Oct 25, 2018
Course is compressed with lots of statistical concepts. Which is very good as most must know concepts are imparted. Lots of extra reading is required to gain all insights. Very good motivating start .
Sep 24, 2020
the teachers were awesome in this course. I liked this course a lot.Understood it properly.Thanks to all the beloved teachers and mentors who toiled hard to make these course easy to handle.Gracious!
By Audun T H B
•Oct 1, 2019
Thorough course. A bit difficult to follow the lectures at times.
By Andrew
•May 5, 2019
Not my favorite course in the series, but I did learn a lot. I highly recommend following along with the course book provided in the course. The videos alone are not enough. I also recommend printing out a sheet with statistical formulas to use (not provided from the course, but you can find easily on the web). The stat sheet with formula helped me connect all the dots and better understand when to use a formula.
By Mingda W
•Jun 5, 2018
My most recent experience with statistics was about 2 years ago, and it was college level statistics. Still, I find this class is hard to keep up sometimes. In general, I felt like the professor explaining too much on the mathematical meaning behind equations instead of talking about the real-world meaning of equation components, and why those calculation make sense.
By Stefan K
•May 2, 2020
I found the lectures hard to follow, they didn't help me one bit. If you get his book, read it, and do the exercises, you can save yourself some time.
By JiapengSun
•Dec 10, 2019
The materials offered from this course is far away enough from understand the content :(
By Robert K
•Apr 16, 2019
A lot of material to cover - can be a strain, but well explained for the most part.
By Tomasz S
•Jan 18, 2020
Very fast course... Additional reading required.
By Vincenc P
•Feb 11, 2016
I am left feeling this course needs work. I don't know if it's the pain of switching to the new platform or what, but the total lack of any support from the TA/instructor team is frustrating. Add to that the fact that Brian skips from slide to slide very quickly often not providing adequate explanations and you'll be re-watching the videos many times over.
Several of the videos have blatant errors in them, like the fast that the fourth video of a week also contains the entire third video... again.
Such things should not have passed a half decent QA test.
More than anything this specialization should not be marketed as "no previous experience needed". You need to know some statistics. And by some, I mean do the whole thing on Khan Academy first.
By Anant C
•May 6, 2020
The content of the course was well organized and structured, but the content delivery in the videos was terrible. I was unable to understand even the basic concepts from the professor due to his fragmented sentence structure, lack of lecture planning and an emphasis on evaluating R code more than on explaining the concept. I am now hesitant to go on to the next course in this specialization. The Swirl() exercises, however, were very thorough and did a good job in explaining the concepts.
By John M
•Sep 29, 2019
This course was very hard to complete. The lectures were harder to follow than the previous courses.
By Alexander D
•Jan 31, 2020
Wouldn't recommend for those learning stats. Try Duke's course instead. This one was poorly taught.
By Tongke Z
•Oct 6, 2020
The most boring and nonsense course I have on the Coursera so far. I have a PhD degree in Stem, and had taken statistics courses during my undergraduate, and also had some teaching experience. I can't believe they can made a course like this quality. It downgrades the reputation of the department of biostatistics at the JHU. I saw some criticizing comments before I took the course, but I thought it would be OK and I would get through it. But after taking two weeks' courses, I just feel so frustrated and furious and can't help to write down my comments.
The format of this course is like, first, read out the parameter, and then read out the notation, without giving any explanation about how to calculate this out, why we want to introduce this parameter, and how we use this parameter. And then the instructor gives an example, but I don't see any of the examples emphasize the notions.
I just can't help to write down my comments. I don't want to give even one star to this course!!!!! Such a shame.
There should be some teaching centers at the JHU where some teaching professionals can help to improve the structure of these courses and give instructions about how to deliver the contents organically. I beg you to have some improvements.
By Renata G M
•Mar 28, 2021
I hate this course. The instructor's way of explaining things was not that good. Could not understand most of the concepts.
