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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Teamwork Skills: Communicating Effectively in Groups by University of Colorado Boulder

3,376 ratings

About the Course

Recently revised and updated! Effective teamwork and group communication are essential for your professional and personal success. In this course you will learn to: make better decisions, be more creative and innovative, manage conflict and work with difficult group members, negotiate for preferred outcomes, improve group communication in virtual environments, develop a better overall understanding of human interaction, and work more effectively as a team. Our goal is to help you understand these important dynamics of group communication and learn how to put them into practice to improve your overall teamwork....

Top reviews


Nov 23, 2021

Very very effective course. Good learning is provided at this platform by covering each and every thing related to course. I am feeling blessed and proud to had this opportunity.Thanks for everything,


May 5, 2020

One begins to immediately observe the benefits of this course from week one, as it instantly improves how you communicate with others in groups and in everyday life.I absolutely recommend this course.

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26 - 50 of 1,091 Reviews for Teamwork Skills: Communicating Effectively in Groups

By Paloma O


Apr 18, 2020

n my opinion this course is very useful to acquire team communication skills. It has been very interesting to learn new concepts such as the role of each person and the identity of each person in the team. I also learned a lot about the use of technologies in a team project.

By Md M R


Apr 27, 2020

I would like to thank Mr. Matthew A. Koschmann and University of Colorado, Boulder for making such a great learning possible for students like me. I enjoyed all of the lectures in this course. Indeed, the course coordinator put a lot of effort in this course. Thank You!

By Tom T


Apr 20, 2020

It is wonderful to learn so much useful hints about communication in team, ranging from the language usage, decision-making traps, practices of good decision making to conflict management. And it is also useful to understand how technology can affect our communication.

By Jasmin P


Jun 15, 2020

I highly suggest this course. What impressed me the most are creative tasks and peer review assignments. Also, there are so many topics to debate about. Something like this is useful for everyone, both for professional and our everyday life. Teacher is great as well!

By Deleted A


Apr 14, 2020


By Zeljko J


Apr 27, 2020

This course was a great experience for me! I just want to comment on the time required to complete the weekly writing tasks (Week 2 and Week 4). The tasks require much more time than designated in the course description. This is misleading and it may be a time management issue for quite busy learners. I would say the designated completion time should at least be doubled for these tasks.

By Anirban B


Jun 12, 2022

This course is a complete course for communication and group decision making. All modules are so important and relevant .New thinking like sociomateriality is a game changer and so much cutting edge. I really appriciate the effort and technique used by the instructor and his team to make this course. Really happy to successfully complete this course.



Sep 6, 2020

i really like that coursera and coursera is the best e-lerning platform as it provides many courses including free ones. qulity of video is very good and videos are also very interactive and understandable. coursera is very easy to use . it is the best place for any biginner. it also provide a certificate for all courses that we are learning.

By Bach H P


Jun 22, 2020

I find this course to be very thorough and helpful. The explanation of key terms for each module is very well explained and easy to understand for me. The quizzes and assignments are in-depth, and really help boost my understanding of the module. Invest some time into this course and you will find the results to be quite worthwhile.

By Kalai K P


Jun 2, 2021

Coursera changing the era of every students, I got my learning skills boosted , I acquired the knowledge what i missed in higher education, thanks to Coursera for changing my career path, Team work skills the course content was very impressive and I am interested to do those group and peer learning process.

By Daniel K


Apr 26, 2020

I can really recommend this course. Mr. Koschmann is a great professor and understands to structure and explain the content in a very good way. It gave me a great and motivating insight into this topic.

By Mohammed R


Apr 18, 2020

Thank you so much Mathew Sir, My Course instructor for the course where he is a very energetic person I have learnt the course successfully and earned the certificate too. Thank you Coursera.

By Bam


Jul 1, 2021

great course to study and improve your communication skill

By Yogesh O


Mar 22, 2019

It is very helpful course to communicate in groups.

