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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Power of Team Culture by University of Pennsylvania

515 ratings

About the Course

Behind the success and failure of teams lies team culture. But what exactly is culture? How and why does it contribute to success and failure? In this course, you learn how to recognize aspects of team culture of which most people are typically unaware. It is often these seemingly unimportant aspects that have the greatest effect on the outcomes of group tasks. Your recognition of them enables you to form, join and lead teams more effectively. You also come to appreciate the role of ritual and symbols in the daily operation of teams, as well as in situations of change and crisis. Knowledge of the ideas and information in this class enables you to be a better team player and a more effective team leader....

Top reviews


Jul 6, 2020

Very interesting topic. I already studied the topic thus was able to clear it fast, but it was a nice refresh and I would advise it to anyone. Might it for personal or professional motivations.


May 3, 2020

Got an amazing experience in online education with this course and bunch of new knowledge. I would like to thank coursera and University of Pennsylvania team for offering me a financial aid.

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126 - 138 of 138 Reviews for The Power of Team Culture

By daoud e


Oct 9, 2024


By Núria A


Nov 12, 2016

The contents of the course are definitely insightful and approrpriately based on scientific research. Dr. Greg Urban is extremely knowleadgeable on the topic.

The reason why I am not giving the course a higher rate is because: 1) I find the pace of the course is quite slow, 2) the inactivity in the discussion forums and the lack of peer reviews in the assignments reduces its interactivity and 3) both the contents and grading system are very theoretical.

Still, I would recommend this course as it provides a solid foundation on the principles behind the dynamics of culture.

By Rachel B


Aug 19, 2020

Some interesting concepts, and it's great to learn about the foundation of culture in a more analytical way. I found the format rather lacking - the background of the Professor feels quite dated, and it was a little hard to follow at times. However, I did learn a lot and I have taken some interesting points/thoughts across. The English transcript also has a number of errors - I tried to find a way to report them, but was unable. I'd suggest editing these so that the course feels more professional. Thanks!

By Ewan O K


Mar 3, 2018

This isn't very practical for the business context, a couple of principles are useful. Also a few of the definitions are not well explained. Building High Performance Teams is a much more practical and useful module.

By Paulina D


Mar 31, 2022

Interesting information, but just with one professor looking at the camera and telling too many stories it becomes boring and repetitive at some point,

By Beau L


Mar 29, 2020

The material is interesting, but the instructor was not very engaging

By Mindsight W - B S


Jul 6, 2019

Good info, but thought it would apply more directly to workplace

By Juhi S


Jan 22, 2018

The topic is very interesting but th

By Nikki A


Apr 14, 2020

The information was too basic for university level material. The most disappointing part was the way in which the information was presented. In other courses for this specialization, a group of professors conversed and connected dots over subject matter while also providing videos of acted out skits to show progression of teams; it was highly engaging! In this course, it is one professor speaking directly to camera; not engaging at all for learners.

By Caitlin S


Nov 14, 2019

I don't quite feel like this course matched up with what I felt was described, but it wasn't bad. I learned a lot about anthropological examples of culture formation and change, less about how it works and can be applied inside of companies. While the lecturer is incredibly knowledge, the format could be a bit more engaging probably than him just reading off a teleprompter and standing in front of a cheesy greens screen background.

By Elaine W


Nov 4, 2018

Although it is interesting to hear this topic taught by an anthropoligist the content was very limited.

By Rimsha K .


Nov 30, 2021

A good theme with many books these days is the level of research that supports the content. Dyer does not disappoint on this front. He reviews 100’s of case studies and is in the fortunate position of having interviewed manyleadersOpens in a new taband CEO’s to gain relevant information.

As you would expect, there is the usual vision, mission and values element included. Furthermore, it was refreshing to read about contemporary organisations such as Adobe.

By Irfan N


Jun 29, 2021
