May 4, 2024
An engaging and interesting walk through the theropod family tree. It takes in the major non-avian species whilst looking at the traits that took them down the path to modern birds. Very much enjoyed.
Mar 15, 2022
I found the material intereting and presentation easy to follow. The amount of material presented is alot. However, with the focus on development and progression of traits it was not overhelming.
By Al B
•Nov 13, 2022
This is an excellent course. The pace is good, the examples and readings are very informative, the narrator/instructor has a very expressive and effective delivery. The quizzes are mostly on the "big concepts" and do not require memory of minute details. My only "complaint" is Week 5 which covers a great deal of material and could have been organized better.
By London C
•Mar 30, 2022
This was a comparatively short course, but a fulfilling one nonetheless! Theropoda is a very intriguing group of dinosaurs, including Spinosaurus, Deinonychus, and the thousands of dinosaurs that still exist today. For newcomers there's a lot of lenghty terms to remember, but otherwise this course is accesible even to those unfamiliar to dinosaur biology.
By Rokubi
•May 22, 2019
Está genial este curso, sà que es verdad que algunas palabras son muy técnicas y yo algunas no las supe, pero en general se entiende y la traducción está perfecto. Me encanta este curso, está muy bien elaborado y para todo aquél "friki" de los dinosaurios, este curso es idóneo para aprender a conocerlos y estudiarlos. Muchas gracias. Un saludo.
By Ayla M
•Aug 8, 2020
Wonderful learning experience, really helped me learn some new ideas about theropods and their relations to birds that I had otherwise been unable to find. Not only was it demonstrated in a way that's easy to understand but the course was also enjoyable to work through and often resulted in me re-watching videos for the pure enjoyment of them.
By Paul A K
•Jul 28, 2020
Fascinating material. If you are an older person like me you may have not kept up with the developments in dinosaur science over the past 30 years. Our knowledge has exploded over this period with more and more impressive and nearly complete fossils being discovered. This course helped me catch up and stimulated more reading and study.
By Jingtian Z
•Dec 26, 2020
Well, I have been in three courses that the University of Alberta provided, two about paleontology, I am familiar with some material the University of Alberta provides, like the course notes, interactive learning objects, and the phylogenetic tree we use. This course give me more understanding about how dinosaurs step by step, become birds.
By Sourav C
•Jun 12, 2017
It was a real pleasure to learn so much about this course. I thoroughly enjoyed and learned huge amount of new things which would very important for me in future. Some questions were confusing and did not had straight forward answers which I think could have been better, otherwise in context of overall learning , I am extremely satisfied.
By viv b
•Oct 22, 2020
Excellent course. Presented in a lively informative way with lots of fossils and picrures. Particularly enjoyed the hat eating parrot. Wil now begin finding out more about birds and their extraordinary adaptability. Thank you University of Alberta. Have loved all your paleontology courses. Hope there maybe some new ones at some point.
By Johanna A L
•Oct 13, 2020
This is my very first paid university course and as an aspiring Paleontologist, I'm very thrilled and satisfied with this course. Might consider studying or working in the University of Alberta! Thanks for helping me to set off on the path of Paleontology, to further appreciate the animals we have here now, and those who came before.
•Nov 25, 2020
I really enjoyed this course. The course instruction was excellent and the online modules were the best I have seen for virtual training. The instructors had excellent communication skills and the props were really interesting. Kudos to staff of the University of Alberta for putting together this amazing training.
By Thian Q Z
•Nov 1, 2020
I love this course so much! It shows me that birds are the direct descendants of dinosaurs. This is truly a compelling fact, and the presentation of the content is just mesmerizing. I definitely recommend this course to students who have an interest in paleontology, even to those who are new to this field.
By Don C A
•Jul 5, 2022
This is an excellent introduction to bird evolution. It shows very clearly how the characteristics of theropod dinosaurs were an essential prerequisite for the evolution of birds, and shows the evolutionary path of birds themselves after the great extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous.
By Alison V
•Jul 28, 2020
Such a wonderful course - I learned so much and was entertained every step of the way. The main presenter was engaging and passionate. What a fascinating journey to understanding one of my favourite animals - birds. Thank you Uni of Alberta Palaeontology team. I didn't want the course to end.
By Julia S
•Apr 9, 2020
Such a great class! I decided to take it during quarantine as I work with birds but didn't know much about their evolution and I am so glad I did. The material was interesting and presented in a way that was very easy to understand for someone with almost no knowledge of dinosaurs. Thank you!
By Brayan R C
•May 6, 2019
En mi opinion personal , el contenido de este curso es claro , y muy completo , deberia incluso darle un nivel de reconocimiento superior debido al contenido tan bueno y completo que tiene , ademas esta reconocido por la Universidad de Alberta , que para mi es la mejor Universidad de Canada.
By Jacob M P
•Apr 23, 2020
This course was amazing! I've been interested in dinosaurs and their relationships with birds for a while now, and this course thoroughly fed my curiosity! Thank you for teaching me about this fascinating subject and I plan on taking many more courses by University of Alberta in the future!
By Yana V
•May 12, 2020
The course is fascinating. Very intresting and informative, keeps you engaged. Lecturers are charismatic, they are real experts in the topic and don't let you get bored.
So, the course is reaaly great. However, it could be diffucult for those who are not familiar with the topic at all.
By James B
•Feb 29, 2016
Excellent course for anyone with an interest in the relationships among dinosaurs, and theropods in particular of course. The lectures themselves were well done and the lecture notes had more detail for those who would want to dig in a bit more for themselves. Keep up the great work!
By Melinda M
•Jun 7, 2019
I enjoyed this course and all the courses from the University of Alberta. When understanding how animals came to their current state, we first need to go through the geological time line of how the animals came to be. This course and the other courses showed evolution at its finest.
By Mina N
•Sep 26, 2021
Very informative and educational. I recall every moment of studying it fondly. Mr Scott Parsons' narration was very nice and Dr Phil Currie's lectures were great and informative too. It is such a good opportunity to have a chance to listen to U of Alberta lectures at home!
By Emmanuella C
•Aug 24, 2024
Just wonderful! I'm passionate about dinosaurs and birds, so I greatly enjoyed everything about this course and learned so much with it. Thank you, University of Alberta, for providing us such an amazing content. I love the teachers as well. I highly recommend this course!
By Alexander E
•Aug 2, 2021
I personally thought this course was great. I think I have learned enough in this course to dissect any bird, and know about every organ, bone, anything! this course was Fun and Entertaining in my eyes as well. I encourage you to take this course. Trust me, you'll love it.
By Nilanjan C
•Jun 10, 2020
It was a very fascinating study and i learnt a lot about evolution and in a quite detailed manner. The teachers explained everything amazingly. Their was so much to know. And being a student of biology i had a great time learning and interacting in the course. Thank you.
By David H
•Nov 23, 2021
An excellent course presented in an easy to follow way. Lots of information and plenty to learn. I found the course very enjoyable and put together in a chronological sequence. Never knew there is so much to our past and certainly makes me want to expand my knowledge.
By Charles G
•Jul 31, 2019
Who knew that birds were dinosaurs? As a bonified bird nerd, I found this course to be fascinating. It is very well presented and makes relatable the anatomical evolutionary paths taken by various dinosaurs to the final incredible populations of birds we see today.