Oct 12, 2015
This course is excellent when it provides the citations very fit to theory. And I learned it in well organized structure of knowledge. Thank Prof. Glady and his team very much.
Sep 28, 2020
The course contains the in-depth knowledge which helps to learn more about the business analytics. The assignments will test your presentation skills and creativity skills
By Chinmoy R
•Mar 5, 2019
Useful course to get the fundamentals of understanding a business problem right. Coming from a stats/math background, I found it very interesting to see applications of what I had learnt in school!
•Sep 21, 2015
Interesting and industry-insightful curriculum, contains some detail technicality like use of R programming language but provides hands-on video guidance to help student catch on the technicality.
By John M
•Oct 12, 2015
Good foundations course, some basic working knowledge of R is required so i would recommend that you are able to use the software. Statistical basics is also important to grasp the work.
By Eugene T
•Nov 28, 2015
Great course on topic of strategic business analytics. However, it would have been better if there were more readings and examples shown to understand the concepts better.
By Nabil B M
•Oct 14, 2024
Seems very interesting but entails knowledge of R. Please inform potential students of the technical pre-requisites ahead of registrating.
By prathibha r
•May 16, 2017
I found the examples uninspiring. And the instructor has a thick accent which made me go over the material a couple times.
By Gajanan G
•May 19, 2020
Recitals make this course complete and more understandable. Recitals also help to learn and practice R with R studio.
By Nidhi P
•Apr 16, 2020
More examples and the information is very high level, maybe a bit more detail would be nice.
By Francisco I S R
•Jun 10, 2017
Nice introduction! very nicely presented, may more material to consult would be nice.
By Tristan H
•Apr 19, 2020
Très bon cours qui permet d'acquérir les fondamentaux en Business Analytics
By Triboulet P
•May 21, 2016
Excellente méthode pédagogique sur un sujet un peu technique mais passionna
By Ezennajiego c J
•Sep 10, 2020
A beautiful well rounded course. It's quite incisive and multi-dimensional
By Manuel P
•Mar 10, 2019
Data for last exam not usable. Topics are nice and explanation revealing
By Wendy B
•Apr 11, 2016
This course is great, but I would NOT pay for the specialization.
By Sohan B
•May 6, 2020
Comprehensive course for covering basics of business analytics
By Ram R
•Oct 10, 2015
good course. Can focus more on practical aspects
•May 4, 2020
Examples are quite excellent to work on.
By Arunachalam K
•Oct 26, 2015
Great course. well presented
By Clément H
•Jan 10, 2016
Thoughtful and practical !
•Sep 23, 2018
Very informative videos
By Phan T B
•Sep 18, 2016
Nice and helpful course
By Ivy R
•May 11, 2020
I like this course.
By Jose L
•Oct 16, 2015
They do it easy
By Tarun B
•Aug 1, 2018
Overall good.