding index and I got 91% for the final self understanding index. This was a life changing lecture series for me as I am spending a very critical time period of my life which will decide the future of my life. I went through some pivotal changes in my career, education and social life and it affected me in some negative ways and I kept doubting the decisions I made and keep reminding of all the hardships and bitter moments of my life. After following this lecture series I was able to reflect on those negative thoughts and I realized that all that happened is in the past and I must not relive them in my mind and go through the suffering again and again. Instead now I'm discarding all those memories that keep me grounded and focus more on the present moment and the future. Even though I practiced self reflection meditation as Professor Duck Joo Lee taught I was able to experience the positive effects in my daily life. I feel more light hearted and I'm more aware of my surroundings and the people. I'm also aware of my own emotions and feelings and I'm able to control them. I'm definitely going to keep practicing this method of meditation for the rest of my life and I will share this information with many people as I can. I would like to thank professor Duck Joo Lee from the bottom of my heart for teaching this valuable method of self reflection meditation and I wish him good luck and good health to continue this good mission in the future and I wish all his hopes and wishes in his life will come true. I would also like to thank KAIST and Coursera for conducting this valuable course. Thank you.
By Alexandre A D
•May 17, 2019
Thank you very much for your course. This is the second time I take it, and then I took it for the first time in 2016, it completely changed my mind. Since, unhappily I didn't practice the self-reflection every time. That's why I decided to take this course once again, and I hope this time to practice the self-reflection regularly. I would like to thank professor Duck-Joo Lee and all persons contributed to this course.
By evelin v
•Nov 22, 2019
Excellent course for learning to control emotions. Also this course help to know how to get out of the mind all things that we do not need to reach out the goals that we want to.
By Rhea A D
•Jul 12, 2018
Its an amazing course to do. First introspection of own self and then with a through understanding of Self reflection meditation, it changes the perspective and the way to look at life.
By Minh D
•Sep 11, 2018
I have to admit that I can not patient more as the instruction make it very very very boring. Teacher sit down infront of you and project powerpoint from week to week, sideway tone all the week, he drag 1 idea for many class, a lot of high/intensive terminology with less clearly explain, ...
But I also admin that, by patient to half of week two, I also gain some gem. But in general, it still can not fulfill what I expect from the course title. I surrender and accept that this course not belong to me even if it value with teacher and Coursera much effort, thank you. I have to find other way or course to find out my question.
By Tran T N
•Jun 22, 2018
I was overloaded by everything happened in my life, I couldn't control all of them. Through this course, now, I find out the way to get out of those massive things. Those things are just the false pictures I've taken in my life before, and the pictures overlap my mind so that it makes a stereotype of things that I subconsciously get myself to follow it. Now, I am breaking it step by step to see the real world, see differently with the world I created for myself before. Should you to take the course, you will have a new viewpoint to the world as I have right now =)
By Hengelbert P
•May 17, 2020
It does have academic content, despite what you might think. It really does show actual evidence on why meditation is a good thing, and even more, it gives you a method devoid of any new age, spiritual stuff that might not be for everybody. What I liked the most was the debate about our perception of reality based on the work of several philosophers. Overall, a must take, given how stressful the current situation with the pandemy and with modern living in general is. Thank you so much, Prof. Duck Jo-lee
By Dr. M S P K P
•May 21, 2020
This Course is mandatory for every individual in their life as now a days everyone is disturbed by external and internal disturbances. Lucky to learn the Course under the experienced and expressive Professor Duck-Joo Lee, whose lectures itself reduces any stress. Initially I was confused by his accent but later realized the magic in his way of teachings which make me feel very calm,cool and relaxing. His Smiley face is added advantage. The World is lucky to have a blessed Professional Professor....
By Erika T
•Sep 8, 2019
The lesson is cristal clear, well explained and simple to understand ! It is accessible to any level from beginner to advanced. Thank you so much Professor.
