Aug 19, 2020
It was an awesome experience for me in improving, especially my teaching skills to a new paradigm, I learned and benefited immensely from the course, as the course design is meticulously well planned.
Sep 28, 2020
Amazing experience. Truly an eye-opener for several faculty like me who enrolled for the course from my institution. Thanks to both the course instructors for their wonderful synergy and contribution.
By Jessica H
•Mar 23, 2021
The majority of the information on here is out of date. A lot of the links/resources no longer work.
By Maria T S
•Nov 22, 2017
This course is quite boring and I have not felt it has been really useful.
By Hermelinda P
•Aug 17, 2022
Excellent course.
I have a higher degree in Statistical Sciences and have been a professor of Statistics, I have taught at one of the most renowned Universities in my country from which excellent professionals have come out.
But I'm not a pedagogue. Although I have taught with dedication and my mystique and my students have learned and I know my subject I recognize that I had had no training in pedagogy.
Until now...
I followed the course for three months the LTTO course as I dedicated myself to thoroughly reviewing all the recommended readings, all the sites, applications and pages they mentioned.
At present I consider that I have learned techniques and methods in this course that will be very valuable to my future performance as an online teacher of Statistics, Excel and Data Analysis courses.
The LTTO course has made me rethink the pedagogy and teaching method I had previously followed.
The planning, development and content of this course has aroused in me a great enthusiasm to continue applying the teaching model that represents the course, applying everything learned. Following the advice one step at a time, one technology at a time, I will continue to explore thoroughly what is there, on the web, and that the course has shown me that there is
Thank you all, thank you very much
By Norbert M (
•Jul 9, 2021
I think this course is quite nice for those teachers/educators who have little knowledge in the field of IT, how to use IT/Technology to educate people, how to engage students online, how to motivate them, or what kind of technology, programs they should/can use to teach online. If you are already knowledgeable in this field then it might not add anything new to you. However, it still manages to provide a CRAZY AMOUNT of resources, teaching resources and a huge amount of authentic academic research/papers in the online-teaching field. This is the main reason why I give it a 5 stars. Once you're finished, you can come back anytime and read a lot of great papers that help you improve.
Actually, I HIGHLY suggest you peruse all the reading tasks or papers, and do all the activities otherwise you just simply waste your time and money for a certificate which you won't be able to use because you technically didn't learn anything. Don't be that guy.
By Karen W
•Jun 26, 2020
Very good course and in more in depth than expected. The videos were well done, even though some were a bit repetitive in terms of the information presented. Many had multiple interviews with different professors all stating the same thing, why x,y, or z is important when teaching online. Other videos were very informative, especially when delving deeper into one area.
I was impressed with the way the course was structured and how individualized resource lists were made. I was sometimes disappointed with the outdated resources, even though some are quite good. I never saw a single resource that was from the past 5 years, so I feel that the course is in need of some updating, especially considering that technology changes fast.
Otherwise, I did learn a lot and felt that I was challenged enough as well. I would recommend this course for sure.
By Shruti J
•Aug 9, 2020
Excellently structured, well paced and adequately supported through online resources. The course practices what it preaches. It has been designed keeping in mind the important principle of constructive alignment. At the end of the course, I could reflect upon my own practice and even plan a class using technology. What I also liked about the course was it's assessment pattern which included both formative ungraded self assessments as well as peer reviewed summative assessments. At no point in the course did technology overtake pedagogy. Technology was smartly used to even generate personalized recommendations based on our answers in the formative assessments. A big thanks to the Simon McIntyre and Neghin Mirriahi for sharing your expertise with us.
By Dr. s s
•Aug 1, 2020
the course is well designed , the assignment very clear mapping . I am really enjoyed and benefit so much from this course, wad an excellent experiences for me that was informative and very well prepared. this course is polishing and reinforced my experiences in teaching and learning, specially I have gained my Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCertHE) in the UK 2012 fromUK Higher Education Academy (HEA), and as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), I am really glad to take part in the informative course , and it is prove my theory of learning in my PhD thesis in the UK. Thank you so much COURSERA and thank you so much for the great instructors DR. Simon Mclntyre and DR. Negin Mirriahr
By Janet J G
•Jul 12, 2020
First I'd like to thank God for this blessing of finishing my course "Learning to Teach Online" with Coursera, to my two Professor Dr.Negim Mirriahi and Simon Mclntyre , to Cousera, and to the all contributors who share their knowledge of expertise and experiences. I've learned a lot from this course, I'd like to commend also my peers fellow classmate in this course for their constructive feedback to help me improve.taking the course help me a lot learning about different technologies as tools ;on how I can plan and deliver my pedagogy of instructions effectively in Digital Learning . Cousera is one of the best online platform to learn and thank you for your great endeavor of helping and sharing knowledge for Free...
