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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Strategies for Teaching Perfect Tenses and Modals by University of California, Irvine

94 ratings

About the Course

This is the first course in the Teach English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. In this course, you will learn about teaching important intermediate verb tenses, including present perfect, present perfect progressive, past perfect, and past perfect progressive. You will also learn about teaching common modal verbs used in English. Finally, you will have opportunities to practice the skills you learn by creating sample assignments and recording short videos of your teaching demonstrations. This course is designed for teachers or those wanting to become teachers who have a solid understanding of English grammar and want to improve their skills of teaching that grammar to others. Please note that the free version of this class gives you access to all of the instructional videos and handouts. The peer feedback and quizzes are only available in the paid version....

Top reviews


Aug 15, 2018

The quality of the course is exceptional and the resources given are high class.


Aug 8, 2017

Excellent course with very good videos and ideas. I really enjoyed it.

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1 - 23 of 23 Reviews for Strategies for Teaching Perfect Tenses and Modals

By Christina R

Aug 9, 2017

Excellent course with very good videos and ideas. I really enjoyed it.

By Sadia I

Nov 24, 2018

it's so motivational and effective teaching Course .

By Sarah H

Aug 18, 2020

I will begin by saying that I did learn something (hence, the three stars). When I was in elementary school we only studied past, present, and future tenses.

That being said however, I have taken many on-line classes on a variety of subjects and this is the most poorly conducted class I have ever experienced. There were errors in grammar on some of the slides and in test questions. One test question (Week 4) counts the correct answer as wrong and explains that "the correct answer is" -- and then provides the exact wording as the answer it has marked wrong. Another issue is the wait time between submission and receiving any feedback or grade. In spite of when it says you will receive feedback, it takes at least two weeks. It would be nice to have feedback more quickly in case there are things you might want to do differently going forward.

Also, some of the fields for loading videos and handouts didn't work because no prompt was provided. When your entire grade is based on what you submit and you can't submit your work, how do you get a grade? Most of us (me, as well as others I reviewed) had to figure out other ways to make things available for review. I don't know if this is the fault of UCI or Coursera but it should not happen multiple times in one short course -- one time might just be a computer glitch or an oversight but multiple times is indicative of poor quality control.

The worst part, however, is that there is no way to communicate with anyone other than through the "help center." For example, I was given a failing grade for my first submission on Week 2 because the reviewer said I did not include group work (it was in the instructions as well as mentioned several times in my video submission). He also said I did not include all of the materials needed. Not only did I include the ones needed for the portion in my video, I also included the materials needed for part two of the activity which I referenced in both the instructions and the video but did not demonstrate because I had no actual students to do it. It is obvious that he didn't bother to read or watch but just wrote something to to get his credit for a review. There was no way to address this with anyone other than the help center who advised that I redo it and try again. He should have been held accountable for his review.

If I take any of the other segments from this program, it will only be as an audit. I don't have the time nor do I need the frustration of dealing with all of the above in a course prepared by supposedly college level professional trainers. I spent 30 years of my career developing and presenting training; I would probably have been fired for putting out such a poor product to represent my company.

By Greg L

Aug 12, 2017

Zero communication. zero feedback. Peer reviews require 3 reviews by yourself, but get one reviewer in return. Reviewers also give no feedback (that is always an irritation - unexplained deductions). My three submissions all received a single comment, all from the same reviewer - 'good luck' was the comment. The course has NO DISCUSSION FORUM and that is the main reason I mark them so low. Assignments require a lot of work, since they involve video preparation and presentation.

By Jane S

May 21, 2018

The material itself was excellent. I learnt a lot that I will apply in my classroom. Very difficult to finish the course because of a lack of students to grade your assignments. It's a gamble as to whether you can finish in any given session or not.

By Anna S

Jun 9, 2021

Несколько месяцев не могут проверить мои работы, куда написать???

By carolina z

Apr 27, 2020

Great content in this course! However, there is one thing I really need to bring up..

The videos are pretty low quality. The animation is really basic and old fashioned. I would like to suggest you get a proper animator/designer to do them. The voice-overs could be better quality up as well.

By Mekhet M

May 9, 2020

Courses are nice, but UCI does not fix or reply when we flag content issues, which sometimes hinders us from getting 100%. I recommend the courses though, but only if you are patient: it takes really long until there are enough peers to grade and get graded, so you have to reset dates or switch sessions may times.


Nov 27, 2020

Bonjour chers enseignants et donateurs, j'espère que vous vous portez tous très bien. Je suis profondément désolée car je ne pourrais pas suivre ce cours. Je n'enseigne pas l'anglais, au contraire je souhaite apprendre l'anglais. Le cours pour lequel je pensais demandé l'aide financière est << Spécialisation Learn English: Advanced Academic Speaking and Listening>> .

Suivre ce cours sera une perte de temps pour moi et sans motivation j'aurais du mal à rester assidue. Je ne sais pas comment me désinscrire. Je suis profondément désolée.


Jun 29, 2020

This was a really interesting and fruitful course. I checked my comprehension about perfect tenses and models and learned various activities and strategies to take my classes to the next level. Important things such as teacher talk, interaction and the use of simple material during the class

By Akzhan A

Dec 25, 2021

I loved this course 10/10 ! Thanks to everyone who contributed to the creation of this course. Grammar explanation is so clear, as well as teaching tips. The only thing that got in my way was the "peer reviews", they took a lot of time due to the waiting.

By Charlotta R ( b l

Aug 16, 2018

The quality of the course is exceptional and the resources given are high class.

By F M

Jun 25, 2023

It's such a great course, full of activities, explanations and fun!

By İlker Ö

Mar 29, 2022

That is a marvellous course. Thank you

By Zakirova D R

Aug 13, 2020

Было очень интересно и познавательно !

By Easy L

Jan 13, 2018

Great way in teaching tenses.

By DR. K B

May 21, 2020

Very useful course

By Juan C S N

Oct 29, 2020

Excellent course!

By Charybelle M

Dec 1, 2020

Thank you


Jul 14, 2020


By Sofia R F

Feb 9, 2018


By Rick H

Jun 3, 2018

Good for beginning teachers.