By Ashok N


Aug 28, 2020

Much Detailed and Challenging assignments

By Arnav K


Jun 15, 2021

I agree to the other reviews that the course is highly theoretical but if you understand that theory and and its application then it's useful! The course is very long especially the quizzes and assignments take a lot of time. Quizzes or assignments could've been less theoretical. You'll have to go back to the lessons several times while giving quizzes and attempting assignments to just recall the particular term or definition. My tip is to use the "Save Note" feature of coursera and make notes as when you see any theoretical or important stuff. It's gonna help a lot while revising for quizzes or assignments.

One of the assignments asks you to watch a movie (for which you've to pay on your own), that assignments was seriously very bad as it just burdens the task at us and very less learning is there. I would suggest if you have a lot of time, then course is worth it or if you just wanna improve your skills fast then don't do this course. Week 2 and Week 4 were the most interesting according to me. Week 3 was the most boring! Overall a good course if you've got time, you'll for sure learn a lot if you're ready to work hard!

By Kabran K K M


Jun 8, 2022


By Annelise D m


Jul 19, 2021

although the topics in this curse are extremely fascinating, as a working Manager I unfortunately have no time to proceed into the course by submitting the assigned "homework"

i would have loved to finish the course but i am forced to step back

best of luck to all of you



Jun 26, 2021

this course doesn't guarantee completion with depends on peer highly for which they do not provide good grades...

By James M B


Aug 19, 2020

Cannot unenroll

By Sudipta K G


Aug 24, 2020

When I took up this course, it was all about learning how to make better decisions and manage conflicts. I assumed it to be more pedagogical from the context in the course but having read about Matthew Koschmann as someone who is a Fulbright scholar and has had published articles on the different social aspects, I was hopeful. As the course became progressively interesting, I could understand that letting me know the technical terms and quiz questions that deal with them was all made up to develop my skills in understanding team interactions and the forces that play. It allowed me to get the whole idea of how things have shaped up in my daily work life and helped me understand and appreciate the different behaviours and resolution tactics applied. I thank much to Sir Matthew for the course and look forward to an ever-challenging environment with these grassroot learnings in group interactions.

By Hans B


Oct 21, 2022

We have been in Consulting for more than two decades and have to create presentations all the time. The course has helped to draw the attention on what is really important and how to shape a presentation so as to get the key message across strongly and properly ("Answer first"). Also, the course reminded us of the necessity of being clear, consistent and easy-to-follow. Having an own point of view is also important and can make a difference. While presenting, one needs to be authentic, conpetent and communicative ("engage with the audience"). Storytelling is key and deserves the effort ("people don't remember data but stories"). Finally, we are the product - clients either want to work with you as a person, or they don't. Altogether, a great class through which we learnt or refreshed a lot - also, we particularly liked the way in which it was presented. Highly recommended!

By Diogo T M d M


Jun 20, 2021

This course is excellent. It's short, but it's filled to the brim with knowledge that is valuable and useful for your everyday use. I've learned a lot with the course, and the whole communication reflection that you go through in the course can really shine a light in past experiences and show how and why some discussions failed or didn’t go as well as they could have. I’ve grown in knowledge as well as a person, as I now I know what wrongs I’ve done in my past while communicating. Now, armed with this knowledge, I know I’ll be better at both expressing myself and understanding others. Amazing course, thank you!

By Thanaruk Y


May 11, 2020

This course is really helpful and practical. The prof. provides many aspects of communication which allows me to deeply understand the history, the way it works, and suggestions that can be adapted in my everyday situations. Anyhow, in my opinion, the assignment of the final project is, somehow, way too hard for people who don't attend to the educational system properly. Most of the people enrolling in the course are just interested in the course, but, at the same time, are not prepared for high level of lessons and tasks. I think the two assignments in week 2 and 4 should be reconsidered and changed.

By Harriett S


Oct 18, 2020

Love the course. Very informational and definitely learnt a lot. Communication skill is so crucial to our everyday life. Professor Koschmann did an excellent job in pointing out how easily for us to "miscommunicate" and what we could do to improve. After taking this class, you become more aware of how you and others communicate, what you can do to make information flow better & become a better leader, or just to become a more understanding person when miscommunications or tensions happen. Thank you Professor Koschmann for such an enlightening class, and I enjoyed all the humorous drawings as well.