Jul 30, 2019
An excellent course covering topics of Transactions, Smart Contracts, Identity, Financial Services, and Accounting. All in a perspective of how can the blockchain improve their performance.
Apr 8, 2021
Very well conducted course with smartly crafted Quizzes to allow participants to grasp very intricacies of Blockchain transactions and then review their learning during the Quiz.
By Lavanya K
•May 15, 2020
By Sergey D
•Mar 29, 2020
I'm overall satisfied with the new knowledge I got from this course.
Two stars less I give for: 1) no technical showcases and tasks (guys, we are talking about transacting on the blockchain without transacting on a blockchain) 2) old materials (firmly believe living in 2020 and overall technology era vs referring to some materials from 2016 and youtube short clips). It's like to teach biology with a book from early 19XX only.
I try to keep myself calm comparing 70 EUR value with any other opportunities, which require more efforts, but it's definitely something to be considered by INSEAD.
By Gil C
•Apr 29, 2020
Very high level - not so much new vs the book I read several years ago and in particular a bit light on how you start or anticipate the journey, which "implementation" guidelines or partners you can leverage, ... I was hoping more actionability from the content. We are still at painting the potential which is a no brainer
By Mike R
•Dec 21, 2019
The environment is changing so fast that a large amount of the cases and examples sited in the course have already pivoted, or closed up shop. It made the course feel very dated to continually find referenced companies to no longer be around.
By Shradha S
•Jun 17, 2020
Good introduction to blockchain technology. But felt it's benefits were just delivered by advocates of the new technology- Wouldn't recommend this course to folks from technology background, as there is no mention of implementation.
By Sirus G
•Dec 28, 2023
Good content, but should be updated.
By Sourabh S
•Nov 3, 2024
I expected this course to be a bit more deep dive and technical. For example - it did not explain how do you actually tokenize an asset - it just told us what is tokenization. Same with Smart contracts - just talked about what are smart contrats and various phases in a deal. but it did not tell us how to deploy a smart contract. I felt this knowledge could have been acquired just by googling stuff. The part on identity was good though.
By Wes W
•Apr 25, 2022
This is a typical university course. Lots of history and theory but not a great deal of useful/hands-on or how to information. It seems designed to promote blockchain awareness and book sales.
By weirdsourcer b
•Apr 10, 2020
The course filled with of self promotion.
By Sebastien M
•Apr 29, 2021
not technical at all