This course was
very, very, very disappointing to me. It were hard to complete, hard to follow the slides. Wouldn't recommend for those learning stats.
A lot of the concepts, although simple when you think about it and used pretty much every day, I felt it were really difficult to understand at first. Wikipedia and some other online sources, and youtube videos, were more helpful but I think the real issue lay in the teaching style.
Brian seemed a very intelligent person, but he does not teach well. His way of explaining things was really bad: he speaks too fast (sometimes he changes terms...), he skips from slide to slide very quickly, he often do not provide adequate explanations.
By Johnny C
•May 10, 2018
The lessons require intermediate level in statistics and it is a complete waste of time watching the videos without doing an initial course of statistics. Thereby, It requires much more time than expected to learn the topic, which includes reviewing basic concepts and doing the (optional) assignments. Moreover, the questions in all quizzes are more than challenging very tricky.
By Jason D
•Apr 24, 2019
The course is poorly laid out and the concepts are poorly explained. You'll need either previous college level statistics courses or be willing to spend a lot of time outside of the class to understand what's being taught. The quizzes have little to do with what is presented in the lecture. Unless you are going for the data science certificate, I would look some place else.
By Nils H
•Mar 20, 2021
The lecturer is talking way too fast, simply reads off the slides and doesn't dive deep into any of the concepts behind all those definitions. You won't learn anything new here! So stay away from this course if you don't really need it for the Data Science specialization. There are way better alternatives even on Coursera (e.g. Inferential Statistics by Duke University)
•May 4, 2020
Los ejercicios están completamente desactualizados y no corren con versiones actuales de los programas. Es necesario que den mantenimiento a este curso, ya que los últimos comentarios que se respondieron por parte de los instructores, lo hicieron hace más de dos años.
By Zeinab B
•Mar 29, 2021
The course is very monotonic and confusing. The lecturer literally reads the notes quickly without trying to connect to the students. It seems that the teacher is in rush to finish the video.
I do not recommend this course and I think it's a waste of time and money!
By Chris W
•Mar 7, 2019
Not designed for people without good Stats knowledge. Formulae thrown onto the page at blistering speed. Terms and notations used that have not been defined. Course book pretty poor. I had to do another stats course elsewhere to have any chance of taking it in.
By Nelly C
•Dec 13, 2019
There is a lot of theory in the course but it is not always treated with the necessary rigorousness; this creates confusion and makes it difficult to understand the basic concepts.
By Alessandro F
•May 20, 2020
I don't find the button to leave the course!!!!
By Christopher C
•Mar 8, 2016
I learned so much from this course. Brian has an occasional irreverence and dry wit that keep things lively. I will say that I disagree with some of his interpretations, but this is OK!
I would like to see some integration of type s errors, capture intervals, and all the other things the cool kids are doing nowadays.
I am now taking Bayesian statistics online via Richard McElreath's course and this one does help a bit in understanding likelihood functions.
By Lloyd N
•Jun 4, 2017
I thought most of the lessons in this lecture were enjoyable, since it went into the theory of decision-making from data. I feel you need to take an introduction to statistics course before taking this course though, since the lecturer goes too fast at times. I recommend Udacity's Intro to Statistics course, as it helped me understanding the lectures in this course. A+ material though in my opinion.
•Oct 3, 2018
This course is one of the most difficult to comprehend, particularly if one does not have any prior knowledge of statistics and probability. But Swirl package of Statistical Inference helps a lot and is a good heuristic approach to learn.
P.S. I would recommend to read this lecture along with any textbook. I referred Probability and Statistics (Schaum Series).
By Prashanth R G
•Jan 1, 2018
I absolutely loved this course and felt like i learned a lot about statistics. This was very informative and the peer graded assignment was a perfect way to conclude the course, by having to perform all of the phases in Data Science that I learned by taking other courses in this series. Thank you for this course! Looking forward to the next set of courses.