Oct 16, 2020
Awesome as ever. Some typos need to be corrected in quizzes and instructions. Also, I have finished 7 courses in 3 weeks because I was on a mission. I hope to complete this course within 1 month time.
Jun 23, 2020
The information for laid out very well and it was more informative then most tech classes/PDs I’ve sat through. It’s also a great way to be exposed to multiple tech aids/website suggestions at once.
By Phương N A
•Jul 9, 2021
Simple and less applicable or helpful than the other ones in this Specialization, but again, it gives good insights and theoretical foundation for more advanced research into the field later. Amusing videos as always and some helpful suggestions of technological tools along the way. Still, it would have been more helpful if the course actually included a list of technologies and let the learners try them out and have the problems discussed.
By Vaiva V M
•May 24, 2020
A lot of useful and organized information which is amazing, but also a little too theoretical and repetitive; those time gaps could have been used for more teaching with technology as an assistant examples and how to put that in practice.
By Cynthia A F
•Feb 1, 2022
I enjoyed the Matrix analogy. I would have liked to have spent more time on the different technologies mentioned in the course. I don't feel like my skills in technology for education are much better.
By Ibrahim O
•Mar 10, 2020
Disorganized and no response from instructors.
By Катерина М
•Feb 8, 2023
This one was fun, but as a teacher who has been using an online classroom and digital tools for 3 years, I don't find this course much interesting in terms of knowledge. I liked the idea of SAMR, that taught me to really think hard about how to improve my lessons and take advantage of the technology to enrich my students' learning experience. I also loved the information on how to deal with different types of learners. Apart from that there was not a lot of new and exciting knowledge. I was bored with my assignments and tests.
By Naomi D
•Nov 2, 2016
I feel like the topic of technology is important, but important enough for a full course. I also feel more class management strategies for ESL classroom would have been a more valuable topic.
By Sophia V
•May 4, 2017
Some presentations are too kitch.
By Rakcheeva E
•Sep 10, 2022
Wow! I take off my hat to the ASU wonderful team with such great Educators! First of all, as a “newbie teacher”, I would never have thought that presenting material can be so creative! The ASU educators are just fantastic actors. I’ve enjoyed studying “Teach English Now!’ throughout all 7 courses, but the plot echoing with The Matrix in the Course 7 was an amazing idea, and - I can bet - impressed many students :) Needless to say, I’ve discovered a lot of interesting, totally new information about technologies that I am sure will help me out in my future teaching practice. Thank you for doing magic with lessons, going along with the objectives, making the material clear, highlighting the most important ideas and making content so delicious and memorable!
By kiyingi i
•Nov 19, 2019
I learnt a lot of skills, the first is integration of technology by keeping in mind, mind-castles such as SAMR AND TPACK. Also the reasons for not using technology by most teachers as well as, Solutions. Find ling out the perfect technology to help or assist or support the teacher to reach his or her goals and manage to choose a technology that aligns with the set objectives. Not to allow technology control the teacher, instead the teacher is asked to control it, by giving clear objectives as he or she tries to help the native and non-native technology learners in the class in a dynamic or flexible way by giving them tasks that keep them in the same rythm and time. Thanks Coursera, now I am already on the capstone course. Thanks once again.
By Andy A
•Jul 5, 2021
This course is excellent and displays how considerate and thoughtful the course creators are in creating this course in the specilization as the knowledge gained from this course would be of tremendous value to teachers in this technological age, especially when this pandemic strikes the world and classes has been moved online in many parts of the world. Thank you very much for making this course! I learned a lot about integrating technology into my lesson plan, which I had barely thought of before.
By Chan G
•Jun 2, 2024
I appreciate all the 7 Modules of "AUS Teach English Now!" very much. It gives me step by step to learn deeper and more. Module 7 is an eye opening on the instructors' videos which make learning so interesting and I'm challenged to do better for my lessons using "creation" technology. And I specifically like the considerations of TPCK, SAMR and Bloom's Taxology (HOT) to improve my lesson plans. Thank you very much, I am growing to be a better teacher through the course.
