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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Spanish Vocabulary: Cultural Experience by University of California, Davis

556 ratings

About the Course

¡Bienvenidos! This second course in the specialization will build on the basic vocabulary you learned in the first course, and you will begin to build the skills necessary to express your likes and dislikes orally and in writing. You’ll also begin to explore the some of the common cultural experiences of the Spanish-speaking world through a visit to the marketplace. A series of interactive activities and videos will provide opportunities for practice and continued exploration of the cultural context of the Spanish-speaking world....

Top reviews


Nov 25, 2017

I would very strongly recommend this course. It is a very well thought and planned module, it is fun and informative with some serious assignments that can be challenging but well worth it.


Jun 15, 2023

Course is challenging and rewarding. I am a Spanish speaker who has little experience with writing and grammar. Being able to take this course and refine those skills has been rewarding.

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101 - 125 of 125 Reviews for Spanish Vocabulary: Cultural Experience

By D A

Jul 21, 2020

the process of teaching is very good. really loving it.

By Shamima R M

Sep 26, 2020

Useful for the beginners. I liked the delivery:)

By Mia B K

Nov 22, 2020

a little hard but very good

By Sharavanakkumar S K

Aug 3, 2020

Excellent course modules

By Barry W

Jun 23, 2021

I wish to withdraw

By pentapati h

Nov 22, 2020


By Stephen M

Jul 6, 2021

First of all, let me say the content is actually ptreey good. Both the vocabulary and grammar that is presented is very useful, and the dco[e and sequence from where the first course began up until now makes a great deal of sense. The middle of the road rating is due to 1)the complete lack of practice activities outside of vocabulary; you will need to go online to find other sites to practice the grammar 2)tests are somewhat out of sequence -- the vocabulary quiz always asks aboirected ut verb conjugations prior to their explanation 3)lack of feedback on the grammar quiz; unlike the first course, when you make a mistake there is no explanation; additionally in unit 3 some fluent spanish speakers is checked my answers with are convinced the answer key is wrong, as the answers I submitted were correct 4)Instructions on quizzes do not always line up with the actual task, i.e. the instructions will say to translate and conjugate the verb but the words tp be translated are actually adjectives.

If you are self-directed learner you shuld be fine, but you will have to do a lot of supplementation and learning on your own.

By Jessika V

May 26, 2021

The course is good but can be improved tremendously, for one when the vocabulary list is given, there should be a button added where we can hear how the words are pronounced and how they change into plurals. There are too many verbs as some points and not enough practice for them.

At the same time, the grammar videos are too short and do not really contain much explanation. Even the examples are too simple then the exercises do not correspond to the simplicity of those examples.

With the submission of the peer reviewed assignments that carry much weight (grades), it would be helpful to have some kind of way to record through the page so that the peers can have access to those audio recordings easily and therefore, the student gets the grade that they deserve. The writing assignment needs better instructions as well and perhaps some examples of how the sentences can be formed after submission so the student can learn afterwards.

The good things about the course are the topics and the videos plus the vocabulary exercises.

By Shaun S

Sep 6, 2021

Not as well constructed as the first course of this specialization. Required significant trial an error, particularly on the writing practice sessions. The video submissions were easy to do, but the forms for submitting them were not nearly as effective as those for the first course. However, there is a fantastic amount of good vocabulary in this course!

By Lok H V C

Aug 21, 2020

The model answers are rigid and need updating. Peer reviewing may not reflect the quality of the submissions when learners are on different levels and the peers fail to count and acknowledge the points attained.

By Rimantė P

Oct 6, 2020

Coud be better. I cound't do practice exersises without other resources help. For grammar part, it needs more examples.

By Redowan K K

Jul 11, 2020

Each quiz should have a question answered for the students to understand the pattern of the answers required.


Sep 30, 2020

The videos need more explanations and perhaps supplying pdfs with notes would be a bonus too

By Adrian D O

Jun 17, 2020

Easy to understand but there were instructions and questions that need to be revised

By Tasha G

Mar 5, 2021

if possible more time should be given to the explanation of Se.

By Shonna M

Sep 13, 2020

Would not recommend. They extrapolate and progress rapidly from limited instruction. Many of the quizzes require you to know the intent of the instructor to complete them, which is incredibly frustrating. You have to pass the quizzes to progress to the next section, so if you're stuck not understanding what they want, you can't continue.

By Sarah O

Dec 6, 2023

I hate that they don't provide answers so I can see what I did wrong and learn from it! I get stuck in the quizzes just because I have some answers wrong!

By Don P

Jul 1, 2020

Lack of feedback for the exercises. Seems like a careless oversight that should have been easily addressed.

By merna s r s

Jul 14, 2020

Explaining the grammar was far from enough, the grammar tests are really difficult and not clear.

By Kathryn C

May 26, 2024

The quizzes are not fair. They fail you when you give the correct answer


Jul 16, 2020

The course is so bad that the teacher does not speak Spanish as a native speaker

He studies Spanish in a very complex way and wants very specific and limited answers in one template

I live in Colombia and speak Spanish very good, but this course is very complex and limited and the teacher wants answers with a Spanish accent like Spain and is not flexible in questions or answers

But I only completed the course to obtain the certificate

By James P

Jun 7, 2024

These tests are poorly designed and do not help the learner.

By Adrielle V

Apr 27, 2022

i'm waiting more than 2 weeks for my review

By Archideb S

Aug 15, 2020

Didn't like this course at all.

By Liuying H

Apr 16, 2020

bro I can't even see the vid..