Aug 21, 2020
A comprehensive course that covers major aspects of query building and retrieval in a management system. The topics were delivered well and the materials/assignments were relevant for skill-building.
Apr 1, 2023
I loved the practices. I learned alot But I think some of them had mistakes... The online visual studio code never worked for me! It might be good to make a video that explains how to work with it.
By Shira G
•Oct 22, 2019
Few suggestions for improvement:
1. provide a worksheet that summarizes all the material in a simple manner. It exists in many other sites so it shouldn't be a problem to provide this
2. In the quizzes and assignments - it would help to give a hand when the student does not understand the question or makes mistakes. to say "correct" or 'incorrect" is not enough.
3. the final exam is in no way align with the level of the classes.
and the worse thing is that in the forum it seems that a lot of students have complained but nothing has changed... therefore I would not recommend this course.
By Charles M
•Sep 16, 2019
There are 3 major issues with this course: 1. the instructor appears to be reading from a teleprompter and constantly struggles with her text, making the lectures both distracting and soporific. The cheerleading ('Are you excited about joins yet?') doesn't do anything to change that. 2. Some portions of the final assignments are poorly worded and the mentors aren't active. 3. There is a huge backlog for assignment grading which is frustrating and causes the discussion threads to be polluted by students asking for others to grade their assignment.
By Pelin T
•Sep 30, 2020
The instructor shows queries without showing the tables that are selected from nor the end result of the query. Often it is not clear what a query does by just watching the videos. Also you are not provided with the database that the instructor is using, so you can't rerun the queries and play around with them, which is essential for learning sql.
The questions during the videos and the module quizzes are too simple compared to the course material and the topics looked at.
By Julia Z
•Feb 11, 2018
Although the structure of the course is well organised the assignments and videos contain lots of mistakes. I had to spent a lot of time by searching in the internet what is wrong in my code to realise that the instructor code was wrong as well and should not work (although they provide the results as it works just fine). Moreover, some questions are written not clearly and the explanations in the videos lack advanced examples while talking a lot about unnecessary things.
By aaron b
•May 3, 2020
Course was a good overview of SQL for beginners but the quizzes and assignments were VERY POORLY DESIGNED. The questions often made little sense and often implied coding requirements that are way beyond the scope of the course. This lead to a significant amount of time being wasted in figuring out what is being asked. This seems to be a very common issue based on the forum posts. I HIGHLY recommend that the course instructors investigate and re-word the questions.
By Constantin B
•Apr 24, 2020
Unfortunately, the lectures did not provide engaging delivery, or insightful examples. There were unaddressed errors in the quizzes and many questions addressed topics that either reflected the subjective opinion of the instructor, or were not mentioned in the lectures at all. In those instances, external resources were required to come to a solution. This would not be a problem, if this did not affect the majority of information required to pass this course.
By Lynda P
•Nov 26, 2020
I am new to online learning and to SQL and there is not enough information about how to proceed and complete the course, how to submit assignments and ask questions. To me there is not enough information in the course to complete the quiz and it took looking things up on the internet because much of the information in the quiz/test/assignments is not covered in enough detail to understand and complete the questions without additional research.
By Niccolò G
•Sep 17, 2022
Not very satisfied by this little experience at the end.
Needed a video at the beginning to install SQLite 3 and I don't like the way of assessment with peer assignments at the end.
In addition, I think that the videos devote too much time to see e.g. learning objectives at the beginning and recap at the end and I think that in some cases more outputs of the codes (tables) would be useful for a better ongoing explanation.
By Gregory B
•May 14, 2019
If I hadn't already been a little familiar with SQL before this I would have been pretty lost for a lot of this. A lot of the information presented could have used a little more details.
The quizzes often asked questions that involved material that wasn't in the course, as did the coding parts.
At the end of the day, I have had better experiences with some of the free courses available online (and learned more from them).
By Svetlana G
•Oct 8, 2019
Good overview of SQL principals but very little practical information.
Tasks don't show correct solution so if you don't know how to solve it - you will never learn it.
Very poor support from admins/moderators. Even questions related to technical issues will stay unanswered. So again - if you didn't understand something from videos or have question outside of the scope - you will not learn it from this course.
