Jun 19, 2020
The tutor has clearly explained various concept of trading, investment and risk with examples. I have learned about finance ratio, cost, financial statement and trading.
May 16, 2020
The course was taught in a really nice way with all the math presented clearly. The professor made sure that the topics were easy and at the same time relevant.
By Lester L
•Mar 16, 2020
Lots of bugs and errors in the lecture and quizzes are wrong. There are better courses out there - save your money and time.
By Arnav S
•Jul 1, 2018
The professor just reads off the screen, there is no logical explanation as to why a certain thing is taking place.
By Ashish A
•Jun 25, 2017
I dont understand the need to cover basics of financial statement and valuation analysis for this course.
By Immadi N V S S
•Mar 9, 2018
Not an enjoyable course. It is too much of just reading what is on slide and no explaining whatsoever.
By Haoran W
•Oct 11, 2017
The instructor is essentially reading slides, without any interpretation from his perspective.
•Mar 3, 2019
examples must be share in excel and solver
quizes resolution must be share too
By Ana G
•Aug 4, 2020
Too many formulas and not useful info to start trading!!!
By Siarhei D
•Feb 10, 2018
There are many mistakes or typo in the course.
By Vinamra A
•Nov 24, 2017
needs serious improvements
By Sarthak V
•May 17, 2020
The course was taught in a really nice way with all the math presented clearly. The professor made sure that the topics were easy and at the same time relevant.
By joy p
•May 21, 2020
I have gone through the course and one of the finest course for datasheet analysis and trading is concern and also for investment purpose.
•Jul 27, 2019
The instructor explained all the theories and formulas in a simple manner which made it easier for me to understand.
By EliY T
•Nov 29, 2018
The course was really good, but the professor should focus more in explaining things and not just reading numbers.
By Homero A A M
•Aug 12, 2018
I find it great, I just cannot downloaded the additional resources such as some Excel's, referred in the videos.
•May 28, 2020
More details need to be given. Also, there are some mistakes in the course that needs to be rectified e.g. there are the instances where prof narrates a number and some other number is shown on the screen.
Overall the course is very helpful and simply explained
By Hardil V
•Sep 1, 2019
Too basic
By Khalid E
•Aug 30, 2021
One of the worst instructors. In my entire 4 years in university, I had never seen an instructor with lack of enthusiasm in teaching like him. If I could give him negative 5 star, I would without thinking.
1. He just reads from slides without explaining or engaging us(students) in the process. [occasionally explain some new definitions, but the vast majority just reads from slides]
2. The slides/presentations are very confusing especially in week three. I do not know whether week four will be worse or not I am still currently in week three.
By Alexandra G V
•Mar 22, 2021
To be honest the content is useful but that does not matter because is super difficult and boring to learn it. The professor only reads number after number and the formulas are not explained at all. The course is super monotonous and by the end of the week I really struggled with every quiz, so I only finished the course to take ir away from my "in-progress" section. I was really excited to learn bout trading but this wasn´t what I expected.
I didn´t learn anything.
By Joshua W
•Aug 24, 2021
This course is awful and I would not recommend taking it. I went into this course with the hope of learning something about the stock market and that was not the case. The teacher seems to recite passages from a textbook without explaining anything. The quizzes make no sense and are not based on anything that was taught that week. I hate being negative, but something needed to be said.
By Carlos C
•Jun 8, 2021
Seems like good material, but the course overall is very monotonous and basic in its structure making it very hard to learn. Much better courses elsewhere. I learned more from trial and error of the quizzes than I did of the instructor reading his teleprompter.
By Daniele P
•May 17, 2020
The quality of the course, in my view, is poor. Many errors in the shared data and even in the texts of exams. Too superficial on some important steps. I think the course needs a deep revision. Thanks.
By Norberto V
•Apr 8, 2020
the teacher uses wrong data and contradictory formulas.
it does not include the job spreadsheet or any additional resources.
the accent of english is very bad
By Peter M
•Feb 14, 2021
No explanations, very few examples and incredibly difficult to follow. It is merely reading an autocue. Monotonous, uninspiring and full of errors. Avoid.
By Dr A S
•Jun 15, 2020
By Pundrikaksh S
•Aug 3, 2020
Extremely unresponsive instructing staff, which glosses over explaining all the mathematical calculations that were necessary to be made.