Sep 14, 2020
Quite informative. Loved the way of instructions. It's a very simple English accent and I was able to grasp it even without subtitle. The handouts/reading material is more helpful to work on quizzes.
May 4, 2020
very good course to learn , learned various important aspects required for smart cities and understood the concept of digitization & various other concepts in Smart Urban Infrastructures .
•May 5, 2020
very good course to learn , learned various important aspects required for smart cities and understood the concept of digitization & various other concepts in Smart Urban Infrastructures .
By saurabh p
•Jul 5, 2017
This course has the best knowledge bank regarding the True concept of Smar Cities. Ihave gathered a lot of knowledge, ideas of Digitalization, Smart URban Systems, Transition, Legacy Infrastructure, Smart Mobility. For every Practioner in the field of Urban development shoul take up this course. For Practioners from India should take this course and compare it with the Smart City Mission and Digital India mission of Our Government. We will find many simillarities and few loopholes in them.
Sugggestion from my side Part 2 of this course should come which should deal with other dimensions and other Urban Subsytems such as Smart Housing, Smart Waste and water supply, Smart Waste collecion in detail.
By Dheeraj R
•May 8, 2018
All concepts in this course have been presented crisply and lucidly. There is a certain stickiness about the definitions and abstractions that makes them stay with you and shape your thinking. This makes the course very transformative in nature. After this course, I am definitely going to look at urban planning, use cases of machine learning and NLP and more, and actors in the urban infrastructure and services scene, always with the bigger picture in mind - a picture shaped by the various matrices (three layers against five dimensions) and illustrations presented in this course. The use of concepts from System Dynamics / Control Theory (feedback loops) is also very welcome and much appreciated.
By João P
•Mar 26, 2022
Really boring, but good!
By Irina S
•Mar 11, 2022
The presentation of the information is really hard to process
By Grégoire L
•Sep 22, 2019
This course is exactly what I've been looking for since I had my degree in civil engineering one year ago! It is so well explained in the videos, not too long not too shorts with concrete exemples. I see it as a perfect introduction to smart cities, for a better understanding of this "new" theory of the city. It will help anybody who is interested in understanding the challenges of the smart city and whom they concern.
Thank you!
By Walid Z
•Dec 1, 2019
Just an excellent course.
I am amazed by the research efforts you put into this subject knowing that it is still technically thoretical.
I loved learning about the challenges that our cities will face and it gave me more motivation to find solutions and to work towards this goal of Smart City. And hopefully a Smart Earth, it will eventually happen.
Thank you very much for you dedication and for this course
By N V
•Apr 6, 2017
This course is well designed, vedio lectures are excellent, the professors and industry experts were explained very nicely. Over all course design, development and delivery was excellent. I have completed the course on 25/03/17. I need the certificate. I was paying the fee Rs.1948/- through online, but it was not accepting the payment...Kindly help me in this regard. Dr.N.Venkateshwarlu
By Niner H
•Mar 28, 2018
1. Very clear on describing concepts of Smart Cities, especially pointing out the key element of digitization.
2. The transition toward Smart Cities was well addressed in terms of challenges from different aspects.
3. Background knowledge of Smart Cities and examples/interviews with people supported the learning ground of Smart Cities and management of infrastructures.
By Ramadasan A S
•Sep 16, 2020
I am residing in a City Corporation and an elected Representative of Corporation Council. We the Representatives are thinking how to change our city smart. The course is given to me an insight to the concept of smart cities. My vision is changed. Thanks Coursera, thanks a lot to Instructors.
By Muhammad A M
•Dec 24, 2017
A very interactive course to learn the overall strategic structure of smart cities and how a traditional urban infrastructure can be made smart through ICTs or data layer with two approaches shift pathway and improve pathway. Thanks EPFL, Love from Lahore, Pakistan.
By César A C H
•Mar 27, 2021
Quite informative and eye-catching. I liked the form of the instructions. It is a very manageable and simple English accent. So I was able to understand it even without putting on the subtitles. The readings material are very helpful for the quizzes.
By Jane C
•Jun 26, 2021
At the beginning level, this course gives solid and clear instructions. I particularly admire the way that professor Finger divides a complex issues into different layers, which help me to understand the overall scale.
•Sep 14, 2020
Quite informative. Loved the way of instructions. It's a very simple English accent and I was able to grasp it even without subtitle. The handouts/reading material is more helpful to work on quizzes.
By Robert S
•Feb 11, 2019
A great overview of the smart cities topic - covered a great deal of information in a short amount of time, and provided useful perspectives through which to think about critical issues.
By R H
•Mar 9, 2020
It was a great and learning experience.. The whole curriculum was designed so systematically and kept me engrossed..Thoroughly learnt and the paved a new path for me. Thanks Coursera!
By Lorelyn D
•Dec 13, 2020
This course is very helpful for city planners and the future that are possible for all of us given the availability of digitization and technological advancement.
By Javier D F
•Mar 19, 2021
It is an excellent and very complete course. I would like to learn more about Smart Cities, but, I wolud like to lear about Smart Cities and Sustainability
By Khaldoun
•Jul 20, 2017
its great course thanks a lot
By T A
•Nov 11, 2020
Overall course structure and the scale of content is well-suited to the complexity of Smart Cities context. Video content is satisfactory and clear, although not fully compliant with written supportive material at all times.
Interviews are generally from global industrial players and generally very high-level. It would be very helpful if the students can hear more from urban managers and policy makers about how they actually perceive and handle current Smart City issues.
By Irene N
•Dec 3, 2020
Very interesting course, the real life examples-case studies provided and the interviews helped understand the subject better. I found it a bit difficult to remember all the new terms included. I suggest that the presentations be renewed with better design so that the movements used, among other graphics, do not distract the viewer from the subject.
By Joao M
•Apr 1, 2019
This course is about generic concepts on governance towards the implementation of Smart City systems. It does not cover practical or technological issues.
By Patricio O C
•Jul 12, 2022
El proceso creativo en el cual se integra la digitalización, tiene una variación asociada a cada configuración normativa, como a la identidad del lugar. Esto aún cuando los ODS estén involucrados y se entiendan como invariantes. Es fundamental crear, desarrollar un sistema que se adapte a las condicionantes, pues hablamos de un sistema complejo, dinámico. Por lo mismo, el curso es altamente necesario, en el marco que lo discutido involucra ejes, pero con las diferencias que hace, y ese es el desafío, solucionar qué variables asociadas a la misma formación, historia, planificación urbana, y así mismo, variables geográficas, formen un lugar distinto, aún cuando se modele basado en un patrón común.
By Sanoja R
•Dec 6, 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed the "Smart Cities" course on Coursera. The content was rich and well-structured, covering essential aspects of smart urban infrastructure management. The instructors provided clear explanations, and the real-world examples and case studies added practical insights. The course not only deepened my understanding of smart city concepts but also equipped me with applicable knowledge. The interactive elements, quizzes, and peer-reviewed assignments enhanced the learning experience. Overall, a valuable course for anyone interested in the dynamic field of smart urban planning.
By Magesh N
•Jun 14, 2019
This is one of the best courses I have completed in Coursera. There are not many courses on the emerging topic of Smart Cities. Prof Mathias Finger and his team have delivered a well structured, technical content making it easily accessible. I personally learnt a lot. One of the key features of this MOOC is interviews from practitioners. They were intellectually stimulation and showing relevance of topics being discussed to Industry. Presentation by Prof Falting was very stimulation. Thank you for the entire team for making this course available in Coursera. Very much appreciate it.