Aug 1, 2020
excellent, the content contemplates fundamental concepts in many areas, allowing participants to have a clear and general view of the world of it support regardless of prior knowledge. Congratulations
Mar 5, 2018
Awesome course designed by google. Thank you very much. Knowledge gained in just introductery leactures started burning desire in me to complete whole syllabus. Every bit of program is worth the time.
By Doi 6 ( D X
•May 1, 2022
Good course Google, I really like it a lot it help me to know a basic things about computer that I don't really know like history of computer, buding up pc, ect.
By Felipe L d N
•Aug 2, 2021
Uma experiencia muita valida demostrando muitas coisas do dia-a-dia fiquei muito feliz por relizar esse curso e estou animado pelas proximas fases! Recomendo!!!
By Karen G
•Jun 6, 2021
Everything is broken down into very digestible peices. Greater concepts which we will learn are hinted upon, and a great foundation for future courses is built.
By Nico P
•May 18, 2021
While I had some decent knowledge on technical support, from customer service to computer hardware, this course was an excellent introduction to the world of IT.
By Beth88
•May 7, 2021
I was a little skeptical first, partly due to my age as an older student. Now I am starting to feel very confident in possibly even moving towards Cybersecurity.
By Luke D
•May 7, 2021
An excellent base-level of knowledge for those who want to get into I.T. support but haven't necessarily learnt anything about it in school or in their own time.
By Andres M
•Mar 16, 2021
Es muy importante darte cuenta que no todo es netamente tecnico, la parte de las relaciones interpersonales son vitales para nuestra vida, gracias por este curso
By Sean M C S
•Feb 28, 2021
This was really good course. I love the fact it covered more than the average test. I would recommend this as the standard for anyone interested in the IT field.
By andrea l
•Feb 18, 2021
I really enjoyed this segment of the program! It taught me much of the history and engineering side of computers that I have always wanted to have knowledge of!
By Anish S
•Feb 5, 2021
This course really opens the gate where we can dive more deeper. Very interesting and important courses are included. I am definitely moving forward for new one.
By Sofia C
•Nov 19, 2020
It was great learning about IT; there is so much to the technology field I wasn't aware of. I am excited to keep learning more about the complexity of computers.
By Héctor M C T
•Nov 3, 2020
Excelente curso, definitivamente el mejor que he tenido la oportunidad de cursar, los instructores. la plataforma y los examenes alineados al objetivo del curso.
By Josué E V V
•Oct 12, 2020
Es el prmer curso introductorio, y de verdad deja un buen sabor de boca, es bastante completo y es perfecto para alguien que empieza en el mundo de la tecnología
By Dhimitrios S
•Oct 4, 2020
The best course in order to get the idea of how computer works. All the instructors where amazing and i am ready to continue learning even more about this field.
By Padma V
•Sep 27, 2020
I like this course because its very informative and gives the confidence to learn more about the technology industry and especially for a home maker like myself.
By Johanna K
•Aug 25, 2020
It is an excellent course, the contents were explained with details, and they were easy to understand and to follow. I really like it, Thank you! Johanna Kelln
By Sarah H
•Aug 16, 2020
These classes were easy to learn from and a joy to learn from. There were times where it felt harder then others but the flow of the classes made it also easier.
By Nina P
•Aug 6, 2020
This course is well set and easy to follow. I like the short videos. They are entertaining and not boring at all. The lads are very well explained and fun to do.
By Jose K T
•Jul 20, 2020
This is a good course which tells about all the fundamentals of computer , network, OS, troubleshooting etc . It's is quite simple and understanding. I loved it.
•Jul 6, 2020
Thank you to Google for employing a diverse cast of instructors. This course had some easy and some very challenging content and I look forward to diving deeper.
By Pratul K D
•Jun 21, 2020
As a beginner I really enjoyed this course and going to continue these courses that will help me to gain the knowledge of IT and will explore my mind towards IT.
By Philip S
•May 4, 2020
Fantastic intro to IT. The first course did an excellent job of giving me info and preparing me to learn more, without overwhelming. Looking forward to the rest!
By Donald Y
•Apr 13, 2020
Great course! I think anyone could benefit from taking this course, wether your goal is a career in the field or just navigating the modern world of technology.
By Lamar C C
•Mar 28, 2020
This course was very helpful to me getting me back into the IT field after such a long break. A big thanks to google for creating this course for people like me.
By Juan A L R
•Sep 20, 2019
Todo el equipo de profesionales tienen un excelente dominio. Muchas felicidades a todos por gran dedicación, pasión y sobre todo por compartir sus conocimientos.