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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy by University of Manchester

2,560 ratings

About the Course

The course introduces the three key spectroscopic methods used by chemists and biochemists to analyse the molecular and electronic structure of atoms and molecules. These are UV/Visible , Infra-red (IR) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopies. The content is presented using short focussed and interactive screencast presentations accompanied by formative quizzes to probe understanding of the key concepts presented. Numerous exercises are provided to facilitate mastery of each topic. A unique virtual spectroscopic laboratory is made available to enable students to measure and analyse spectra online. Assessment is via summative quizzes completed during the course period....

Top reviews


May 7, 2020

It was a good experience to learn online. This course increase my knowledge an i gain new concept which are very helpful for me and guide me in this field more. THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO COURSERA.


Oct 14, 2020

This course helped me to further understand the principle behinds the 3 main spectroscopic techniques: UV/VIS, IR and NMR which is very beneficial for my future career working in a lab environment.

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476 - 500 of 650 Reviews for Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy

By Vandana G


Sep 23, 2021




May 27, 2021


By Varuna R


May 16, 2021


By Jeevarathinam S


Oct 28, 2020


By Souhardya G


Aug 23, 2020


By Mona A A


Aug 8, 2020




Jul 12, 2020


By Asaduzzaman B


Jul 3, 2020




Jun 12, 2020


By Elari b


May 7, 2020


By Ravi K


Apr 23, 2020


By Priya R


Apr 21, 2020


By Preetham


Apr 10, 2020


By Dr V R L


Jul 14, 2022


By Hussnain B


Feb 23, 2022




Dec 6, 2021


By em282 p


Aug 9, 2021


By Jessica V M


Oct 24, 2020

Da un muy buen acercamiento a las espectroscopías IR y NMR, pasando por una buena introducción al estudiar un poco los fundamentos de espectrofotometría. Los cálculos que hay que realizar durante el curso son muy sencillos y mientras se comprenda el concepto detrás salen muy fácil. Las explicaciones son sencillas y proveen los diálogos para que los puedas seguir si no eres muy bueno con la comprensión auditiva. En todo momento puedes consultar los materiales y se explican bien las dudas que puedan surgir durante el curso. Hay un par de detalles al contestar los exámenes, uno es que a veces te preguntan cosas que a primera impresión no te enseñan, pero si profundizas un poco en las ecuaciones sale el cálculo (2-3 problemas en la sección de IR); y la otra es que a veces las respuestas tienen un [math box not finished] que simplemente significa que dentro del código del curso algo pasó y no compila bien esa parte. Esto no afecta mucho ya que sólo no muestra a veces las unidades, pero la pare numérica del cálculo es suficiente para saber la respuesta. Y aunque estoy casi segura de que en el examen final hay un par de preguntas que tienen mal asignada la respuesta correcta, en general el curso es muy bueno. No necesitas conocimientos avanzados de cuántica ni de química en general, los conceptos son explicados lo suficiente para que sigas el curso y los vídeos aportan un poco más que las puras diapositivas, con razonamiento guiado, mayores explicaciones y algunas veces animaciones.

By Aleksandar M


Oct 15, 2024

A good course, but somewhat underwhelming. All videos are just live recordings of actual university lectures, accompanied by slides. The professor's explanations are decent, and mostly easy to follow, but sometimes inaudible. Subtitles are best when turned off, because they contain so many errors it's distracting and at times even laughable. Practice quizzes are alright, and already mentioned formatting errors don't make them impossible to solve. It would be helpful, however, to receive some kind of feedback. Exercises with interpretation of spectra were by far the most useful, and this course begs for more of those. Also, I think it would have been more useful if we were provided with real spectra, and not simulations. I suppose this is for the sake of simplicity, but even after completing this course, I still don't know what real IR spectrum looks like. Overall, the course is too short and covers only bare basics of molecular spectroscopy. For starters, this should be enough. For people who already learned something, it might be a decent refresher, and I applaud professor's attention to details. I always struggled to understand the theory behind NMR - until now. That thing alone makes the effort worth it.

By peter h b


Nov 7, 2017

I enjoyed doing this short course. The presentations were good & at the right level for me. I particularly like doing the lab quizzes. They were just right.

However,there is a problem with some of the answer in the quizzes. I must admit, I cheated on one of them by taking the advice offered in a discussion thread & opting for answer A several times so I did well but feel a little chaste. Clearly some of the answers given are not correct & they are pointed out in the discussions. I enjoyed doing the final quiz but again I'm quite puzzled by some of the answers given. I shall look out for more courses offered by Manchester Univ. This has been my second course and I've enjoyed both. Thank you for filling my day.

By Anastasiia E


May 18, 2020

The course contains simulations of lab work and this idea is really cool. However, not everything is clear afterwards. I understand that work with spectra is greatly about experience which is impossible to get in three-weeks online course. A detailed explanation of the lab assessment would be great. People asked a lot in forums but got only vague tips.

In general, this course gives a nice insight into the interesting subject. It assumes some knowledge in Chemistry but the course subject itself is explained starting from very basics.

By Evgeny K


Dec 13, 2020

The course is for complete beginners, I have expected more from the course labeled "Intermediate" level.

The lectures and tasks are somewhat poorly balanced: more than half of the final test is about UV/IR, the contribution of NMR tasks could be higher. Some important aspects of spectroscopy have not been mentioned, for example, limits of the Beer's law linearity or complex coupling in NMR (different spin systems)

However, it is very nice to have seen a course on this subject, and overall the course is nice, yet fairly simple.

By Parag B


Feb 21, 2018

I have previously taken an Analytical Chemistry course but it has been over 8 years since I took it. The pace of this course and its contents allowed me to pick up where I left off. My only concern is that there are questions in the quizzes and exams that are not found anywhere in the lecture slides. Thankfully I saved my old Analytical Chem textbook and was able to reference it. Also Week 3's quiz has some bugs in it that several of the students complained about where correct answers were scored as incorrect.

By Deleted A


Mar 29, 2020

A very good course overall. Lab assignments were also pretty great! However, in certain topics, like the assignment of IR spectra wavelengths to functional groups, and MO transitions, the material was not detailed enough, and was misleading during the completion of quizzes. Also, the formatting of quiz questions was sometimes broken or incorrect (e.g. displaying 106 instead of 10^6). Nevertheless, the material was well-presented and explained, and I certainly found it useful.

By Sushant K P


May 7, 2020

A really good course for Introduction to this topic of Molecular Spectroscopy. The UV-Vis spectroscopy section was good. The difficulty of IR and NMR sections can be raised a little by teaching slightly more complex molecules (like more on esters, anhydrides, amides etc.). Some questions in Week4 quiz were repetitive also in week4 quiz, In Question 29 , point is awarded for an incorrect option.

If these slight errors are improved overall course will be great.