Nov 1, 2022
Really Wonderful! Never thought of these much impact can be given by games, especially, serious games. The research methods the instructors showed will help in the future research.
Jan 7, 2017
An interesting course to learn about serious gaming overview. It deliverded with examples and good reference in youtube and websites to view examples of such serious games.
By Vivek S
•Jul 29, 2020
Well-put course. Loved it!
•Jan 11, 2017
Great course. fun!
•May 29, 2018
Excellent course !
By Kelly M
•Jun 29, 2021
great course ty!
By Kevin F
•Nov 1, 2019
phenomenal course
By Nishigandha D K
•Feb 22, 2024
Great Experience
By Rio
•Mar 7, 2019
Passionnant !!!!
By Simone L S
•Dec 1, 2016
Thank You!
By Julia F
•Aug 17, 2017
By Chase H
•Oct 13, 2017
Two things I like the most about this course. First, solid the useful theories, especially regarding pursuasive gaming. Second, many interesting cases of serious games with in depth analysis . What could have made this course better? It will be great if you can help us establish a framework of how to develop a serious game, aka how to use the theories(tools) in steps to come up with a solution. I understand the steps can be different for different purposes, but there must be some common rules and approach. I would also like the opportunities to hear the thoughts from developers of good serious games. What drives them to make the game at the first place? What do they find different from developing an entertainment game? What are their thoughts on the future of serious games?
By Juliana M
•Jun 15, 2017
Content wise is interesting as an introductory course, but do not expect a deep course. The game examples are great and they try to make it very interactive. it is an amusing course, but I was really annoyed with the graphics used in the power points and with some unecessary interruptions and long times of explanation for simple matters or short times of explanations for matters that should be discussed with more care. For my tipe of learning, it was not a smooth course. The dynamics made me think of giving up.
By Ramón C
•Jan 20, 2021
I took this course as an addition to other game theories I already know. I wasn't disappointed. However, I think some concepts were not sufficiently explained. Nevertheless, a valuable course. I recommend it to everyone interested in this subject looking for a comprehensive starting point. Thank you for this course. / August 2020.
By Marico Q
•Jun 12, 2017
Nice way to learn about serious gaming. Personally I would have liked more theory about how gaming works and less information about the academic methods. But this maybe because I have already worked with research methods on university. Overall, nice to have the possibility to access this information in this way at home.
By Adriano L V
•Apr 30, 2020
Interesting course, very good insights and direct language. Lots of examples and case studies, although many from Dutch "environment". Some units of the MOOC are too academical, diving into a research that the University is doing. I was expecting a more general overview of Serious Gaming.
By Robbert d G
•Aug 5, 2017
Had issue with week 3 quiz. One of the tables seemed wrong to me and the numbers seemed flipped compared to the questions/answers giving in the quiz and the number representation in the videos. Answering the quiz ended up being more frustrating than helpful because of this.
By Jing Z
•Jun 17, 2016
This is a fast pace course and I hope the instructors could explain a little bit more on some difficult concepts rather than just giving short descriptions.
By Ujjwal D
•Aug 15, 2018
Great introduction to the topic of serious games. Please make more in detail courses. We need it.
Thank you!
By Thibaut D G
•Feb 12, 2022
Interesting class.
A presentation of the methodology for making a serious game would be interesting too
•May 12, 2019
I really enjoyed the manner in which this course was structured; it was insightful and entertaining
By One N
•Feb 10, 2023
Very informative and interesting course but the course arrangement is a somehow confusing.
By Jeffrey A
•Oct 13, 2022
The course was different than what I expected but I learned a lot.
By Jaime R
•Oct 23, 2016
Some interesting content if you are interested in Serious Games.
By Clotilde A
•Feb 2, 2019
Great course, interesting topics and explanations, thanks !
By Tannaz A P
•May 8, 2020
It was really cool and exposed me to lots of new stuff!
By Aasim Z K
•Feb 15, 2020
Really good Course for knowledg about Serious gaming