Oct 25, 2018
Course is compressed with lots of statistical concepts. Which is very good as most must know concepts are imparted. Lots of extra reading is required to gain all insights. Very good motivating start .
Sep 24, 2020
the teachers were awesome in this course. I liked this course a lot.Understood it properly.Thanks to all the beloved teachers and mentors who toiled hard to make these course easy to handle.Gracious!
By Wassim K
•Jun 4, 2017
Too mathematical for me
By Biju B
•Jun 5, 2017
The lectures were Dry
By dipankar b
•Sep 4, 2017
Good, Productive
By David K
•Aug 16, 2017
a bit cursory
By Luv K
•Aug 23, 2020
Too complex
By Roberto L
•Nov 10, 2018
Too sparse.
By Ankush K
•Jul 6, 2017
Very basic.
By Santiago P G
•Aug 1, 2017
A hard one
By 苏仲达
•Jul 11, 2016
no passion
By Marouane M
•Aug 2, 2023
1 Line Review: This course disappointingly reeks of lack of effort in preparation for such a reputable university.
Overall, I did learn and understand some of the content I wanted to learn, but that was about 40% of the course content. and it did leave me needing to undertake another similar course to fill in the gaps left by this one.
- The course feels incredibly rushed. Every topic is explained and discussed in lightning speed.
- There isn't enough effort spent in simplifying new concepts or even clarifying concepts.
- In a science such as statistics, you would expect instructors to illustrate the notations for concepts they are using in their class, but that is not the case in this course. I was left wondering what some symbols meant for most of my time watching the course videos.
- The only visual aids used in this course are charts created using R from the codes used while explaining the content. No illustrations or otherwise any other type of visual aids, which was disappointing to say the least.
By Hani M
•Nov 1, 2016
A lot of the concepts in Stats Inf - although simple when you think about it and used pretty much every day - I felt were difficult to understand at first. Wikipedia and some other online sources, and youtube videos, were more helpful but I think the real issue lay in the teaching style. I won't knock Mr. Caffo like some of the others here have because at the end of the day everyone learns differently. What works for some might not work for others and unfortunately his style did not suit my learning requirements.
My rating is purely based on the content which I think can be simplified by giving more visual examples. I am rating this after taking the 'Regression Models' course and in that course it is MUCH easier because he gives "real time" and visual examples of what, eg Residuals, mean or represent. Just that alone made a huge difference and it then helps me focus on how to write the R code rather than trying to understand the math. Hope this helps!
By Theresa S M S
•Oct 25, 2023
Worst course of the specialisation (so far). Explanations very fast and not very clear (I had a whole semester of statistics at university and now I feel I know less than before this course). The videos were cut off somewhere in the middle of a sentence, for whatever reason. I had to find other videos on YouTube on the same subject to understand what's going on. Statistics is a difficult subject in itself, so I think it's very important that you get clear explanations and also learn how to develop some intuition about it, as in all the previous courses. I think a big step would be to provide some kind of glossary that explains the most important terms in simple words, as well as an overview of which statistical methods are used when and under what conditions.
By Eduard R
•May 26, 2020
Connection between the slides, transcript, R code, and pdf presentation slides and the text book is great! Easy to follow along. Concepts are explained poorly. Often definitions are missing and the student has to guess what is meant by a variable on the slides. Very superficial learning. Not nearly compareable to real university course. I think the students would benefit from more project work assignments and peer reviews. This is when you really learn something - when you have to do it yourself. Quizes are a good start. I did the course as a refresh and I can't imagine correctly understanding the concepts just by having completed this course.
By Ricardo M
•Dec 29, 2017
The course delves into some relevant topics however it doesn't feel as properly structured. While on the first week the lectures seem to try to give a basic and comprehensible learning of probabilities, once we start into the topics of pure statistics, it's just gets a mess.
Lots of formulas and concepts thrown at you without much clarification. For someone without any knowledge/background on statistics this can be quite difficult to grasp the concepts.
