May 24, 2020
Learned quite a bit. Well presented. Though, without access to a mainframe to practice and experiment, this stuff learned will fade away. Would be nice to see a COBOL/Db2 course from IBM
Nov 6, 2020
Even though I'm a Civil Engineer I always want to learn how IBM programs their mainframes. Might as well program one someday
By Gilson V
•Jan 6, 2021
Jeff Bisti and team deliver great course content. The labs would be challenging for someone with no prior mainframe experience but great as a conduit to search for a mainframe career after being absent for some time.
By Ray M M S
•Nov 7, 2020
Even though I'm a Civil Engineer I always want to learn how IBM programs their mainframes. Might as well program one someday
By Matheus B B M
•Sep 8, 2020
the pratical exercises were no that easy, as the instructions were not clear so they required consulting manuals and a lot of googling.
By Aaron B
•May 26, 2020
Videos were engaging and well presented, but the information in the course was out of order with the quizzes so uncovered material would be tested on then covered later. The lab work is excellent and lets you work on a real system in an effective way. The course certificate signature is cut off making it look amateur.
By Lindomar R D S
•Mar 31, 2024
Gostaria de expressar minha profunda gratidão pelo curso que tive a oportunidade de realizar. Foi uma experiência incrÃvel e enriquecedora, e gostaria de compartilhar alguns pontos que realmente me impressionaram: Conteúdo Relevante e Atualizado: O conteúdo abordado foi extremamente relevante para minha área de interesse. A forma como os tópicos foram apresentados tornou o aprendizado mais acessÃvel e prático. Metodologia de Ensino: A metodologia utilizada durante as aulas foi excepcional. As explicações foram claras, e os exemplos práticos ajudaram a consolidar o conhecimento. Suporte e Disponibilidade: Agradeço pela disponibilidade em esclarecer dúvidas e fornecer feedback construtivo. Isso fez toda a diferença na minha jornada de aprendizado. Comunidade e Networking: O curso também proporcionou a oportunidade de conhecer outros profissionais da área. A troca de experiências e o networking foram valiosos. Em resumo, estou muito satisfeito com o curso e recomendo a todos que desejam aprimorar seus conhecimentos. Obrigado por contribuir para o meu crescimento profissional! Atenciosamente, Lindomar Rodrigues
By Paul D
•Feb 25, 2021
I had a break from Mainframe job and this course enabled me to get the feel of Mainframe, brush up JCL, USS, TSO, MVS Commands using the Console. I would appreciate if similar platforms are used to provide fundamental skills in CICS, DB, IMS and AS/400
•Sep 18, 2023
A great oppurtunity to learn and explore more about Information Technology. Good instructor!
By Robert D
•Jun 20, 2024
Nice! I did like the tricky practional Part of it and Jeff Bitsi is an awesome Instructor.
By Rajendra S N
•Jan 30, 2025
Clear explanation of concepts by knowledgeable Experts! Excellent Labs! Super Course!
By Charles T
•Feb 9, 2023
This the best baremetal server and mainframe server that ever finished with IBM.
By Jefferson J d S
•Jul 12, 2022
Curso de altissimo nÃvel para testar suas habilidades.
By Ivan K
•Feb 11, 2021
Thank you very much for the excellent course!
By Daneesha P
•Apr 14, 2021
Marvelous!! Thank you for the best content.
By hemanthakumara r
•Oct 21, 2020
Good, please add few more details
By Sawan P
•Sep 6, 2020
This will pay off trust me.
•Feb 8, 2021
Good one for Beginners !!!
By Aditya M P
•Sep 29, 2020
Good course
By Krisna D
•Jul 9, 2022
By Javier D J T
•Sep 27, 2023
By Subhan F
•Dec 16, 2020
By Vinicius M L
•Jun 28, 2020
By Nilmani
•Jun 2, 2020
By Seytmuratov N O
•Jul 6, 2023
By Ankit G
•Jun 8, 2020
By Mauro H
•Sep 23, 2022