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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Service-Oriented Architecture by University of Alberta

574 ratings

About the Course

Based on an understanding of architectural styles, you will review architectures for web applications, then explore the basics of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) in two approaches: Web Services (WS*) and Representational State Transfer (REST) architecture. In the Capstone Project you will connect a Java-based Android application with Elasticsearch, a web service with a REST application programmer interface (API). After completing this course, you will be able to: • Describe SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) to structure web-based systems. • Explain WS* services (i.e., SOAP over HTTP, WSDL, UDDI, BPEL). • Apply REST architecture (i.e., JSON over HTTP, URI). • Identify REST design principles. • Create a system using REST interfaces. • Apply microservice architecture....

Top reviews


Aug 3, 2019

Amazing explanation and examples to help understand each concept. Really glad to enroll in this course. I am more knowledgable now than I was.Thank you so much for building this beautiful course.


May 9, 2020

This Specialization helped me to acquire new theoretical and practical aspects. Highly recommend this course to anybody who is involved in Software design and Architecture!

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101 - 125 of 126 Reviews for Service-Oriented Architecture

By Venkata D P K


Sep 20, 2020

Course content is pretty good. And recommend this course.

By Partha B


Mar 31, 2019

Every thing was good. The assignment review takes time :(

By Denny M


Nov 19, 2017

Fun course to learn about all the basics.

By Zayar T


Aug 31, 2019

Facinating Course.

By Thành N K


Sep 15, 2019

very useful

By 2203 A


Mar 7, 2024


By Menilik E


Dec 22, 2021




Sep 24, 2020


By Jairo A O C


Sep 9, 2020


By fesswood


Feb 2, 2021

Frankly speaking, I would say that this course is most controversial from all Software Design and Architecture Specialization. The first 3 weeks are just studying old architecture approaches to web services and only the fourth week describes modern ways to develop a web app, but it's not enough. I would say that the first 3 weeks should be combined in one and all remaining time we should dive deeper into modern web architectures.

By Matthew G


Sep 12, 2020

This course was the least hands-on of all the modules in the specialisation. I would have preferred more focus on the basic principles and more practice as opposed to many lectures on (outdated) web technologies. The final capstone assignment is also impossible to test as it is, which is frustrating.

By Luis F P M


Sep 12, 2022

This specialization is a good point to run over basic concepto or to scratch relevant concept about software design and architecture. Hovewer, I think this content presented must be updated in constant to make itself relevant while chances keep ocurring in this subject.

By Chuanqi Z


Nov 6, 2018

The difficulties of the home work is not that hard. The course can definitely dive deeper on some of the topics

By Cassio S


Jan 23, 2019

A bit superficial and the assignments are not challenging at all, but still worth while.

By Joaquin M S


Sep 16, 2020

The course have good content, but it feels like it's in a state of abandonment

By eager h


Jun 5, 2019

Lots of legacy information. Week 3 had the most value for me personally.

By Davis A


Aug 19, 2018

Some components quite outdated!

By Lorenzo C


Nov 8, 2019

Good introdutcion to SOA.

By Deepthi G


May 7, 2021


By Sergei I


Oct 31, 2018


By Xavier J


Jan 31, 2018

Not enough examples were provided to demonstrate the required coursework; the particulars of the rubric didn't match the assignment. Also, tying the assignments to an Android Studio project was overkill; the same principles could have been demonstrated with a SIMPLE java application.

By Martin A


Dec 22, 2021

The content is really outdated and the presentation of the videos were fast paced for no reason. The Elasticsearch exercise seems not to be related with the content of the course. Honestly, I didn't like this course

By Gregory P


Jun 14, 2021

Most of the content is based on out of date and legacy standards. Assignments require an in-depth knowledge of UML to get points, unrelated to the point of the assignment. Several of the review criteria are questionable. The final capstone assignment is just a copy-paste exercise to change the implementation of one class to follow the same pattern as another that has already been implemented. No knowledge of service-oriented architecture is required to complete it.

By Muneer S


Dec 7, 2020

Expectation was not fulfilled. Just overview on so many theories and unrelated assignment at the end of the course. That too rated by another peer who can rate it like a robot using the pre-defined answer patterns. It would be good if the assignment are corrected by the instructor or at-least there is a way to ask any doubt directly from instructor.

By Matthias R


Jul 1, 2021

Very high content amount; a bad structure of the content; it takes much longer than appreciate by the course leader; Installing Android Studio leads to many problems, especially if you have a company notebook without admin rights; I can't recomend this course