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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Teach English Now! Second Language Reading, Writing, and Grammar by Arizona State University

2,501 ratings

About the Course

In this course, you will learn ideas for teaching reading and writing courses, and how to include grammar instruction within them. Learn how to help students with differing types of reading problems and how to implement both intensive and extensive reading strategies. Learn strategies to engage students in the stages of writing--pre-writing, writing, and post-writing. Find out about different writing problems that students may encounter. Incorporate grammar through the use of noticing and input enhancement....

Top reviews


Jan 20, 2021

Although the skits are cheesy, they improve comprehension of the concepts discussed throughout the course. The course was still meaningful because it teaches you to integrate all skills in one lesson.


Jan 9, 2022

I am greatfully thankful for giving me the chance to dive into that amazing world of Reading, Writing and Grammar stratagies so that I could modify my teaching style for my students to benefit more!!!

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101 - 125 of 737 Reviews for Teach English Now! Second Language Reading, Writing, and Grammar

By Marge L

Jan 6, 2017

This has given me a lot of ideas on how to handle the reading, writing, and grammar parts of ESL lessons. Kudos to all the ASU professors who made this series a huge success!

By Suhsmita W

Dec 19, 2022

I love this course! I have learned a lot of effective strategies that can be used to learners of different levels! Thank you very much for making this course easy to learn

By Lucianna S

Jun 21, 2021

I was pleasantly surprised with this course. Even though I've 2 master's degrees, I learned pedagogical principles in this course that were never covered in grad school.

By Liudmila

Jul 11, 2023

An outstanding course with a creative approach! An amazing example of how information should be organised and presented. I enjoyed every minute of it and learned a lot!

By Mostafa B

Mar 6, 2017

That was a very interesting and enjoyable experience, I learned a lot about reading and writing strategies that any teacher should use when teaching English.

Thank you.

By Eduardo E

Aug 25, 2021

This course has been very useful for my teaching. I have a new perspective of how to link reading, writing, grammar and speaking for my students´ practice. Thank you!

By Cristina O B

Jun 6, 2020

Estoy aprendiendo mucho con este curso, ya que padezco TDAH (Trastorno de déficit de atención) las ayudas visuales y vuestros videos y tareas me están sirviendo mucho

By Juanita J

Jun 1, 2020

The course has lots of valuable information and is extremely student centered. The instructors are creative in presenting the information in a fun and sticky manner.

By Muhamadali B

Dec 5, 2016

I came up to the conclusion that these courses are really effective to the teachers who is teaching English. I really appreciate teachers who guided us. Thank you!!!

By S B

Nov 21, 2024

This course helped me realize how reading, writing, listening, speaking, pronunciation, and grammar are intertwined, and how to pass on this concept to students.

By Debora N S d C

Oct 6, 2018

The course offers valuable insights even for experienced teachers. It really expanded my mind towards strategies and techniques to use with my students. Amazing!

By Angel C

Jun 1, 2017

Easy to comprehend! Videos are engaging and demonstrate how we are to teach our students. It is not a one size fits all. It is very diverse to inform all levels.

By Eugenia V

Jul 1, 2016

As usual, the team of the Teach English Now! managed to squeeze a few years of university into one course - dense, but easily digestible. Lots of fun guaranteed.

By Zulkharnay A Z

Dec 19, 2020

Thank you so much! This is the best course ever studied. Your teaching methods are interesting, exciting, informative and understandable. I am grateful to you

By Ahmed Y M A A

Aug 29, 2020

It's marvelous course that helped me a lot and supported me with multiple ideas and I do believe that it will improve my teaching skills . I am grateful to you

By Clyde M

Jan 20, 2020

Well presented material to help even those with no real scholastic classroom teaching experience to feel confident in presenting TESOL techniques. Very useful!

By Milia L

Dec 15, 2020

Its was amazing!

i learned loads

not just the teaching

but either your language

your pronunciation excellent

i added some vocabulary thank you a lot

From Lebanon !

By Zainab A

Jul 12, 2019

This course provides strategies and techniques that any teacher of a language can apply in the classroom. Complicated concepts are made simple and applicable.

By Bikshipta S D

Feb 8, 2017

The videos and lessons are very good, and are taught in a fun and lively manner. Dr Dixon and Dr Cinco are at their very best as always.Thanks a lot to them!

By Wellington S d S

Nov 26, 2019

Simply Amazing!! I'm a much more confident teacher after completing this course! Thanks a lot for making me a better teacher!!! I'm really gratefull for it.

By Carlos E G B

Sep 1, 2020

This course is incredible, very good, and above all very easy to apply, for me, it was a very good experience and I am very motivated to continue learning.

By Sidi B L M N

Oct 27, 2022

this course is very applicable for me it has teached me many things and will remote my english level as a future teacher of english as second language.

By Corazon S

Feb 11, 2021

Really enjoy this course a lot, it gives me the motivation to teach English. It is a perfect online education that gives a holistic approach to learning

By Nordin B

Dec 11, 2017

Great course, helped me gain the knowledge for choosing the right tools that help my students and me.

Thank you, and I hope to join more of your courses.