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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Teamwork Skills: Communicating Effectively in Groups by University of Colorado Boulder

3,376 ratings

About the Course

Recently revised and updated! Effective teamwork and group communication are essential for your professional and personal success. In this course you will learn to: make better decisions, be more creative and innovative, manage conflict and work with difficult group members, negotiate for preferred outcomes, improve group communication in virtual environments, develop a better overall understanding of human interaction, and work more effectively as a team. Our goal is to help you understand these important dynamics of group communication and learn how to put them into practice to improve your overall teamwork....

Top reviews


Nov 23, 2021

Very very effective course. Good learning is provided at this platform by covering each and every thing related to course. I am feeling blessed and proud to had this opportunity.Thanks for everything,


May 5, 2020

One begins to immediately observe the benefits of this course from week one, as it instantly improves how you communicate with others in groups and in everyday life.I absolutely recommend this course.

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1026 - 1050 of 1,091 Reviews for Teamwork Skills: Communicating Effectively in Groups

By bimalendu b

Sep 5, 2020



Jul 19, 2020



May 31, 2020

well good


May 6, 2020

thank you


Apr 22, 2020

very good

By Aditya K

Nov 22, 2023


By swati n

Aug 7, 2021


By Noman B Z

May 20, 2020

4 star

By Ahmed I e

Apr 7, 2020


By Amita T

Nov 15, 2021


By Dharmendra B

Nov 10, 2021


By Rohit N

Jun 10, 2021



Mar 15, 2021


By Rahul P

Jan 1, 2021


By Koustav M

Jun 4, 2020


By Sachin S

Apr 30, 2020



Sep 27, 2020


By Aatik V

Jul 21, 2021


By Sue F

Jan 2, 2024

This was one of the better online courses I've taken. The content was serious, I can easily apply it to real-life situations of all kinds. It was well-organized, the professor was clear and interesting, the notes were actually typo-free and grammatically correct (a number of the classes that I've thought I'd take in the past proved to be so useless and so filled with simple writing errors, etc. that I just abandoned them.) The quizzes made sense. I would easily have given this course a full 5 stars but for the 2 essays -- which are a truly INFURIATING WASTE OF TIME. and I saw this as someone who has had a 40-year career as a professional writer (advertising, marketing, corp comms) for leading international corporations. In other words, I can write. I like writing. I'm good at it. I do not mind writing essays. None of the previous statements are true for most people. But to discover -- when I was trying to finish this course by year's end -- that I had to WASTE TWO HOURS wasted to watch a movie -- plus writing the essay? I guess someone thought this was clever and creative? To make matters worse, the film didn't seem to me to have much in it to illustrate the application of skills being taught in this course. The second essay assignment was worse. Looking at the examples provided, it appeared that the instructor actually wanted us to create a number of characters and then invent a whole fictionalized story around them. This is not an essay -- this would be creative short-story writing -- very time-consuming and difficult! I ended up spending a total of about 12 hours on the assignment -- and steam was coming out of my ears the entire time, as I was writing it during the Christmas holidays and I really did not have 12 hours to spend on an exam that could've been quite serious and comprehensive -- yet taken half an hour or 45 minutes of a student's time. I hope this gets read -- because I was an admirer of this course and its instructor --until the essays and they changed my view of the course dramatically.

By Irina D

Jun 30, 2020

The course itself was a little dry for me however, I am a hands-on person and learn better when I am applying content right away so I have a bit of a biased review. The content itself was interesting and brought my awareness to certain communication issues that I subconsciously apply but that are not always right. The assignments are a good way to apply what I learned to creating that connection to my own experiences. The questions during the video is a good way to re-enforce what was covered in real time.

By Pablo V

Jun 9, 2020

It the first cours that I do it has been really interesting. I just have an issue that I consider can be easily solved. I noticed that you provide the notes tool which is great but the organization of such notes are upsite down, the firsts go to the bottom instead to the top. In addition, when you search by module thay sometimes appear not in order. Furthermore, would be useful if a highlighting tool would be implemented.

By Denise R

Apr 24, 2020

It seems like this class is heavy on using computer terms as an analogy to understand the concepts of group communication better. I didn't appreciate that because it seemed more clinical than what i would of expected. great professor and easy lay our of youa re okay with that. For me I didn't need all those extra vocab. words.

By Melissa W

Oct 15, 2022

I learned a lot, but my first assignment required me to watch a movie from a list of movies I did not have access to and when I optained Nexflixs - I discovered those movies were not available on the platform at the time. Reviewing the movie was very stressful and threw me off my timeline.

By Siara B d S d O

Jan 21, 2023

Dear Sirs, Good evening.

The certificate you sent me does not have my name on it: Siara Barbosa da Silva de Oliveira.

I kindly ask for a correction.

By One S L

Sep 15, 2020

Good lecture. Peer-review assignments are great way to enhance knowledge and understanding, but it takes a lot of time for learners to complete.