By Engr. F U Z
•May 19, 2020
Very well organized, presented and implemented. (Y)
I have a suggestion to make: like the two assignments (which were graded) if you can add any such activity which is peer reviewed like the assignments but may not be graded because adding this to grade will make things cumbersome. Why I want to add more peer reviewed (ungraded) assignments? Because it increases the interest level as they are engaged with each other.
But if the (new) assignments are not graded, may be people skip it. Yes!
So, the (new) assignments can be made compulsory requirement for the completion of the course, thus people who want to complete the course will have to go through the (ungraded) assignment too.
Thanks (Y)
By Winnie F I
•Jun 24, 2020
This course has a great impact on current and future educators of the world. Anyone who is interested in education will gain important information in this amazing course. The most important information I gained is that technology and Education is the future. I think this course is a great place to start in learning how to integrate online teaching, online technology and exactly how to go about doing it. This program is well designed, its not too heavy and complicated for any learner. I thought I knew enough about Online Teaching when a colleague recommend this course but boy was I wrong. Anyone who takes this course will leave with some greater knowledge on how to become a better teacher.
By Sara G P R
•Aug 11, 2020
I took the course to improve my teaching skills during the COVID-19 pandemic. This course helped me to learn about the taxonomy for learning, teaching and assessing based on Bloom`s Taxonomy, of which I had never heard or read before. Also about selecting technologies based on the desired learning outcomes. For example, I didn't quite understood how and for what purpose to use a Forum; now, I do. All the bibliographical references and videos were very rich and assertive. Besides, I also learned how to assure the quality of my course and how to get student feedback to improve my course.
Thank you very much for such a well planned and rich course. Impressive! Thank you! I enjoyed it!
By Joseph S
•Jul 14, 2020
For anyone worried about having to teach online and being thrown into the deep end, this is an excellent starter to finding out about the concepts and theory behind online lessons. While using new technology may seem daunting, the course guides you through the major issues and provides recommendations and support specifically tailored to your individual needs. At no point do you feel you are on your own.
There is also an abundance of good advice, thought provoking questions well-produced materials to help you along the way,
I have recommended this course to a number of my colleagues as an introduction to teaching online.
By Prabhat C
•Jan 30, 2017
This is my first course in the coursera. I am a clinician and also spend time on transfer of knowledge and and skills to community health care professionals by using blended training. Everything is five star about this course . The important sections for me was different learning tools, learning outcomes, engagement of the learners and assessment. The course is designed very nicely with small video, links to quality materials and peer review. Because of my busy schedule, i would mostly go through the course during my long travel to hospital. Thanks to Simon, Negin and UNSW team to have such a wonderful course. Thanks
By Julia M
•May 4, 2020
I really enjoyed getting all these great ideas and an insight in the various aspects related to online teaching and learning. It has been my first online course, and I realise how convenient and flexible online learning can be. What I liked most, was that you always encouraged us to think outside of the box but at the same time made clear that we should design our own learning activities for our student with regards to our own situation at our insititutions and prerequisites. That took away the pressure and gave me the freedom to reflect on my teaching. I got great ideas that I'm trying out with my students now.
By Mendoza
•Aug 6, 2020
This course is very helpful to everyone,in my case this widen my knowledge to different online technology that is very helpful in the delivery of my instructional material. Thank you so much Dr. Simon and Dr. Nigen for sharing your expertise, i really appreciate your effort in discussing each topic that can be easily understood by individuals like me who is not a computer savvy. Thank you so much and God bless always.
Hoping you can help me to obtain my certificate, i enroll this course for free but as i go along i thought i want to have certificate from this course. Once again thank you so much.
