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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Technical Support Fundamentals by Google

157,353 ratings

About the Course

This course is the first of a series that aims to prepare you for a role as an entry-level IT Support Specialist. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the world of Information Technology, or IT. You’ll learn about the different facets of Information Technology, like computer hardware, the Internet, computer software, troubleshooting, and customer service. This course covers a wide variety of topics in IT that are designed to give you an overview of what’s to come in this certificate program. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: ● understand how the binary system works ● assemble a computer from scratch ● choose and install an operating system on a computer ● understand what the Internet is, how it works, and the impact it has in the modern world ● learn how applications are created and how they work under the hood of a computer ● utilize common problem-solving methodologies and soft skills in an Information Technology setting...

Top reviews


Apr 12, 2021

This course was a friendly and educational start to the certificate, I will recommend this to anyone either looking to develop skills in IT or if they just want to gather more skills for personal use.


May 15, 2020

I actually have some experiences in IT so doing the course was very easy for me, but the content is awesome. It will be really beneficial for a beginner. I am looking forward to complete next courses!

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1976 - 2000 of 10,000 Reviews for Technical Support Fundamentals

By Dennis G

Jul 14, 2021

I learned a lot and at my own pace, goes into detail and gives a lot of information but it is spread out so it isn't so overwhelming. It was a course where I didn't feel burned out and kept feeling motivated by the stories people would talk about.

By Steven S

Mar 18, 2021

The first course (evidently, in a series of six courses) of Technical Support Fundamentals was very informative and explained in an easy-to-understand manner. Anyone looking to learn about Information Technology should consider taking this course.

By Joshua C

Mar 12, 2021

The course is a good way to view careers in IT , Learn Tech terms an easy guides to learn hardware an software. Form labs to quiz the Coursera course was set up for the learner to learn on there own paste . Would share this with friends an family.

By Tony F

Jul 6, 2019

Excellent fundamental course. It brushed me up on concepts I've taught myself while also learning quite a few new things. I love the idea of virtual labs because it's a much better tool than just memorizing concepts instead of putting them to use.

By Baxtiyor J

Feb 25, 2024

I haven't tuned myself to use the software, but I understand their general utility. Video games, music players, and Internet browsers present themselves as special types of applications and have the capabilities necessary to use them differently.

By Joe P

Jul 13, 2023

This course was great! The only issue I had was with some of the ambiguity of the practice questions that allowed choosing more than one answer, but they were easy enough to figure out after a little bit of thought. Very informative and engaging.

By Eduardo J

Mar 29, 2022

Phenomenal introduction to IT Support world. It's going to require the user to read and find out more info on their own about some items mentioned but in the end, that's what IT world is about. Being able to be resourceful and challenge yourself.

By Irwin O

Nov 20, 2021

I didn't know I could understand each lesson. I was just trying this out just to see if I know what this is all about because I do like computer's and I do want to learn more about them and thankfully this gave me a chance to do just that. Thanks

By Andy M

Jul 18, 2021

An amazing course for any beginner or person trying to brush up on the fundamentals of computers as well as technical support. Really helped hone in what I knew, worked more on it, as well as picked up knew things and understanding along the way.

By Mario S

Apr 11, 2021

This Course is amazing. Whether you have no knowledge about computers or some knowledge. User friendly and helps engage you as a reader/listener. From this one course I feel like I absorbed lots of new ideas and skills that I will further develop

By Monica A

Apr 8, 2021

I learned a lot from this course. It basically gives snapshots of the full courses in the rest of the certificate program. If you are not sure about the certificate program, this course can help you decide if it is something you want to pursue.

By Antonio A

Feb 22, 2021

Este curso leva o aluno a pontos técnicos muito importantes para com o atendimento a ser humano e as maquinas, um deles é sempre se avaliar tecnicamente como pessoa, porque, o cliente ele é a razão de todo este trabalho que o atendente ira fazer.

By Gregory M

Feb 13, 2021

Excellent course. I've been extremely busy with some ventures in my life and have thoroughly enjoyed and looked forward to every time I logged into the course to learn something new. This course is fresh, exciting, back by Google!

By America S

Aug 23, 2020

Great course for those that have absolutely zero knowledge of IT Support. Explains concepts and provides a note-taking area for review. Provides a safe area to practice RDC and go through the skills in a step by step process. Highly recommended!

By Saddam A (

Oct 22, 2019

untlll now the course is magnificent specially the teachers they are amazing the explain the subject with simple methods that you enjoy listen to them specially Cindy taking OS with teacher Cindy is sth nice thanks coursera and God bless you all

By Vitalii U

Apr 29, 2018

Excellent course as an introduction to IT support for beginners. Materials and exercises are simply to understand and to follow. Definitely I can recommend a course to colleagues who would like to start their studies in IT support from a scratch.

By Abhinav T

Jan 28, 2018

Apart from (making a new folder in windows -Week 3) i found this a great introduction to everything about IT. The course so far does not feel so laser focused and allows for you to think and re-inforce new concepts with the supplementary reading.

By Edward R

Apr 4, 2024

This course was REALLY GREAT. Most definitely worth the time. The structure and foundation of how the lessons are taught are amazing. Plenty of great information. All the courses made me more comfortable and confident in pursuing a career in IT.

By Nyon B W

Jul 6, 2023

This course is amazing, it's easy to follow, the instructors are wonderful, and they explain everything in a way that computers cannot understand. I'm glad I took this course, it's a must for everyone who is interested in expanding the internet.

By Realkuy A B A

Feb 4, 2023

That was an excellent opportunity to learn in my own space. I love it; that's an eye-opener and booster to the next step in the IT career path, thank you instructors for putting up together these may God bless you all.

Daniel R. Awad Barnaba Akec

By Florence A

Aug 22, 2022

I was told by Google anyone could complete this course, even if you had no experince. well, they were correct Im proud to say I had no experince and I have completed the first course in IT Tech. Im looking forward to starting the advance course.

By Nick T

Jun 3, 2022

This course help cement the knowledge that I've already known into something more lifelong; after taking this course, I feel more comfortable talking about the various topics that were discussed, which will help me learn even more in the future.

By Kazim C

Apr 28, 2022

I gained very useful and useful information for me, there are videos and readings prepared with great effort. I recommend it to everyone. It is a course that I think that those who want to make a career in the field of IT should definitely take.

By Nathan O

Apr 8, 2022

Great for people wanting to enter the tech industry. Easy to learn and very knowlegable intructors. Great resources provided for students and informative content to learn from. Thank you for helping me on my new adventure into the tech industry!

By A L

Nov 4, 2021

Course covered all the essential topics for the IT, I love the supplementary learning its too informative and helps me to dive deep into the topics, although it would be cool, if the supplementary resources include Youtube and other Tech Forums.