Jan 7, 2023
A very interesting and easy to follow course if you want to learn about sustainable financing practices. The reading material helps in engaging more deeply with the current practices in this sector.
Dec 19, 2020
Very insightful and practical in application. Allows a student to apply the tools to assess sustainability of a company and deliver the mechanisms to optimize finance for the right outcomes.
By Barbara W
•Sep 17, 2021
This course was informative for learning about the topics, and also advanced for those who know more about finance than I do. I learned alot about thinking about integrated investing and creating value in systemic ways instead of discrete values. It was good to hear what existing institutions are doing, what their challenges are, and how to address them. I enjoyed it. Thank you!
By Lisa A
•Apr 30, 2021
A tremendously well-thought-out course with 8 interesting modules to highlight key concepts. The instructors were lively and clearly passionate about the knowledge that they are sharing. The course was easy to follow and the extra readings were helpful. The only suggestion I have is to put the end of the module summary before each quiz vs after it.
By Vanessa M
•May 20, 2021
The course gave me valuable insights into the principles of sustainable finance thanks to the expert knowledge of the lecturers. It is a very good structured MOOC for all who have a deep interest in sustainability as well as students who want to gain a deeper understanding of the different challenges in transforming the traditional finance system.
By J v d L
•Jul 6, 2020
Most happy to learn more about the topics shown. It creates a more open view for a manager how to adapt your organization and how all will give support to the goals to achieve globally.
Also the risk a company can have if it will not adapt within time. Beside it will take time to adapt as the way of thinking within the company is not standard yet.
By Eduardo S I A
•Apr 5, 2022
Very interesting on this topic sustainable finance, allowed me to know the different protagonists that we must contribute to change and be able to achieve in 2030, what is proposed by the SDGs. (ODS) I primarily consider governments, businesses and consumers tobeaware of what we are contributing to the pollution and destruction of our planet.
By Evi P
•Jan 9, 2022
A very insightful course that covers a wide scope of sustainability topics in the finance sector. It effectively shows and explains in detail the correlation between economy, society, and environment from a financial perspective. I would definitely recommend this course, and for sure I will take similar courses like this in the future!
By Anthony B
•Dec 10, 2020
Great introduction to sustainable finance, I even have the feeling that it was too short. I like in particular the additional reading material advice and case study which give you even more insight. This MOOC is a very good starting point to further enhance the knowledge in sustainable finance, very useful for me, thank you !
By Rachel W
•Aug 31, 2022
Such a great course for people without financial background. Very easy, friendly, and extremely informative. Good job in interviewing all different sorts of banking institutions or lending organizations. It was a great way to be exposed to the real world in sustainable finance, especially from the beautiful Netherlands!
By Camile M
•Apr 25, 2022
One of the best courses i ever taken. One of the best courses I have ever taken. It deals with a novel subject in a simple and effective way. It is possible to understand the current context and the challenges to bring sustainability to organizations and the financial sector in general. I highly recommend this course.
By Gabriela S C
•Aug 13, 2022
Este es un estupendo curso sobre finanzas sustentables para principiantes. El material es accesible para prácticamnete cualquier persona, pero es actual, e incluye al menos una mención de todos los temas relevantes. Además, incluye lecturas y citas para profundizar en el conocimiento.
Yo lo recomiendo ampliamente.
By Syafiq A B M F
•Nov 2, 2020
I learnt a lot from RSM and the wonderful professors lecturers. The industry insight is helpful. In fact, I have just secured a job in a sustainability related position last week after I started this course. Hopefully, I can now apply all the knowledge I learnt from RSM into my work and environment! Thank you!
By Christopher T J T
•Mar 15, 2022
Excellent "jumping board" to Sustainable Finance but, in my opinion, more geared toward the finance practitioner. Clearly and succinctly - and in bite sized modules - connects sustainability and transition concepts including the economic impact of climate change to businesses and financial markets.
By Roshan C
•Mar 6, 2022
I am just a beginer to Sustainabilty, The course has helped me to relate to SDG what they are; the wedding cake analogy was great, thanks for simple example. Most importanly need to look at long term value creation rather than short tem targets. The exmaple shared helped in simplifying the concepts
By Sajid M
•Dec 22, 2022
Excellent course to know about the sustainable financing. Elaborated my insight into UN Sustainability development goals 2030. I would like to recommend this course to people of my concern and thats my way forwards to be a humble participation as a contributor to follow and achieve gradually.
By Norico G
•Jan 3, 2021
It is an excellent course for learning a sustainable finance which we can understand the relationship of finance with environment, social, and governance (ESG) issues. This how we can also implement a responsible investment for our future and make a better life for our living on the earth.
By Hannimari S
•Dec 31, 2020
This course was very insightful, and not just surface level information. I received a good amount of information of the matter, and i have better knowledge of the different areas within, and in which i can now start to look deeper into. I enjoyed this course and i definitely learned a lot.
By Narayanan P
•Dec 7, 2023
Wonderful course-with detailed explanation of credits,bonds and lending. Last Quiz was lengthy and unnecessary but the content across weeks were wonderful-certificate is somewhat not attractive. it should have been a certificate from university rather than standard coursera template
By Zorayda L G d M
•Aug 23, 2020
Excelente experiencia de aprendizaje, estamos a 10 años para que empecemos a ver los resultados. Si es posible y esta muy en linea con lo que todos esperamos; empresas responsables y comprometidas que asumen riesgos, pero que gracias a ello se vuelven mas creativas y longevas.
By Lucas E
•Aug 2, 2020
A course that inspire the financial sector to adopt Integrated Thinking into business decisions and capital allocation. It helped me to change my mindset on many aspects. After the course I am fully committed to incorporate ESG thinking in my private and professional life.
By shraboni n
•Aug 3, 2023
It was a wonderful learning experience. The course content was good for a novice like me. Looking forward to applying my learnings in real-world scenarios. The only feedback I have is some of the video's audio quality was a bit inferior not a major issue though. Thank you
By B V R
•Feb 3, 2021
This course is a valuable contribution to the promotion of sustainable development. The teaching faculty is highly experienced and have mastered the method of transmitting the knowledge of technical subjects in a simple manner that can be understood by the General Public.
By José E A
•May 13, 2023
Un curso bastante interesante que habla acerca de las finanzas desde un enfoque sustentable, buscando asi soluciones para las problemáticas que aquejan a n uestro planeta por medio de los objetivos de desarrollo sustentable de la ONU.
Recomiendo extensamente este curso.
By Ishel B
•Nov 25, 2021
Really wonderful course, it provided the right foundations to understand healthy and sustainable finance and it empowered people to change a system that has proven to fail. Very inspiring!, I think a necessity to complete any finance, economics and business education.
By Theseus327
•Sep 11, 2023
Great course for a general overview of the principles of sustainable finance with clearly passionate educators that wish to educate learners on the importance of taking into consideration ESG factors and integrated reporting on all levels (particularly corporations).
By Isabel Y
•Oct 26, 2020
I really liked it. I would add all the texts in a downloadable formal so that we can keep the transcripts of the videos and also a more practical exercise as the one suggested in the final video where we can do a proper company evaluation. At least, an example of it.