Nov 17, 2023
The course was incredibly informative. I am glad that I got the opportunity to study in a course on statistics from Stanford University itself. I thank the creators and participants of the course!
Jun 26, 2023
I started this course to get into machine learning and AI. This was packed with a lot of information to get you started. It doesn't got deep into each topic but great for an overal view.
By Wendy M
•Nov 8, 2022
This course took me longer than expected. It is definitely in my opinion not an introductory level course and should be pitched as an intermediate level. However, I was happy to get the experience of doing the course. I felt at time the lecturer could have gone into more in depth explanation of the material.
By João A A d S
•Feb 20, 2024
85% of the course at the moment. It is what it is, just an introduction. If you already know statistics, this is a good refresher, but if that's not the case, I wouldn't recommend it.
By Taufikur R
•Nov 20, 2023
This maybe is a good course but I think it is best for those who want to have a revision to their concepts. It is not the best out there for complete begineers
By Yahya M
•Feb 6, 2024
Very bad explanation, you need a degree in statistics to understand what the instructor is saying
By Oyeleye I
•Sep 5, 2022
Not explanatory. Finished but can't find the certificate😶
By Kunal J
•Jan 31, 2024
The concepts are not very clearly explained.
By 이시현(학부생-소프트웨어전공)
•Apr 9, 2022
설명이 너무 부족
By Susan M
•Feb 22, 2025
This is absolutely not an introduction. It is barely even a review. I had to spend a lot of time looking up resources elsewhere to get me through it. The lectures do not sufficiently prepare you for the tests at the end of each module. At best, it gives structure for someone who needs a refresher, but there surely must be better Coursera options out there.
By Zaynab Q
•Jul 27, 2022
There are soo many mathematical errors and in general the course is rushed and full of mistakes. There appears to have been little to no cross examination of the modules otherwise the mistakes would have been corrected! There is also no help at all in the discussion forum from the Professor himself. I would not recommend!!
By Victor C
•May 21, 2023
The instructor leaves out formulas that would be useful to know during the exams. I've gone through long and tedious google searches and I'm unable to find the answer. I know this because I often review his videos to try to find the right formula to use.
By Eric L
•Jul 26, 2023
The videos do not help with undersatanding how to answer the quiz questions at all aside from the more basic topics (first 3 or 4 modules). After that I just feel like I'm not learning anything anymore...Please restructure this course.
By Charan K
•Jul 26, 2024
I joined this course as a part of my data science journey. You told me this is a free certificate course but after completing the course You are asking to pay money for the certificate. How fair is it? I'm not getting.
By Sakshi D
•May 14, 2022
The videos and the content is not available do not enroll ;/ I think you only get access to it if you can pay despite of the instructions saying we can enroll for free so i guess it is pointless to enroll ???
By Youssef M
•Feb 11, 2025
This course needs alot of improvement, a lot of information is just thrown at the learner with no explanation but rather narration . I found myself going to outside sources to understand the information
By Haytham A
•Aug 10, 2023
I'm from developing countries particularly from Yemen where the war have destroyed everything. I hope that you will give me the certificate for this course for granted.
By Garrett S
•Jun 15, 2024
This course is horrible. Very little explanation provided. I guess for the price it's... better than nothing, but you get what you pay for... which is nothing.
By Anthony A
•Aug 19, 2024
Quiz topics not covered in lectures! A full 1.5 minutes to explain standard deviation -- could you have spared some more time?
By marco m l r
•Nov 25, 2024
the explanations are not clear and it is too math biased for people who need to understand the basci concepts of statistics
•Jul 22, 2024
I didn't like this course as it is not related to my specialisation. I want to change my course.
By Michael A
•Jan 18, 2025
Not entirely practical for Engineering / Math based machine learning fundamentals.
By mohamed e
•Sep 26, 2024
shitty that you make the course for free and want money for the certificate
By Sophia W
•Dec 2, 2024
It is a horrible course, making information more complex than it is.
By Laura K
•Sep 29, 2023
Videos play overlapping making the content unusable.
By Mohamad A
•Sep 25, 2023
very disappointing, slow, and unbearable content.
By Lois J
•May 15, 2024
poor explanation and study material