Sep 6, 2019
Understanding the types of conflict will allow for clearer directions on resolution to said conflicts. Understanding that conflict can allow growth of a team is helpful in one's everyday business.
Nov 15, 2020
Good course. I got a better understanding type, cause of conflict etc. I have learnt positive ways of how to deal with conflict and I can apply the methods in my future life.
By Dr.Alaa Z
•Jan 31, 2016
By 003krusha c
•Oct 2, 2020
•Sep 25, 2020
By Mary C G
•Aug 10, 2020
By Ibeh D N
•May 10, 2018
By Sapana P
•May 30, 2020
By Tiémoko O
•Jan 28, 2017
By Giulia
•Sep 8, 2020
Good balance between theory and practical knowledge. I liked that only relevant information was included. As I am a clinical psychologist, I would have preferred a more neutral approach to conflict rather than ONLY company / employees (organizational) focused. For example, talking about conflict in the home environment (family, spouse, etc).
By Michael R
•Jun 3, 2016
Platitudes and generalizations. The interviews with real people are the only redeeming factor. I wasn't impressed.
By Jennifer P
•Mar 18, 2018
Very basic information. I was looking for more thorough investigation into conflict management. Thanks
By Felipe C
•Jul 3, 2020
Falta bastante contenido, bastante.
By Mateja K
•Oct 4, 2020
This course was a huge disappointment, by far the worst Coursera course so far. To begin with, the user interface was one the worst. It was tedious to find my way through the course and annoying pop-ups kept interrupting my work. It also wasn't clear from the course's title and description that this course only deals with the conflicts in organizations and can hardly be applied to life in general. The videos were boring and were basically nothing but the instructor talking to the camera and some dramatized scenes that would have been better left out altogether. The cases she presented were for the most part irrelevant and unconvincing. There was very little if any additional materials and sources presented during the course, and I found it all highly confusing and disorganized. The only somewhat interesting part were the interviews where real people from real companies shared their experiences.
By Oedhel S
•Apr 27, 2019
Requirement for peer reviews and lack of people actively taking the course seems to limit how fast you can actually do this course. The instruction lacked real emphasis on the important terms to pay attention to, leaving you rewatching videos and searching the transcript only to leave you googling the concepts and feeling confused anyways. At the end of the day, the peer reviews should have been multiple choice, as they were effectively asking you for one dimensional concepts. I don't feel I walked away with any additional information.
By Isaac M H G
•Nov 2, 2021
It's a good course, the best of it are the interviews with people giving you effective tips of real-life situation. There are three courses that could have fit perfectly in one course but that's my opinion. I didn't like that it was very repetive with some topics, but it was good at the end.
By Marwa K M
•Aug 14, 2023
Honestly am amazed about the all the info i learned from this course, its the 1st time i heard about the positive conflict and how to use it for my advantage that will avoid me to be in many misunderstanding & uncomfortable situations .
By Vusal A
•Jan 31, 2025
Really thanks for this course. I have learnt from this course how to behave and approach to the conflict situation. I think that parallel with this course objectives I'm improving my English language skills. Great thanks.
By Diana C A
•Apr 8, 2024
super bien, conocer, tener un concepto mas amplio sobre tipos de conflicto como afrontarlos y manejarlos, me parece algo muy importante en el diario vivir y en todos los ambitos.
By Luz A C P
•May 22, 2024
Es un curso muy completo donde se aprendió mucho, nos ayuda a recordar nuestros valores, principios y a forjarnos como unos mejores profesionales.
By Rachel E
•Apr 27, 2023
This class was very thorough and educational - love the peer graded assignment aspect, keeps you on your toes! Enjoying this one so far. Thanks,
By Amy B C
•Jul 4, 2021
Perfect! The lessons were short and right to the point. The language used was easy to understand. This was a fantastic course, thank you!
By Anzorena S D
•May 12, 2024
Un curso muy interesante , permite aprender a fondo sobre la resolución de conflictos,las causas y posibles soluciones.
By Nicole K
•Apr 5, 2022
This course was excellent! I was actually able to put some of the solutions to work immediately with my team.
By Betsy L R V
•Sep 7, 2022
Me encantó mucho este curso porque son muy detallistas al momento de transmitir el conocimiento y enseñar.
By Viviana T M
•Oct 3, 2024
Es un curso interesante que contiene una metodologÃa que hace que el tema sea fácil de entender.
By Johnathan W
•Jan 19, 2024
Prof DeBow is amazing! This course well worth your time and effort. You will lean a ton!