By Oreste P
•Oct 7, 2019
Few nice ideas, not really helpful when it comes to practice meditation
By Amelia O
•Jun 12, 2020
The course was very interesting and a bit scary in the beginning! I was afraid i will not understand since it starts in a way I would have not expected a Meditation course would have!
It actually went in the right way to be able to grasp the concepts and reasons.
The method is unique and I can already feel relieved and peace while practicing Self-Reflection Meditation.
Dr. Duck-Joo-Lee was very kind in his approach and way of teaching this interesting course. I will miss him!! Thank you so much for all.
By Montse A R
•Jan 15, 2019
Fantastic Course!!! I am practising meditation now and I can feel it is working. Although I feel stressed and anxious sometimes now I have the perfect tool to fight those feelings and be a happy person.
Thanks very much to the professor.
By Lennis P
•Jan 28, 2019
This is a great course. The concepts can be applied by anyone no matter what stage in your life you are in! I plan on continue practicing self-reflection meditation as taught on this course for the rest of my life.
By Fern B
•Sep 23, 2020
The presenter does not have a solid grasp of English, making it difficult (even painful, stressful and certainly not relaxing) to listen to the videos - he seemed to be simply reading from a text.
I tried just reading the text instead & looking at the download of the slides and then skimming over the videos but that just didn't work well. There is probably valuable information in the course but the delivery is so important.
I went through all of week 1 (the life graph exercise was interesting) and part of week 2 at which point I realized I could not continue the course, despite my interest in the topic.
I would have hoped for a higher quality of courses from your offerings.
By Andres T
•Jul 29, 2020
The teacher's accent is just too annoying for me, I can't stand it.
Besides, the course's material is too vague. I have watched over six videos, and by the end of each video I don't think I have learned a thing (except for "you need to self-reflect to have a complete life", which doesn't even factor default mode network implications and how they are can negatively impact you instead".
By Weng M C
•Aug 7, 2019
Thank you Professor Lee for your effort in organizing this course and teaching us this meditation method. I feel better every time practicing it. I have not been in a good mental condition for quite a long time, sometimes sad, sometimes very angry about everything around me. I have been sacrificing myself, seeking for love and victimizing myself for quite a long time. Through self reflection, I see my problem started from my insecurity feeling since childhood, from the past experience that I can't change. I am actually trapped by my past. Practicing self reflection and subtraction free me from the past and make me more aware of how I am feeling at the moment. I agree with you that we are supposed to live a happy life. I will continue practicing it every morning to make my life better. Thank you!
By Kristene K
•Mar 8, 2022
I am a Psychologist and was interested in the course for professional development. Always good to learn new ways of delivering material to clients. However, I was not expecting such a life changing course. To understand that hanging on to both unhappy and happy memories is holding us in a false world is truly mindblowing. I had been focussing on working with patients to let go of negative emotional attachments to the past. However, we are just as much a prisoner of our minds trying to recreate happy times. This builds on the many years of neuroscience I have studied in how memories are formed and remembered. Thanks so much.
By Maria P
•Feb 24, 2021
El maestro es muy bueno, explica muy bien su clase y en lo personal me alludo a entender la vida de una manera mas real. me ayudo a disminuir mis preocupasiones. Gracias Dr. Duk-joo Lee
•May 5, 2020
The course was very interesting and easy to go through! The real challenge starts now when I have to apply all the knowledge gained. As we already know "knowing is only half the battle".
By Zlatica S H
•Feb 15, 2022
This course is not what I expected it to be. I wanted to learn to meditate, but this course does not teach that. It is more a course on overcoming bad memories and experiences from your early life in order to feel better and perhaps more focused on the future. Some of the text must have been translated from Korean because it is not written in good standard English. This makes some of the quiz questions hard to understand.
Overall, if you want to learn to meditate, my advice is to look elsewhere.
By Nicolás D D
•Oct 26, 2019
Frankly, this is a boring course, with a few pieces of practical information and a very slow speaker as a teacher. Wouldn't recommend.
By Deleted A
•May 1, 2020
Poorly organized. Teacher reads slides and talks too slow.