By Arlene A M
•Jul 18, 2021
This course was truly stimulating, since I am intuned with technology, particularly when it comes to Interactive Digital Online Lessons. There's so much you can cover just speaking about technology, but in terms of incorporating into Lesson Plans and Lesson Planning Time, it's a good avenue for engaging and broadening students' horizon in the topic area. They get to show their creativity and exercise those higher-order thinking skills (Gange's third of sixth event).
By ToshieSaito
•Jul 2, 2021
Thank you very much for sending certificate of completion of the course ,Teach English now! Technology enriched Teaching . I'm so excited to continue to learn these all the courses which i could finish that I have been much inspired to improve my English pedagogy earnestly .
I am grateful to you for this great opportunity to encounter this TESOL Online Program. I 'm willing to learn the last course, Cap Stone 2.
By Olena S
•Nov 21, 2024
I recently completed this Course and found it to be comprehensive experience. All material is well-organized like always, each module building logically upon the previous one that makes studying easier to understand and more efficient. The balance between theoretical concepts and practical assignments is particularly commendable. Thank you all guys for really great job! And see you soon at the Capstone Project.
•Jul 15, 2020
I have been greatly empowered with the the technological skills to help me provide quality lessons.All thanks to Dr.Shane Dixon,Dr.Justin Shewell,Jessica Cinco and the entire team of Arizona State University, Coursera and MOOC.The Technical expertise the ASU team has exhibited during our training is commendable.We have received unique skills of teaching and we shall have confidence while teaching.Thank you.
By Svetla Y
•Jul 13, 2020
When I started the first course in the series I wasn't sure how it will add to my career development. With every course I was getting more and more confident, learning more things and enjoying the classes immensely. Thank you to the whole team creating these wonderful, well-thought, well-structured and completely easy-going lectures! I wish you inspiration for all your future work!
By Rafael D
•Oct 16, 2016
As always, the team of experts from ASU literally rock. I enjoyed every minute of the course and recommend others to do the same:) he knowledge being delivered here is of paramount value not only to those teaching English but also to any teacher of any subject. Because no matter what subject in your curriculum is - the principles remain exactly the same.
Happy learning!
Rafael Daulet
By Kate W
•Feb 23, 2018
I actually really loved the Matrix as a means of teaching this course. I've definitely found other courses like in the Teach English Now series to be a contrived and trite in their dramatizations, but this one felt really cohesive and natural. Good job you guys! Could have done without the kiss though- didn't add anything to the storyline at all. Thanks for all the useful info.
By Ranasinghe A W D J
•Feb 9, 2021
Many thanks to the staff of Arizona State University and Coursera for offering me the opportunity to take part in this amazing learning experience. I enjoyed the lessons to the fullest and impressed with the way they are organized and presented. I would do my best as a TESOL teacher as you have shown me throughout all your Teach English Now Part 1 and Part 2 courses.
By Alison H
•Oct 8, 2023
I came into this course with a broad range of technical skills and knowledge. I must admit, this course made me stretch my skills even further. The final Micro-lesson was a challenge but made me dig deeper into my creative capabilities. I feel that I am ready to undertake my final course, Capstone 2, and complete my Professional TESOL Certificate program.
By Orkhan J N
•Jan 19, 2021
During the course, I have learned a lot of new knowledge, including technology skills, how to teach online, what kind of tools are useful during the online lessons, and which one we need to choose. And I would like to express my big gratitude to the teachers and people who helped, designed, and delivered this course.
By Catherine M D
•Jun 27, 2018
This class is phenomenal! Not only did I have a great time watching it, I received some of the best information in educational technology integration. I feel more confident about using tech in the classroom now. Thank you, Dr. Dixon, Instructor Cinco, and Dr. Shewell (and the rest of the profs!) This was stellar!!
By Lochang B N
•Aug 10, 2022
I will like to thank the Cousera team for putting together this course . It has being of great help to me and all I can say is thank you . The energy in the course was amazing I learnt a lot and I am looking forward in becoming an English language teacher in order to apply these techniques I have learnt.
By Jenny L C D
•Dec 8, 2020
Very knowledgeable and the instructor are the best. Absolutely easy to learn because the teachings are simple but creative. God Bless ASU and Coursera. Thank you for this opportunity, in helping others to learn more and be the better version of ourselves😍😍😍 Lots of love and grateful☺️☺️☺️