By Herwin B C
•Jun 7, 2020
Thank you for this opportunity to learn from the best! Our university has now shifted to fully online class in order to respond to what the world needs right now as we face challenges brought to us by this pandemic. Taking this course "Learning to Teach Online" from UNSW has provided me the necessary knowledge, skills, and strategies on how to deliver my online classes effectively and efficiently. Definitely, I recommend this one! Our course instructors Simon and Negin are great! I am a proud university teacher from Manila, Philippines and I should say "Maraming Salamat po" (Thank you very much)!
By Aisulu K
•Jun 30, 2020
The course was extremely helpful and interesting. I learned so many useful things. And now I can easily differentiate between open access and institutionally supported technologies, select necessary technology for facilitating online activities and design and evaluate the online activities to maximize my students ' learning. Before taking this course I had doubts about my digital skills, no idea of online activities which can be helpful for my students and engaging all students in active learning. Now thanks to this course I have obtained many skills necessary for successful online teaching!
By sowdamini t
•Aug 9, 2020
Its really a mandate course for all higher education faculty fraternity. Through this course, I learned many things like lesson planning, how to integrate my course objectives to course outcomes. Which online tools are the right one to assess student performance, For me its like win-win approach both for the students and faculty. For this, I must thank our GITAM UNIVERSITY for providing this prestigious platform COURSERA to listen to intellectual sources and especially the resources and links which are provided are very much useful for me at present and also my future inventories, Thanks a lot
By Hugo C U
•Aug 5, 2020
This is an excellent choice for teachers or any professional that has a corporate trainer role. Regardless of your level, if you take this course you will clearly analyze and evaluate the role of the technologies, e.g: Web 2.0, LMS and others, and the common challenges found when trying to use them. For instance, I understand that we cannot use technology just to amplify or extend our teaching status quo. Students will react differently and they have different self-realization aims while experiencing the ever-changing real world and professional challenges. Come and see!
By Ekaterina A
•Jan 29, 2017
A fantastic course!!! An incredibly substantial one, containing a multitude of useful links and recommendations. The latter are flexible, individual-oriented and depend on how familiar you are with certain aspects of online teaching and certain technical issues. I have been interested in online teaching for a while and have watched a number of webinars, but I had never seen anything of the kind! That's fabulous. really. Expressing my profound gratitude to the creators of the course who have contributed so much to switching my online teaching to the brand new level.
By Indranil B
•May 12, 2021
I have taught online even before the COVID-19 situation transformed the HE landscape across the world. I thought I knew everything one needs to know about distance learning. This course really made me rethink my approach about the technologies and the pedagogies of digital/online learning. The most important part for me in this course was how to use learning analytics to improve student engagement. The interesting thing is that the course is self-reflexive - being an online course about online teaching. So, one was a learner and a teacher at the same time.
By Britty R T
•Jul 27, 2020
'Learning to Teach Online' course helped me to develop my teaching competencies and skills using technology. As the education is completely shifted to online platform all over the world, due to the pandemic situation, this course has very much importance and relevance nowadays. The excellent lectures by Associate Professor Simon McIntyre and Dr. Negin Merriahi, enabled me to learn the content with more ease and efficiency. Thank you coursera and UNSW for providing this excellent course to all learners around the world.
By Naga R A
•Aug 4, 2020
Good opportunity to learn through the course and through the peer members in the discussion forum. It was very much interesting and helpful during their pandemic, where we are all looking forward to online learning practice. This course has helped me to shape up my online teaching plan and, strategies to be followed, the ethics, the requirement of necessary tools, the do's and don't during online teaching. The wonderful and most useful course at the right time by the right people. Thank you for the opportunity.
By Vijay S
•Jun 12, 2020
An amazing course conducted extremely well by Simin Mckintyre and Negin Merriahi. I have been into e-learning for over 20 years now. However, this course has given me so many insights and markers into planning, setting up and evaluating a vibrant e-learning environment. I would highly recommend this course for teachers from school level to teachers in higher education institutes. The Covid Pandemic has created a situation where all teachers need to go online. This course is pure gold.
By Visuanathan G
•May 11, 2020
The Learning to Teach Online was a well organized and structured course, appropriate course materials and academic literature, video guidance and tips to look for when reading recommended text and in completing each of the parts n the course. It has help me to review several new online teaching tools available in the technology market. It was certainly a very good exposure and I am excited to future my learning on how to use the different types of online software. Thanks and Cheers.