Jun 5, 2020
The module was very deep and delivered by an aptly equipped lecturer. As an Entrepreneur it gives clear perspectives on where I should be focusing to effectively raise funding for my venture.
Apr 3, 2016
A very good course. It gives a very good insights into the finance required for start-ups. This course is a must for all the future entrepreneurs.
By Todd W I
•Nov 20, 2019
This course is quick and easy. IMPORTANT: No information is updated after 2014. All data is from years before that. Contacting the teacher's assistant doesn't work. That's fine since the basics I was refreshing myself on are still the same. I bet there's more up-to-date classes out there and the current trends that are mentioned in this course are very out dated at this point. Also, there are quizzes at the end of each "week", but the second quiz you can write whatever you want in the answer boxes and they'll mark you as 100%. Use this course for the basic information, but you won't be an expert in current new venture funding by taking this course alone.
By Katherine K
•Mar 16, 2020
Great course directed to entrepreneurs that provides you the nuts and bolts of venture capital funding. It is a very useful course for those in the process of establishing their own startup with step-by-step guides, first-hand experience presentations from entrepreneurs, lawyers, and venture capitalists, and additional helpful readings that augment the core course content.
By Sai K T
•Apr 4, 2016
A very good course. It gives a very good insights into the finance required for start-ups. This course is a must for all the future entrepreneurs.
By Guruji
•Apr 14, 2016
I am having a good time learning about new concepts & reading from the resources provided in the courses.
By Monica A
•Dec 19, 2016
Learned some valuable lessons while taking this class, and was able to form my strategy and get my documents on the right path. I'd recommend it to all startup entrepreneurs. It's helped me.
It's not going to do your job for you, but it will give you direction and focus.
Thumbs up!
By Christopher E O
•Jun 6, 2020
The module was very deep and delivered by an aptly equipped lecturer. As an Entrepreneur it gives clear perspectives on where I should be focusing to effectively raise funding for my venture.
By Kasuntha M
•Jan 30, 2021
Great course to learn about Startup Funding for Entrepreneurs. I highly recommend this course. Thank you for offering this valuable course to me.
By Guillermo D G
•Feb 6, 2019
This is a great course that I recommend for any person who wanted to learn the basis how to create an Startup and their funding process
By Motti S
•Mar 20, 2017
Outstanding. An excellent mix of reading and videos. Gave me professional, technical skills in the esoteric field of entrepreneurship.
By Moureen C
•Aug 11, 2017
There's so much I learnt that I total had no idea...I highly recommend this course for everyone who loves entrepreneurship
By Gideon A
•Nov 20, 2020
Module 3 has been the most challenging for me but I have gained a lot of knowledge on for to get finance for my start-up.
By Bharatagraj P S
•Jun 27, 2017
Very detailed explanation of financial jargon. Also discussion of tricky situations. Good suggestions and references.
By Jonathan J
•Mar 5, 2016
The lectures were very useful and very clear. I learned a lot from this course. Thank you Prof. Pratt and Coursera.
By Lily
•Mar 28, 2017
very useful and inspiring! best of the whole specialization! the point is that the sound effect is sooooo poor.
By Oloruntoba O
•May 14, 2019
wonderful course.. it truly helped to redirect my thoughts with changing realities and business dynamics
By Jose L O
•Feb 25, 2016
Very interesting. Thanks to this course, now I know the fundamentals of how the VC world works.
By Yannick R K T
•Oct 11, 2016
Exactly what I needed to help me start.. knowing what I know now.. I feel unstoppable!
By Nair S
•Jul 28, 2019
This course gives you valuable information on how to raise funds for your startup!
By Carlos M
•Jul 19, 2017
Great for beginners, also good as a.refresher for people with some experience
By Mark V
•Jul 21, 2018
Highly recommended for anyone who is thinking of starting their own venture!
By Monday M s ( S
•Oct 6, 2021
The best course on venture finance out there. So apt and very practical
By Nitish G
•Jan 4, 2016
Excellent course and most importantly - to the point information.
By Michael D
•Jan 30, 2016
Perfect content for understanding the topic. Clear and concise.
By pablo o
•Feb 25, 2016
Loved the course and all supporting material! Congratulations!
By Gagan B
•Feb 27, 2017
Very good summary intro course with excellent practical tips.