Oct 15, 2016
Creatively inspiring, great content to reflect and practice upon and great innovation spark, thanks to Prof. Shlomo Maital & Arie Ruttenberg for delivering this creative experience and knowledge.
Nov 29, 2016
The lectures were very interesting and full of valuable information. I tried another creativity course and preferred this approach much more. I would recommend this course to anybody.
By Elena I L
•Aug 27, 2016
This course has inspired me greatly and filled me with the energy I needed! I look forward to the rest of the course!
Toda raba Prof. Maital!!
By Dmitriy O
•Dec 6, 2018
Seems like all "creative" courses are alike, and this one is no different:
Be creative! Break the rules! Exercise your creativity! *Observe!
And a bunch of case studies and examples of other people being creative.
Bam! I just saved you few hours of a boring mumbling in the videos.
By s r
•Nov 30, 2016
The lectures were very interesting and full of valuable information. I tried another creativity course and preferred this approach much more. I would recommend this course to anybody.
By Timothy L A
•Feb 10, 2016
The content is really an interesting topic that I'm sure a lot of learners with enjoy. However, the way it is presented needs a lot of work. First, the slides are not masterfully made; proper word count and transitions are not applied. Second, the length of the lessons are not conducive to learning, it needs to be trimmed to shorter lessons or even be cut. Third, it is repetitive and there's too much focus on the unnecessary, the lecture needs to be reviewed. Cracking the creativity code is an interesting topic. However, the lessons were not presented creatively enough.
By Gonçalo E
•Aug 30, 2016
This course "talks" about a really important subject. - that is probably one of its key benefits.
I got really passionate and worked hard on the theme, and after completing I felt that It did not gave or matched the expectations on the course name/subject .
1)Important theme ( within business context) discussed with good videos and references
2)Historical perspective on Creativity is sound
3)Prof. Shlomo Maital is a warm, highly informed and passionate person about the subject.
4)The course in week 2 and 3 makes you think on your one key creativity processes
And it almost stops there since the purpose of the course gets flawed by the lack of requirements in the peer review, supporting materials and forum "health" that is why the course talks does fail in training/ teaching.
Key points to not advice this course - at least in the paid version - see until n.5
1) Lack of support materials
2) Support based on the ZIZOZI book to be bought outside of the course cost
3)Reading of the ZIZOZI book in the context of the course ( with some answers to the quizzes being in the book and not in the course material)
4) Dive into very interesting methods made only superficially ( Da Vinci Method, IDEO pex) with needs to be explained further.
5) Complete or near complete lack of requirements for the classification of the peer review, making it very flawed ( see the definition of scalability per example and how to rank it)
6) Forum use and reply almost near nullness
I do expect this course to be revised deeply in its execution. ( See per example Agile from Darden to benchmark).
By Michelle J
•Feb 7, 2018
I highly recommend taking Coursera courses from Technion. The teacher, Shlomo Maital, is a professor at a world class university that helps students think creatively. I also recommend the next classes in this Creativity segment, which help students create a business plan and get personal insights and professional training.
By Francisco B
•Feb 11, 2017
Dr. Maital, thank you, thank you very much for helping me and helping the world to have a better lives, for teaching us to have empathy and to think on others living do not matter the race, the continent or the country. I am now learning the ZIZOZI system, and would recommend it to my sons or to everybody.
By Rene v d V
•Jul 14, 2016
Great course! I did the 'informal' version, without assignments. Schlomo is a very creative person, who tries to make us more creative as well. Thanks for all the background information! I can see now that our traditional education system might not be the best way to learn..
By Marina D
•Jun 6, 2016
Really excellent Course with the great educators. There's a lot that can be learned in this course and applicate in everyday life, especially if you are teacher who transferred knowledge to students.
By Ahmed A
•Oct 15, 2016
Creatively inspiring, great content to reflect and practice upon and great innovation spark, thanks to Prof. Shlomo Maital & Arie Ruttenberg for delivering this creative experience and knowledge.
By Patrice M
•Feb 27, 2017
Très bon cadre théorique, bons outils opérationnels, excellent prof ! Un cours indispensable pour le développement personnel et la performance collective des équipes.
By David A M B
•Jun 20, 2017
Great course, I recommend it 100%, provided the knowledge I was looking for the systematic method to find and implement my ideas in the field of nanoscience.
By Nguyễn Đ H
•Jun 15, 2020
Really inspirational and motivative way of instruction. I hope that after completing the course, I can transfer what I've learnt into reality.
By Renuka V M
•Feb 15, 2019
This is the best course to understand how to generate creative ideas. Helpful both at personal and professional front.
By Isaac R
•Jul 1, 2016
Highly informative and creative. It is a mind opening course into looking at the the world with more possibilities.
By James T S
•Jun 13, 2016
The creative process has always intrigued me, and this course will help get beyond any stuckness you may feel.
By Sandra M
•May 31, 2020
Excellent course with relevant support material. Tests and tasks are important to consolidate knowledge.
By zeki k
•May 12, 2020
thanks for the Teacher.. he is really good at it.. and he conveyed his passion to us, successfully
By mohamed M
•Sep 2, 2017
one of the best course that i have studied in the field of Entrepreneurship.
By Daniel F
•Mar 5, 2016
Great information, given over in an easy to digest and interesting way.
By Amorsolo O J
•Dec 1, 2016
I like the course. It broke down things that you could implement to give you more ability to be more creative. I will someday buy the course.
By Nguyễn N M
•Jun 14, 2020
Tôi học được rất nhiều điều về sáng tạo. Quả thật sau những tuần học này, tư duy của tôi đã được phát triển vô cùng tốt.
Thanks so much
By Ashutosh j
•Jun 1, 2020
Vvery best course in the world..I am really stunned after seeing the knowledge of sir..i am very happy after completing the course..
By Andre M
•May 27, 2016
Professor Maital brings to us amazing insights about creativity based both on research and real cases.
By Nestor T
•Apr 24, 2016
This course is very helpful in one's quest to be more creative. The ZiZoZi method is very practical.