Apr 5, 2018
Very interesting and engaging course. Loved the work that Professors Ogilvy and Hamilton did to put the 3 units together.
Sep 7, 2017
Amazing, thought provoking, engaging, and educational course
By Michael R R
•Mar 13, 2020
The course and the entire series was very enlightening and thought provoking. It was very well organized and raised a number of topics, explaining the inter-relationships between religion, science (both evolution and psychology), and politics. It expanded my view of the topic and I have continued to read additional books and related articles that I likely would have skipped before this class. Although the lectures introduced concepts behind the various religions, I would have liked learning more details; but I suppose I can do that on my own.
My only criticism of the class is that the review and grading process needs to be improved since it took over a month to get a some of the papers graded (both in session 2 and session 3); perhaps this is more of a Coursera issue than a Soul Beliefs issue?
By Terry G (
•Apr 26, 2016
Excellent course! As close as it comes to a course on the meaning of life. I've learned so much and loved every minute. This course has helped me to know myself a lot better, and to understand others, and the human condition in general. I feel as if it's also helped me to solve a couple of life's great mysteries, and at the same time introduced me to a lot more great unsolved mysteries. Everyone should do this course (all three modules)!
By Tom W
•Oct 10, 2015
The "Soul Beliefs" course seems to try presenting things in an unbiased manner yet they cannot hide their bias. If the intention was to hold up various beliefs in the past then try to shoot them down, they partially succeeded. Most rational believers however could still hold onto their beliefs because the arguments were very weak.
A better title for the course would be "why there is no soul". That way going in a student would realize that there actually was a hidden agenda.
By Emmanouil P
•Oct 23, 2017
Professor Ogilvie and professor Hamilton did fine job in making an emotionally laden issue accessible to a broader audience. Rather than taking polemic positions against soul beliefs and established religions, their goal is to make clear how soul beliefs worked throughout the history and explain with a lot of examples and evidence how the evolution theory works. My only remark is that whole course could fit into two parts. That would make things easier for many users.
By Daryl R
•Jan 19, 2016
I really hate to see the course end. It has been an interesting journey. I wish to thank all of those connected - Corrsera, Ruthers, Professors Daniel Ogilvie and Leonard Hamilton, and all the guest speakers for this great course presentation.
It was well introduced, assembled, staged and orchestrated. It's about time such subject matter that has such a profound effect on societies and peoples lives be analyzed.
By Hilary A
•Jan 11, 2016
Really enjoyed this part of the course. I am very grateful for the opportunity to learn online and I am impressed by the quality of this course.
I like the format of the three units for Soul Beliefs as I think this works well with the amount of material. However, it can take some time to have assignments marked by peers. Patience.
My heartfelt thanks to the Profs and everyone involved.
By Neringa B
•Nov 26, 2017
Soul Beliefs was a practically useful course for me. Thanks to a well presented course material, I have learned that the ultimate evolutionary adaptation ability belongs to those traits that are perceived as promoting survival of the species whereas in reality they survive at the expense of the species.
By Robin S
•Mar 7, 2021
All three units of this course are the kind of thought provoking class I look for. Many informative guest speakers, good interaction with the attending students and two interesting professors add up to one great class! Highly recommend for everyone at every age.
By Vee S
•Oct 17, 2015
Fascinating. The combination of disciplines, Psychology, Anthropology, Archaeology, etc., made this an enlightening class, one which made me think. I also appreciated the dry humor, which always aids memory, at least for me. A truly enjoyable experience.
By Pamela S
•Nov 22, 2015
More awesome work by the Hamilton/Ogilvie team! I have learned so much during this course and I'm a 66 year old research program manager for a group exploring the interactions between the environment, health and
By Jeanne C
•Apr 5, 2018
Very interesting and engaging course. Loved the work that Professors Ogilvy and Hamilton did to put the 3 units together.
By Eugenio D P
•Nov 13, 2018
excelent course, the best is that they make you think and brake down so many paradigms.
By Prerana K
•Sep 8, 2017
Amazing, thought provoking, engaging, and educational course
•Jul 5, 2017
great course with lots of info to think about
By Bart S
•Aug 31, 2016
learned a lot, great course, do it again
By Kam L
•Feb 4, 2022
Summarizes the course well.
By Marc S M
•Sep 30, 2016
These professors took a brave approach to discussing topics that are avoided in the classroom but merit discussion. It was a well balanced course that doesn't shove you into a particular corner but instead offers multiple viewpoints and questions for you to consider about your own personal beliefs.
By louis f d m p s
•Dec 27, 2015
Thanks to the beautiful and long journey of reflection and beliefs about the soul, we do together with Prof. Daniel Ogilvie and Prof. Leonard Hamilton.
I really congratulate you for your animus, interest and great provision.
Sow concerns ...
to reap virtues.
By Niranjana B
•Dec 28, 2017
This Course gives a relation to the Brain, Beliefs and the religious approach for the existing belief systems. The combination of the species, brain development, and the adaptation of the brain to the needed situations are very clearly explained.
By Joy S
•Jun 2, 2017
Culminates a 3 mooc series. They get increasingly abstract as they go on. This had some good info on science vs. religion.
By Alejandro P
•Sep 12, 2015
Great, but with less new content than Units 1 and 2.
By Sue
•May 17, 2017
I enjoyed the course. Loved Unit 1 the best!