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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to TCP/IP by Yonsei University

2,764 ratings

About the Course

You use the Internet through your PC (Personal Computer), laptop, tablet, smartpad, and smartphone every day in everything you do. Through your own PC/laptop, you can easily learn everything about the Internet, and that is what this course is focused on. In this course ‘Introduction to TCP/IP,’ you will learn the operational functions of Internet technologies (which include IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP, addressing, routing, domain names, etc.) and your PC/laptop's security and gateway Internet setup and basic principles. In addition, through a simple Wireshark experiment, you will see the TCP/IP packets and security systems in action that are serving your PC/laptop, that serves you....

Top reviews


Mar 20, 2021

Very good class, not difficult, doesn't take long and doesn't require any background knowledge. I would recommend it to anyone wanting to learn more about how the Internet and their computers work.


Jan 3, 2021

Amazing course and for sure the easy and understandable explanation. I highly recommend everyone to take this course if you wanna very basic of TCP/IP, OSI module and various cybersecurity terms.

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751 - 775 of 828 Reviews for Introduction to TCP/IP

By Bharat K


May 22, 2021




Oct 8, 2020


By nithya


Apr 2, 2020


By Bamba D


Jan 4, 2023


By 121912502008 g


Oct 30, 2020


By idrees


Oct 23, 2022

the course was full of informations and knowledge that everyone on the internet must know and have backgroud of but unfortunetly there was no recomandations or any kind of instructing how to study ( what to memorise / what to understand / what is the next step that you will reach and the goal of what he was explaining in the lecture that will help in the next lecture so you will understand what is the perpose and how to treat that material of memorising or just understand it .

there whas no PDF/WORD/... file thgat you can print out to explain and help the student study and do their homework .

thanks alot for all the effort that been spent to creat that useful introduction and hope to see pdf file for each matirial on this website .

By Christian S


Sep 3, 2023

An adequate course to gain first basic insights into TCP/IP, LAN and WAN networks, and cyber security. The course could be greatly enhanced by introducing more conceptual background information about the material being presented. A lot was shown as a factual presentation without providing how and why things are done or on what basis choices are made. More use of diagrams would also be helpful to understand the context of what was presented. Especially the chapter on IGP vs. EGP lacked visual representations of the topics presented.

By Marita B


Mar 14, 2021

I did achieve a necessary knowledge of TCP/IP and with that knowledge some tools and resources for operating in the cyber world more safely and managing my home network. The course could hep to launch someone who intends to go deeper. Sometimes more input from the tutor was required in a some areas. The discussion forum could have been utilized in a better way to clarify questions. The uses of Wireshark needed more explanation. That explanation segment should have followed the experiment.

By Minjun K


Dec 29, 2017

The lecturer seems like a kind, considerate person, however the content was a bit boring. For some parts he covered things that are just too obvious - like procedures that you could look up in Google. Or sometimes he would just repetitively go through unnecessary parts. On the other hand, he skipped basic concepts.. and his presentations were mostly just reading slides. More metaphors would have helped. But anyways I've tasted a bit of TCP/IP topics. That was cool. Thanks for your work!

By Patt M


Jul 22, 2022

course should include additional wireshark projects. every user must understand what is going on with their system each time they connect to the thing called internet - this course should teach more about ip-addresses, ISPs, whitelisting ip addresses, additional things that the DNS server can do, and how device information can be compromised using well known protocols. covered good theory but there should be more topics for sure

By Yung-Chuan C


May 3, 2020

This course is somewhat useful. As an introduction, it covers how the internet works with TCP/IP in general. Something useful wiil be the IPconfig command in windows. You also learn how to monitor the packets I/O. But there's no practical instruction for how to manipulate with the I/O flow yet. It's a good class to obtain background knowledge for later sessions.

By David S R


Mar 17, 2022

Reasonbly good content, and I enjoyed the little project at the end. It's still current and relevant. The instructor was good, but Phishing is pronounced like "fishing" not "pishing". He actually said "fishing" correctly, so it wasn't his accent. also, it seemed he never actually ran these commands to express the usefulness of them... just reading.

By C. R P


Sep 25, 2017

This is more of a refresher. This course should be done by people who have an IT background or understanding. There was very minimal explanation of topics apart from the written script. However, the content was good for re-wiring my memory on the topic. Bottom-line: this course is a highlighter and not content-heavy

By Low J H


Aug 31, 2018

Overall the content is decent and I learn a bit here and there. But I feel that it is still lacking slightly, but since it is a introduction I won't fault it for that. But overall I feel that is not much explanation and a lot of buzzword and assuming the audience already have knowledge to it.

By Hadi S


Jun 6, 2018

Those students who don't have a prior knowledge of networking, can't understand most of the concepts which are only shown in theory in this course. In most cases the instructor is just reading the slides.

Can be improved by putting more practical stuff and explaining more on some concepts.

By Alirio B


May 20, 2019

the explanation wasnt clear, it was basically just like if was reading a dictionary. I almost learn nothing. Need to improve the way they explain thing and not just say the meaning of something, for example say DNS and say "DNS is this and this" and then continue with something else.

By Anthony R


Sep 27, 2020

Provides a lot of awesome information, Professor could have made videos a little longer to avoid missing information. I had to google some stuff due to the lack of concrete definition. But, man this course made everything I needed to know for my interview very clear.

By Luis M


Jun 13, 2020

There are some really engaging parts such as the subnet exercises as well as the wireshark piece, but there were a few topics covered such as the protocol headers on which the instructor only read what was in the slides and did not provide much context or examples.

By Krish R


Oct 22, 2020

Basically reading out from the presentation. Expected more explanation. Had to search a lot of the stuff on the internet to get an even clearer picture. Lack of clarity. Could have reduced the broadness of the course and focused a bit more on the depth.

By Federico G M


Nov 13, 2020

No me fue de mucha ayuda, hubo muchos videos sin traducir y no me parecio nada interesante el ultimo modulo, en el cual lo unico que uno puede visualizar es como se hace una determinada prueba, la verdad no volveria a hacer ni a recomerrda este curso.

By D B


Feb 18, 2023

I feel like it needs to go more into the practical side of TCP/IP. Although the instructor went over core concepts important for any student to understand Networking and showed an example in Wireshark. I think it should show more realistic examples.

By Shein A


Jul 20, 2021

The course is not bad, but there's not quite enough details on how client and server establish the connection and other low level stuff, but the course includes information about internet attacks, which is quite unrelated to protocols stack.

By Nikola M


Nov 1, 2020

This was advertised as a beginner course. The first two weeks were ok as a beginner, but the following weeks were obscure and incomprehensible. I wouldn't recommend this course, if like myself, you are just starting out in networking.

By Robert A


Dec 3, 2017

It was an okay course, but if you have any knowledge in this area you should skip this course because it is kinda slow and not in detail, nevertheless i repeated terminology and main principles.



Sep 17, 2020

Would have been great if the basic concepts are explained in detail. It looks this course is intended for an advanced learner who knows this topic knowledge already.