By Rajesh K
•Feb 13, 2023
I found these things good: Structured learning, good learning material.
Could have been better - I missed a platform to practice. The sand box was not working. There seems to be no avenue to get support. What irritated me was that wrong question in one of the module remained uncorrected for a long time.
For a first understanding this course if ok but does not fulfill my expectations
By Maximilian W
•Apr 12, 2020
The basics were explained adequately, but after that, the explanation often were very abstract and not really practical. I am a visual learner and I like to see pratical examples. The questions in the final exam were sometimes just tedious typing work. Sometimes the gap from what was explained in the video courses what was asked in the questions was a bit too steep.
By Mayank
•Nov 29, 2022
Truly enjoy learning throughout the course
Teaching method is nice
Then why just 2stars reason is
Primary setup for SQL not provided
Database used in video lectures never share with us for everything have to depend on discussion forum
From there knew about Chinook db used after so much of searching find that but many field and sub table missing which instructor using
By VerkC
•Mar 1, 2021
This course is unbelievably terrible.
First, if we are using SQLite, at least the instructor could show us how to manage or operate SQLite once a while. Secondly, before we go over examples in lecture video, could instructor show ER diagram, or help students to get familiar with the data set first? Finally, the lecture is rather dry without enough examples
By Walker M P
•Apr 13, 2021
This course is lacking a LOT. The presentations are uninspired and read directly off a script, and have no helpful explanatory background. The lectures themselves are WAY dumbed down compared to the actual quizzes - I struggle to see how anyone who's a true SQL beginner could pass a lot of these quizzes with information from the lectures only.
By Wilson A F
•Dec 23, 2024
1. examples use SQLite, which is missing many features. 2. very little opportunities to practice. Mostly concepts. 3. The 'Data Science' aspect isn't shown until the last 1/2 of the last module. 4. Slides showed correct syntax but poor SQL-formatting and alias choices. I still learned a few things, but not significant vs the hours spent.
By Ling J
•Mar 10, 2021
This instructor doesn't do a very good job elaborating on why we code this way. I had to take another instructor's sql class to finish the assignments. She gave me the impression that she read from a script entire time instead of talking about things that she really understands. But I do like the coding assignments which are very helpful.
By Abishek H
•Jul 16, 2022
I think that the content in this course is poorly structured. It becomes way too challenging at the end. Also there are some mistakes in the videos which are not yet addressed even after repeated pointing out by learners in the discussion forum. It is surprising that UC Davis offers content which is slightly unprofessional.
By Davide
•Jun 25, 2023
Heavily advertised online, I tried it but it's really awful. Very little hands-on practice, too much theory, and examples that are too complicated if you don't already have a basic understanding. Subtitles that overlap the slides. The teacher lacks charisma. In the third week, I stopped and switched courses.
By Dean B
•Nov 30, 2020
The lack of ability to follow along due to no common software or commands was extremely irritating. The brilliant idea that I should investigate one online and figure out how it works was what I thought I was taking the class for. Why not choose an open source program and focus on the methodologies?
By Scott
•Dec 12, 2020
Lectures were very bad. It sounded like she was reading a speech that was written the night before, with grammatical errors and all. Both over-explained simple things, and under explained complex things. I did most of my learning on in order to pass the assignments.
By ssagnik s
•Dec 5, 2020
the course is completely theoretical and not use MySQL with using the theory you can get help in work but real life database and application is not included in this course so if you want to learn and apply directly you can do that in this course, which decrease the interest in course materials.
By Polina
•Feb 5, 2018
The course gives basic elements of SQL, but there is no practice in the course (beside graded assignments), code is shown only in presentation (you cannot copy and and see how it works), and learning SQL without constant practice is nearly impossible. The peer graded assignment is messy.
By Sasa G
•Oct 26, 2022
Video explanations are terrible. Exercises in the final assignment (also some from previous weeks) are horrible defined, I cannot understand what is a question...I prefer learning SQL with other platforms, thank you. I really have no idea why this course has such good rating.
By Kasia
•Jun 15, 2018
Course is very theoretical, the teachers just reads presentation with SQL functions, there's no way to actually learn SQL by listening to it. Also she doesn't provide information about essentials of databases, so the beginners may not understand the concept of it.