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Learner Reviews & Feedback for English for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics by University of Pennsylvania

2,792 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to English for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, a course created by the University of Pennsylvania, and funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs. To enroll in this course for free, click on “Enroll now” and then select "Full Course. No certificate." If you want to get a Coursera Verified Certificate for free, please fill out the Financial Aid form. This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in improving their English skills in the sciences. In this course, you will explore some of the most innovative areas of scientific study, while expanding your vocabulary and the language skills needed to share scientific information within your community. In unit 1, you will learn how to preview texts and practice some of the language used to make comparisons when talking about global warming and climate change. In unit 2, you will examine the chemistry of climate change and the language of cause and effect. In Unit 3, you will learn about some of the impacts of Climate Change and the language used to describe these effects. In Unit 4, you will learn reading strategies that can help you explore the science behind some new energy systems. In the final unit, you will investigate practical advances in Nanotechnology that help slow down climate change, while developing your own research skills in English. Unless otherwise noted, all course materials are available for re-use, repurposing and free distribution under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution license. Supplemental reading materials were provided by Newsela, which publishes daily news articles at a level that's just right for each English language learner....

Top reviews


Mar 14, 2021

Great for the intermediate learner. You would find new terminologies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The materials are easy to be understood and the teachers are communicative.


Apr 7, 2018

Great efforts are done to design the course.It was really effective and informative course.It was amazing to know about different renewable resources and technologies discussed in the course.

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726 - 750 of 820 Reviews for English for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

By Guilherme S d M

Aug 8, 2020

Very good course. It's amazing how they talk about a specific topic (climate change), but approaches a lot of areas of sciences, from hydrology to nanotechnology . It's a course that you'll definitely learn new words and be more aware of a subject of international concern. I will drop one star just because the certificate doesn't have the amount of course hours, which makes it harder to be recognized.

By Yana F

Jul 14, 2022

It was a good experience for me. I am grateful to lecturers for useful information, interesting vocabulary and helpful grammar that, without doubt, will be needed in everyday speaking!

I recommend everyone to get this courde just to find out a lot of information about climate change and its impact. I think, everyone will change his/her ming and start doing something useful for nature.

By Lainel V

Dec 22, 2017

This was a marvelous course, it's neccesary to say the way that they use to teach is really good, becouse you can learn about technology and science and at the same tiem you can inprove your grammar. The teachers are really understanble in fonetic and the explanation way. I feel so previligy have the oportunity to took part in this course.

By Бакыт Э

Oct 6, 2020

I started this course spontaneously when i have visited this resource for the first time. And i notice that cource involve students to study seriously. At least more than i predicted. Englush for STEM course was interesting and topic was too interesting and relevent. I enjoy it. And it was good introduction for resource Coursera at all.

By Eugen F

May 5, 2020

I wish there were more stuff related to englisch language instead of climate change problems. It might be helpful for many to add such things like graph description or equations, physic and chemistry experiments description were also good. Anyway, thank Coursera for the free course. It will fit good for the beginners.

By 19-061 w a

Jun 28, 2022

. This course is designed for beginners. In this course, you will learn vocabulary and language skills, how to review a text, and more. This course is very helpful, especially for old semester students in learning English for later use in future needs

By Carol A M L

Apr 9, 2020

It was an interesting course, I just don't give it 5 stars because I would have liked to have learn about more topics relate with science and engineering, but the course was more focus in environment and renewable energy. Thank you.


Aug 6, 2021

The course is Great ! huge thanks goes to professors for pointing up such devastating effect in our worldlife. It would be great to have more advanced vocabulary in videos. but anyway I liked that. thank you very much !!!!

By 黃晏琪

Jul 25, 2021

This is my first course, and I not only learned a lot but gained a lot of great resources. However, I think the professor can give more vivid examples in the video. All in all the course is really great!

By Sepideh M

Mar 9, 2025

it was good but some modules like module 1 I passed successfully but it shows get start again and again and doesn’t gave me my Certification of this course , unfortunately. I had financial aid

By Yasmin R

May 30, 2022

It was very interesting, because we learn about a different technology in the current for save de world. But learning about the correct technique for communicate in the formal forms.

By Cleber S

Jul 10, 2017

Gostei bastante do curso, da abordagem unindo Inglês com Sustentabilidade, mas acredito que os métodos de avaliação poderiam exigir um pouco mais dos alunos

By Abdelrahman E D

Jul 3, 2017

Simplified, active, engaging and the best of all that it's scientific :) .. special thanks for you professors and for the Department of State.

By Sargyul A

Jun 18, 2020

The name of the course does not correspond to its content. The course is about climate change , and not Science, Engineering or Mathematics

By Влад С

Jun 21, 2022

Все було доступно і зрозуміло, а перекладач на інші мови, під відео і деякими текстами дуже допомагав. невистачало лише моєї рідної мови

By active l e

Feb 7, 2021

there was a mistake in the part of the game of the learning,but I benefit from grammar and the reading ,listening and writing skills

By Francisco L B d S

Oct 6, 2024

I found it to be too simple as it has too much text interpretation instead of actual grammar and teaching of the English language.

By Alfonso L V

Apr 30, 2020

es muy bueno y tambien interesante recomendado es muy practico y tambien vienen temas de como puedes aprender con el curso facil

By Tsopgni D

Nov 11, 2019

It is a good course, thinks are very simple and well explained. But mathematics subjects or expressions are not presented enough

By Alexander I D

May 27, 2020

Creo que alguna información no están verdadera. Además, no dicen lo destructivo que es la ganadería para el medio ambiente

By Sh, G

Jun 19, 2017

It's more challenging than other ELP courses offered by PennState. You can learn a lot after completing this course.

By Deleted A

Aug 28, 2018

Easy to follow up, easy to understand and attain knowledge about why global warming is world's serious problem.

By Акмарал К

Jul 8, 2017

Grade course for learning English. I've learnt a lot of new useful words that are related to sciense.

By Luis E C M

Mar 29, 2018

An excellent course to learn new vocabulary in English, and the most important about Climate Change.

By Akari S

May 29, 2024

Fantastic lecturers and interesting topics! Thank you Coursera and the University of Pennsylvania.