The course should be reviewed or at least the indication of "eginner Specialization.No prior experience required." should be updated to mention that some knowledge in statistics is recommended .
By Thomas G
•Apr 5, 2017
This course seems weirdly balanced between assuming one knows very little about statistics while also assuming one is intimately familiar with statistics notation and terminology. It would probably be better if the data science track had an optional "intro to statistics" class that can take more time to let students familiarize themselves with the terminology, and then a separate "ins and outs of probability testing in R" for those already familiar. This course seems to try and bite off more than it can chew by attempting to be both at the same time.
Still, the lectures are interesting and the material is important to learn / cover.
By Qasim Z
•Oct 26, 2016
This course means well but the lectures in the first half of the course are not good. The instructor seems to take a midway between rigorous mathematics, using terms like robust etc while at the same time also trying to keep it easily accessible. RD Peng's courses take a much better approach in that they keep things at one end of the spectrum (simple language). Having a background in theoretical physics and computer science, this duality in this course is very confusing for me. Also, I do not need to see a tiny, grainy video inset of the instructor during the lecture videos.
By Krishna U
•Jul 29, 2019
Terribly confusing, and concepts were made so much more complicated than needed (lectures, instructions, quizzes).
Most other sources (Khan Academy, Stattrek, Stats textbooks etc) were used and preferred to complete course, to completion of the Data Sciences specialization. Or just have a full understanding in Statistics prior to this course.
Additionally, there's little discussion or help; wish this course could've been updated with revisions or clarified over the years.
By graham s
•May 21, 2016
completely missed the explanation part of the teaching. Why use n-1 for standard deviation? "Because of degrees of freedom" Only mention, no further explanation. Just no explanations of anything in this course. I looked at the biostats course by the same guy. Same story. Teaching is more than just saying the facts, you have to explain things, lead the understanding. The materials are just not there, not in the book either.
By Christine L
•Nov 5, 2016
If I wasn't already familiar with statistics, I would find the lectures and course book difficult to follow. If future revisions to the course are made, consider including a cheat sheet with the notation, parameter abbreviations used, etc. It would also be helpful to rewrite (or at least include a reference back to) the equation being used in the example calculations instead of immediately filling numbers in.
By Charles K
•Sep 18, 2016
The instructors approach in this course is very cursory. He tries to split the difference in going through the mechanics/mathematical theory and practical applications. As a result, he fails at both. I think it would be better to leave the mathematics and application learning to supporting materials and focus on explaining the theory and concepts of statistical inference in the lectures.
By Thej
•Apr 14, 2019
The hardest course I have ever taken! Very hard to follow! Spent a lot of time, trying to understnad the lectures! The final assignment was really good, it really tied everything together! But the lectures and following them was a nightmare and hard to understand! I spent 55 hrs on this particular course! and the last week 4 I spent 20 hrs on this course
By Rajit A
•Apr 2, 2019
The course is very technical and needs a) reading and practice outside of the material presented here and, b) needs you to invest a lot more time than you might believe before you start this course. So if you are looking to just understand the basics of statistical inference or if you don't have a background in statistics then this is best avoided.
By Jake T T
•Apr 8, 2018
This was a difficult course to get through. The lectures were almost completely useless - I had to look up videos from youtube and other sources for every single lecture to learn the concept, and then rewatch the lecture - even then the instructor was difficult to follow. If this wasn't part of the specialization I would have dropped the course.
By Shane H
•Feb 1, 2023
The lectures are super boring (sorry Brian), and they feel rushed and disorganized. Plus the due dates for the assignments are all messed up. The week 3 quiz is due 1 day after the week 2 quiz, and that threw me off. I rely on those due dates to keep me on pace. I was cruising through the Data Science Specialization until I hit this course.
By Eugene K
•Mar 8, 2018
Good material but the lectures are not well put together for the novice. I think the professor needs to have a little more empathy for the students and not just read notes for the class. Too many sentences with esoteric terms are spewed out without truly trying to explain the material in a way that the student will understand.