Feb 12, 2022
This is a course which I enjoyed. It gave a good insight of the learning methodologies which we have often heard of but not given due importance. Also, the brain facts is cool :) My 5/5 to this course
Mar 7, 2022
Great and helped to do the course succesfully and it was intresting the process and the way the course is designed to meet the capability to understand anyone has a basic knowledge in AD,DNS and DHCP
By Scott L
•Mar 7, 2021
This course is very good as a top level overview of SysAdmin and IT in general. It needs to be updated and more Qwiklab modules should be included which are the best feature of the course. Some of the quizzes can be counter-intuitive so take your time in reviewing the videos.
By Nigel S K
•Mar 12, 2018
while the information contained within is accurate and informative the inaccuracies in the transcript and lack of flow and enunciation made taking notes difficult especially with a topic that is as long winded and definition heavy and is as hard to depict using visual means.
By Cesar R D I
•Nov 11, 2022
I like this course a lot because I think these are skills you are going to really need to use whilst working Help Desk or Service Desk. I just wish that some of the videos weren't crammed and that they made more labs to help with exposure to the practices they're teaching.
By Florian C
•Dec 7, 2020
Getting through this course sometimes took a lot of willpower and even though I was not all that into all of the things discussed in it, I believe that almost all of them are important and I am happy to have learned about them. All in all a really good introductory course.
By chelsea r
•Mar 29, 2022
Great overview of systems administration. I would love more interactive projects, or repeated projects so you commit the ideas to memory. Also for the final project, after completing, it would have been nice to see variations on the types of answers you could have given.
By Lauren F
•Mar 25, 2020
I felt the video lessons over 8 minutes were too long for both note-taking purposes and processing purposes. I had a hard time maintaining focus during this time and found the large chunks of data confusion. I wish it had been broken down further into small sections.
By Gregory D
•Apr 24, 2019
The open ended written final assignment was better than a multiple choice test in my opinion. I just wish it had been graded by an actual instructor and not peer graded. I would have preferred to have gotten real feedback from someone that's an expert on the material.
By Wagner Z
•Jun 1, 2018
Overall this course is great! It gives to you a wide spectrum about System Admin and Infrastructure Services, but at the end, in order to do the last assignment, I felt the course didn't prepare myself enough and instead of motivating you, it kind of discourages you.
By Justin T
•Jun 1, 2018
A fair amount of information is covered, it is up to you to educate yourself more in this course than in the previous courses. This course assumes that you are the sole IT department employee for an entire company and so it covers material from that point of view.
By Barry S
•Jul 19, 2022
The course is fine but it might need to be updated. Some of the supplemental readings were outdated and some were evern removed. The labs also need to be checked out as I found some that did not have the information in the software that was suppose to be there.
By Jeremiah J
•Nov 25, 2018
The course was going at a good pace, I was easily able to keep working on it with not a lot of errors or mishaps, good knowledge overall, kind of bland though, not a lot of excitement to the learning style they use, but I can find my own excitement.
Well done!
By Festus M
•May 4, 2020
It is great course. But more could have been done especially on the size of videos. The videos are too short. This requires to perform several downloads for later view. Other than that, it is a great course with concise videos which are straight to the point.
By Sai R A
•Jul 15, 2020
Liked the course. It showed many practical duties of a system administrator and I was enjoying it while learning how to manage users and how we can restrict their access, and most important of all, we are responsible for the IT infrastructure of the company.
By Kwaku O S
•Apr 7, 2023
Great content, judging by the number of supplementary reading, a beginner will like take a while to really get everything synced with the theory, nevertheless great supplementary contents as well. Thank you google and coursera for this.
really practical
By Olanrewaju M
•Aug 12, 2021
I must say i enjoyed this course and Devan did an excellent job demostrating enough knowledge on the topic. However, it could be more engaging if there were hands-on excercises than lenghty videos. It would have been a good way to teach the AD lessons.
By Fred H
•Jun 12, 2020
A lot of great stuff here, really well done for an online course. Only thing I would change is making sure that the labs function properly (for full credit), and perhaps reorganizing the chapters on active directory into multiple smaller sections.
By Jacob P
•Jul 25, 2023
The information provided is great, but the course instructor sounds a little bit monotonic sometimes which makes the instruction difficult to follow. You can really tell he's reading from a script, and the pauses and emphasis are jarring at best.
By Jessy O
•Dec 28, 2022
overall the videos and notes were great, but some of the questions within the quizzes were either totally incorrect (I select a right answer that the system considers incorrect but shows my incorrect answer as the solution...) or just misleadling
By Danielle B
•Jan 22, 2019
The course content itself wasn't bad at all, but the glitchiness of QL made this course much more tedious and frustrating that it should have been. Please, please, please reconsider your obsession with QL activities. Please. Please. Please.
By Shirley S
•May 7, 2021
Me gustó el material del curso. Estaba muy actualizado y objetivo, pero encontré que las actividades para fijar el contenido fueron muy pobres en pocas.
También encontré que las tareas practicas fueron pocas y no tuvieron el alcance esperado.
By Darryl T
•Jan 11, 2021
This course was a lot of fun. There was also a lot of information. I feel like there needs to be more hands-on experimentation with some of these concepts. After the course, where can we go to practice our skills if we are working from home?
By Binaya P
•Jun 30, 2019
A very good course for student and working professional. It covers all the new technology and underneath basic concept. The labs are confusing, could have been better if they had an easy link for the lab after we logged in google cloud.
By Nkunze C
•May 7, 2020
Amazing content and a lot to learn from this course. The tutor was amazing and tried to explain while giving practical examples to every lesson. I believe this is a stepping stone towards becoming a competent Information Technologist
By James U
•May 21, 2020
There was a lot of great stuff taught in this class but without access to active Directory it makes it difficult to follow along. It would have been nice if I could pull up qwiklabs and follow along making changes like in the video.
By Adaka I
•Sep 10, 2020
Awesome course ... as is the others in the certificate. DNS, DHCP, LDAP, Active Directory, OpenLDAP, etc ...it has been an awesome time. A big shout-out to all the instructors and to Google for putting this together. THANK YOU!!