Nov 3, 2023
The one of most excellent course you represent on corsera app by the help of completing this course now I understand the best ways and instructions for teaching purposes.And thanks a lot of you .
Jun 18, 2020
I found this course extraordinarily useful in preparing and especially in the delivery of the teaching lessons. I aspire to become a teacher and this course is useful.
By Mohammed A c v
•Jun 19, 2020
I found this course extraordinarily useful in preparing and especially in the delivery of the teaching lessons. I aspire to become a teacher and this course is useful.
By Mekhet M
•May 9, 2020
Excellent course, I am an English teacher myself and took the course out of curiosity, and could have fun learning something and enjoying the teacher. I recommend it.
By Silvia F G
•May 20, 2020
This is my first experience with coursera and I found this course really good.
The contents were becoming more demanding increasingly over time.
There are many websites and documents to check and the last part is a productive activity in which you should apply what you have learnet throughout the course.
By Dr. B D Д Б (
•Mar 10, 2016
-This professional, informatic, important development course is exactly for all those people like me - who are the professional native English teachers and at the same time inhance the strong desire to learn, progress, and want to progress & update to the next-level!
By Natalya S
•Oct 29, 2022
Attending the course was the happiest time for me for the whole month. I live in Ukraine we have hard time because of war. The course could returned me to our peaceaful life, to another reality with educational videos, interesting home tasks, with professional charming speakers. Thank you very much , dear speakers! I feel empowered and more confident , more skillful after the course.
By Aida P
•May 23, 2017
This course was excellent and well structured. I have learned many valuable things about how to better start a class and finish it. In addition, I have learned useful phrases during this course.
Very special thanks to the dear teachers. I wish them happiness and successes.
By Muhammad A F
•Mar 8, 2016
It is a valuable course. I completed this and it made me enabled to efficiently and fluently deliver lecture in English.
By Muhammad S Z
•May 21, 2020
It is a good course to learn how to teach in English. I am much thankful to the Coursera team and my instructors.
By Marc S S
•Jan 4, 2017
Muy completo
By José M F M
•Jul 22, 2020
An excelent course for those teachers who are thinking of teaching their courses in english. Very well delivered by the two professors. Personally, I have appreciated their setting the topic of english-medium teaching up-to-date, what the current best practice is alongside with a lot of sensible, useful advice. The materials are neatly produced, including the quizzes and the challenging monologue. Great professors. Thank you!
By Rano P
•Jul 6, 2022
I've learned lots of useful and valuable teaching skills including task -based approach. there were practical suggestions how to organize teaching process successfully using helpful expressions and phrases. I'm really happy to get this knowledge that will definitely improve my language and teaching skills! Thank you very much! I liked everithing it this course it was interesting and well organized and managed!
By D. K M S
•May 26, 2020
Top class in all respects - in the topic areas covered, quality of the material provided and the expertise of the resource personnel! Very relevant and thoroughly useful. It would only be an understatement to say that both the teachers were practical to the core and highly imaginative. I cannot thank them enough. A big thank you to Coursera too!
By Homero M
•Jul 20, 2020
I believe this course or an equivalent should be mandatory at all institutions for anyone who wants to become a teacher. The instructors' guidance and advice are essential components that we should take into consideration and implement in both the preparation and execution of our courses. Thank you so much.
By mohsen k
•Apr 24, 2017
It was great. I found this course very informative and useful.
In addition, it was well designed and the materials which have been used in this course are very useful.
And a very special thanks to the teachers because of providing us with all the knowledge which we need to be able to face as a teacher.
By Neisy G A E
•Apr 16, 2018
I would like to have the option to submit my tasks anytime I want, even peer evaluation is a good practice is not available by the time I am free to work in my course, hope you understand that; Just to have both of the options in case is not available in the moment we are working on it.
By Shahid Q
•Jun 20, 2020
Great course and thanks for providing such a great time and your help regarding this course ..
I am a teacher and it will be really helpful for me in future..
Best wishes for All participants and Best regards for all teachers involved in this course....Stay blessed All of you...
By Verônica d S M
•Jan 19, 2021
Great course! I personally found interesting how flexible it was. I can easily apply the contents of the course to my area of knowledge and the context of my country. Besides, the classes were clear and well-explained. I definitely recommend it!
By Ахетова Г С
•Jul 7, 2022
Hi dear colleagues and instructors!
The course Coursera was excellent and well organized. I have learned many valuable things about how to motivate
learners. Thanks a lot to the Coursera team. It was really great and useful.
By Sunethra N
•Jul 16, 2017
I think this course will enrich my teaching methodologies. I want to be a student and improve my knowledge , and I would like to share my knowledge with other teacher community who come from all the corners of the globe.
By Pahulmeet S
•Jun 28, 2016
Wonderful course. I run a non profit school in India. This course empowered me and all of my staff with English for teaching purposes. Moreover, this course also touches on some pedagogy techniques. Highly recommended.
•Feb 27, 2020
If you want to teach students and make difference in their lives, this is a must course to have. Pay attention to all MOOCs listed in the modules and pass the challenging assignment listed at the end of course.
By Cristian L R
•Jun 29, 2017
That's pretty much useful not only if you want improve your english skills but also if you love learning how different subjects teach in English.
This course offer many tips to strengthen your teaching skills.
By Nikolaeva M A
•May 22, 2020
I'd like to thank the lecturers: the material was perfect and understandable, some of the aspects introduced were totally new and thus highly interesting.
can't wait to use the skills I got in real life!
By Maria A d V L
•Jul 31, 2022
In my opinion this course was amazing once we can learn more about teaching our subjects in english, assess our peers and be assessed by them. Moreover, I like doing it in my free time. Congrats!!
By Emad S B A E
•Jan 30, 2021
its amazing course, which gives me a chance to explain any lesson in away like a professional one.
I'd like to thank everyone who did his best with us from the beginning