Dec 11, 2017
Very concise and to the point. Stable and calm teaching. Was my first foray into renewable energy and absolutely loved it. The course instructor was brilliant and had a stable command over the topic.
May 15, 2021
If you are a beginner and want to learn about practical aspects of solar cells, this is the course. Well structure, paced and with clear goals. The lessons and exercises are clear and well-directed.
By Sidharth M
•Sep 29, 2020
Amazing course content and even better delivery by the instructors' and his team of experts. The course was perfect for anyone looking to gain a rudimentary understanding of the topic.
By Joana O
•Oct 9, 2020
Excellent course covering solar cells technology. The teacher clearly explains the technical details and the assistants are experts in specific disciplines. I recommend this course.
•Jun 18, 2020
Just an awesome course. Systematic and simple approaches. The instructor is very good. Everything is so perfect in the course that learning becomes a fun. I strongly recommend it.
By Talha R
•May 23, 2020
The course was interesting. it opened a new world for me to learn more. in the future, i will refer to this course whenever i have need of revising concepts related to this field.
By Lucien M
•Nov 17, 2019
From the perspective of a non-renewable energy industry professional looking to move into the solar sector, this is a very good course for some basic fundamentals of solar cells.
By Khozema K
•Jul 31, 2021
This is a great course to learn about Solar cell and Solar cell manufacturing. I have learned a lot about this topic and I am excited to learn and work on solar cell technology
By suresh w
•Jul 27, 2020
Excellent course content. Good use of audio visuals and interviews with the experts in the field. All the three generations of solar cells explained in simple and lucid manner.
By Mecislovas K
•Oct 30, 2020
Good overview, easy to understand if you have some scientific background. If you're totally new to this, be prepared to spend the recommended time grasping all the concepts.
By SaiLokesh P
•Nov 28, 2017
It was really fun to learn the intriguing and amazing facts as well as techniques about the solar cells and its technology. The course was prodigious and was really helpful.
By olga t
•Mar 17, 2019
I really think the teacher has made an excellent effort to teach about solar cells as a whole. A great synthesis work , very clear and very comprehensive. Congratulations.
By Subhasree M
•Dec 10, 2017
This course was wonderful, had gained much knowledge about solar cells. I am expecting to have more courses on photovoltaics in coursera, since it is my field of interest.
By Syed A A S
•Mar 14, 2021
My overall learning experience in this course was very good. Every topic was well explained and was easy to catch . The instructors teaching method was very efficient.
By Hemang D G
•May 20, 2020
very good content, explained in a very understandable and engaging manner. Thank you for this excellent introduction to solar cell technologies. Excited to study more.
•May 19, 2020
Learnt so many things about solar cell technology. The videos are quite helpful. Additional resources are provided for better understanding. Must check again someday!
By Aditya M J
•Jul 29, 2020
the course on solar cell is too much helpful to me. i'm engineering student and it's really helped me for my project on hybrid vehicle. best faculty and best course.
By Marie P
•Jan 3, 2018
Very interresting course, the teacher and the course is very clear. The subject is quite complicated and it had been made simpler for the beginners in solar systems.
By Adrian J L U
•Oct 22, 2020
In this course , you would really learn a lot about solar cells and the future of the energy industry. This course has been fun and knowledgeable at the same time.
•Jul 1, 2020
Excellent course, fully met my expectations and at the end of it leaves us wanting to learn and learn more about this huge world of solar cells. Fully recommended.
By Hasib R
•May 27, 2020
Well revised course. Simple web-based simulations that help understand the topics very well. Basically it's totally helpful for beginners studying on solar cells.
By Giriraj P
•Aug 18, 2019
i learned all basics about solar cell, all different types,their methods of manufacturing, uses,etc.
the course was so good and had so much interesting knowledge
By Carlos A S R
•Jun 16, 2020
Overall a really nice course with a lot of resources to expand the knowledge of the topic, great teacher and the quality of the material presented was flawless.
By Rebeca T
•Jan 19, 2018
I really enjoyed the course. I think everthing's clear and have a good organization. Also the information of the course is good enough to understand it. Thanks!
By Daniel A H T
•Apr 6, 2019
Excelente curso, una muestra general de como funcionan las celdas fotovoltaicas y de los avances actuales sobre las tecnologías utilizadas para su fabricación.
By Lee S Y
•Mar 8, 2018
Brilliant introduction to absolute beginners at the subject. I was able to understand the material fairly easily despite dropping physics early in high school.
By Martinho M d A
•Mar 9, 2022
A melhor experiência que tive em um curso online, progama muito rico e muito bem organizado. Excelentes formadores. Estou tão feliz por ter feito parte disso.