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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Music of the Beatles by University of Rochester

745 ratings

About the Course

The Music of the Beatles will track the musical development of the band, starting from the earliest days in Liverpool and Hamburg, moving through the excitement of Beatlemania, the rush of psychedelia, and the maturity of Abbey Road. While the focus will be on the music, we will also consider how recording techniques, the music business, the music of other artists, and the culture of the 1960s affected John, Paul, George, and Ringo as they created the Beatles repertory. There is probably no band or artist that has had more written about their music than the Beatles. There are many good books on the band's biography, several insider accounts offering glimpses behind the scenes, books that interpret the meaning of the songs, and even books that catalog dates and people regarding the band. This course will try to synthesize much of that information into an account of the Beatles' development as musicians and songwriters....

Top reviews


Nov 13, 2015

This course is brought with great enthusiasm and knowledge about the subject. When starting I was curious what there was to tell and if it would not be boring. Not at all!Thanks for this course!


Mar 7, 2016

I have always been curious about the beginnings of the Beatles and in fact I have been playing and singing some of their popular songs. I'm glad there is a free on line course about them.

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51 - 75 of 277 Reviews for The Music of the Beatles

By Paulo

Jan 5, 2018

Great course on the music of the Beatles. I am not a musician, and as a Beatles fan and a lot of study I was able to accomplish to be approved. You will need the Beatles records to hear the songs. Congratulations to Professor John Covach, the course staff and Coursera.

By Jennifer W

May 22, 2020

This course was very well put together and very informative. I enjoyed the timeline progression of The Beatles musical history. The instructor was very knowledgeable and kept my interest. I would recommend this course to anyone who loves The Beatles and their music.

By Alan S

Apr 16, 2017

A great course as it was very informative as well as taking me down memory lane. Yep, I was just a kid knocking around with a Hofner Colorama and Burns Vista Sonic at the time enjoying all the great music. Many thanks to Prof. John K. and the Coursera staff

By Mark M

Aug 27, 2023

I grew up with the Beatles and then sort of moved on. This course has brought me right back to where it all started and helped me to reassess and re-appreciate their music all over again. A really interesting and well-delivered course. Highly recommended.

By Massimo D B

Oct 27, 2017

Fun, inspirational and very insightful. I loved the course, it is well structured and easy to follow. Professor Covach did an excellent job, I'd recommend it to anyone who would like to know something more about the Beatles and their music, as I did.

By Eliane S

Aug 3, 2020

Loved the course. I did this remotely together with my son who was stuck in a different country and different time zone. We so enjoyed the course and thought Prof Covach was a very interesting and interested teacher. Thanks - would highly recommend!

By Alejandro L Á

Oct 8, 2017

Viaje apasionante por la historia de uno de los grupos más importantes de la historia y con un narrador excepcional como es el señor John Covach, que rápidamente es capaz de contagiarte su amor por la música y del grupo the Beatles en particular.

By Derlis A B V

Feb 9, 2021

Un curso apasionante. Me consideraba alguien que sabía mucho sobre The Beatles, pero a lo largo de este curso los pude observar a través de diferentes puntos de vistas que no tomaba en cuenta, además de conocer nuevas anécdotas sobre el grupo.

By 曾令凯

May 4, 2019

My English is so pool,but I still tried to understand something about Beatles.In the end,I had significant in this course.I would continue to enter in the Beatles,and keep my interest in Beatles.Thanks for the course and Professor John Covach.

By juan c

Dec 9, 2015

If you are musician and you worship the shit out The Beatles this is for you. I was a late comer to their music but man when I heard them, it was magic. Now being able to look under the hood of what they were doing is a perfect treat.

By Derek S

Mar 5, 2023

Content was excellent and thorough. Professor was engaging, knowledgeable, and presented info in an easy to follow way. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and could tell he enjoyed talking about the Beatles and sharing his knowledge.

By daniel s d r

Oct 6, 2021

Una de las mejores cosas del cursos es la manera en la que el maestro explica, ya que se nota que le apasiona mucho el tema. También resaltar que aunque no indaga mucho en las cuestiones teóricas musicales se da entender muy bien

By David S

Jun 5, 2023

A brilliant and fun course. Professor Covach is simply outstanding. Without being able to use the actual music due to license issues, he makes the course, his style and deep knowledge makes every lesson and topic fully engaging.

By Alvaro S

Aug 6, 2022

Uno de los mejores cursos que he tomado. Sabía un poco de The Beatles, pero este curso, en forma muy ordenada y entretenida, aumentó significativamente mi conocimiento del mejor grupo de la historia. Absolutamente recomendable.

By Aimee F

Jul 13, 2017

This course is just fantastic!!! I highly recommend it. I got many new information of which I was not aware of. In reality, this is the second time I am taking the course, the first one having been in 2014!!! Congratulations.

By Juan C G O

Jul 27, 2020

Great Course, if you are a fan or not, you learn very much about history of rock, the begin. And i was learn to appreciete more the music of anything artist, thank you very much, I love The Beatles more after the Course.

By Manuel J

Feb 8, 2017

Muy buen Curso acerca de la Música de los fabulosos de Liverpool, que ha enriquecido mis conocimientos y cómo se aprecia la evolución que tuvo la música de The Beatles así como se verá en los siguientes años. Excelente!!

By Xavier S

Feb 18, 2018

I have been a Beatles's fan for many, many years. Have read a lot about them, but even that, I've found new information and interesting points of view during this course. I enjoyed it. Thank you, Professor John Covach.

By Roberto D

May 29, 2020

Muy bueno el curso, aprendí muchos datos y antecedentes sobre la historia musical del grupo, ademas de antecedentes sobre las relaciones personales de los integrantes del grupo y de la gente que los acompaño. Gracias.

By rob l

Feb 10, 2022

This course was great. I'd love to see an update after the Get Back documentary, but otherwise this was one of my favorite Coursera courses yet. Really well paced, well structured and the topic is fascinating.

By Romina M C

Apr 24, 2016

Considero que es un curso excelente sobre todo para esas personas que disfrutan con la música y la hstoria de The Beatles, y es una muy buena forma de complementar la información que ya se tiene sobre ellos.

By Joel R

May 29, 2020

Excelente información, John Covach es un excelente historiador y músico, es una lástima que no pueda demostrar con ejemplos musicales debido a los derechos de autor, pero aún así, es un curso extraordinario

By Amy H

Apr 9, 2020

Great insight and details are provided not only on The Beatles and their place in popular music and culture but understanding the theory of the Lennon-Mccartney writing and the group's growth as musicians.

By Jawad P

Jul 19, 2020

Nice coverage of the Beatles history, fame as well as artistic work. I have been a Beatles fan since I was ten years old and know each song but never appreciated their music on an artistic level till now.


Oct 1, 2016

Great seminar. It gives credit to the best pop band of the 20th century and provides a context to understand the Beatles influence in music. Well explained by Professor Covaks with a natural easy style.