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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Understanding Obesity by The University of Edinburgh

832 ratings

About the Course

In this course, we’ll look at the facts and misconceptions around obesity and discuss key physiological and psychological concepts around the brain’s control of appetite and body weight. We’ll consider the biological and environmental pressures that make it easy to gain weight (and hard to lose it!). Most importantly, we'll give you the opportunity to reflect on your own knowledge and assumptions around the subject. We deliver course materials as a mixture of videos, audio-only MOOCcasts, and a selection of short readings. There are short weekly quizzes, a peer-reviewed exercise, and discussion activities on the forum. These will help you prepare for the final project. In it, you are invited to demonstrate your evidence-informed understanding and express how you'll develop it beyond the course. The course features Citizen Science projects. We'll collect data from you (anonymously, of course) and use it to drive participant-led discussions of controversial ideas. In this way, we hope to explore ideas around diet and obesity. These projects also give a taste of how scientific evidence is collected and interpreted by scientists, and give some indication how much there still is to discover and understand....

Top reviews


Mar 24, 2023

This course was critical in my comprehension of true nutrition, diet, and obesity. It helped to dispel my misconceptions about food, nutrition, and obesity in general.Thank You.


Apr 26, 2021

Enjoyed every minute of this learning experience. Appreciate the layout of the course, content, relevance to my work, and the global needs of the current day! Thank you.

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1 - 25 of 209 Reviews for Understanding Obesity

By Virat M

Apr 20, 2020

A good course for a preliminary understanding of the complex issues regarding Obesity. Felt it was too basic and covered the topics very superficially. I wish some more depth had been explored and controversial issues brought out. Also, no links to interesting blogs and research were provided. I would rank it as just average.

By Deleted A

Aug 20, 2017

This course explained how the physiological, psychological, and the environment play apart of being overweight and obese and how the brain's reward system is the key on why people gained the weight. Obesity is more than just overeating. It's the science behind. Overeating can be caused the brain's reward system or stress or how portion sizes differ greatly from place to place or even from when a person was in their mother's utero. This is a course that goes into great detail to understand what obesity really is and why it is becoming an epidemic problem worldwide. This is a great class for anyone who wants to learn more about and even want to be able to help fix this global issue.

By Leigh S

Feb 19, 2017

A good introduction for "beginners", aka people who are not involved, educated or interested in public health, healthcare. Alternatively, seek another course because it is very simple.

By Aedrian A

Mar 9, 2022

This short but sweet introductory course made me realize the nature of the global obesity problem as a full-on systems problem. Having this characteristic, discrete, reductionist and cookie-cutter approaches (e.g., reliance to blanket recommendations of "increased physical activity" and "reduce caloric intake") are most likely doomed to fail. The eye-opening material emphasized subtle forces that give this global health issue multiple levels of complexity - portion sizes, container sizes, peer pressure, correlates of socioeconomic status, potential neurobiological underpinnings, etc. I highly recommend this course to both casual and professional learners alike.

By Alicia C

May 17, 2018

I really enjoyed it. This course it was very useful.

I learned how obesity it is more than a healthy problem it is also a economic problem and we need to create new policies and be more aware about this epidemic illness.

It helping me to modify my habits and be more careful with my food choices.

By David H

Jul 26, 2019

A wonderful course that allowed me to develop a deeper understanding of the causes and solutions to weight problems in general. The very accessible presentation of a lot of complex ideas and the writing assignments really made me see things differently!

By Lillian L

Aug 14, 2017

This course really helped me to understand obesity. It showed me why obesity is such a problem in our modern world. It made me think about how I can help people to eat healthily.

Thanks, Coursera, for this great course!


Aug 19, 2017

Very well addressed from different aspects. Helped forming a solid foundation to address the obesity problem as well as to make good food choices with portion control.

By Prateek D

Jan 10, 2020

Covers the neurological and psychological aspects which lead to obesity and often overlooked.

By Mohammad m A

Apr 14, 2020

There are multiple ways to prevent obesity, including diet and exercise, and in case of failure, certain medications can be given that reduce appetite or prevent fat absorption, and also in advanced cases, surgery can be resorted to where the size of the stomach is reduced which leads to early satiety and reduced ability to absorb nutrients .

By Ricarda Z

Apr 24, 2020

Absolutely great course! Very well made, interesting and fun to absolve, integrates many perspectives, encourages critical thinking - and (not least important) demands a constructive and kind way of communicating with other participants. Thank you!

By Claudia M

Sep 17, 2020

With a simple and interactive language, the course gives an excellent view on the obsession and the problems caused by it. It clearly shows the orientations and views of professionals who have mastered the subject well. Very good course.

By Ibrahim F

Apr 13, 2018

Its was been a great journey in the healthy life style, healthy cooking, learner too much great information in the nutritional value and habit. hop the great for instructor and for universety in feature same topic courses ..

By галина к

Sep 13, 2020

это было круто и одновременно эдорово меня впервые в жизни принимали за нормального человека еще раз спасибо преподавателям и студентам за хорошее отношение...было чертовски приятно познакомиться еще раз-спасибо всем

By Beatriz V H

Sep 13, 2020

Es un curso muy practico y fácil de seguir ya que no te cargan la mano en cuestión de tareas o vídeos que debes ver y cada uno de los materiales son muy concisos y directos. Me encanto el curso

By Albert S

May 20, 2021

This is a very concise and comprehensive course on managing obesity. It provides new points of view on this problem and gives some key hints on enhancing your eating habits. Thank you!

By Lili T

Apr 25, 2021

Excelente, comprendes que la obesidad no es una elección y su cura va más allá de la simple "fuerza de voluntad" ya que implica consecuencias endocrinológicas y neuronales

By Dr. A

Apr 27, 2021

Enjoyed every minute of this learning experience. Appreciate the layout of the course, content, relevance to my work, and the global needs of the current day! Thank you.

By Julie M

Dec 7, 2021

Very helpful to understand some of the underlying factors that may be contributing to obesity beyond the basics of calories in/calories expended, and macronutrients.


Aug 25, 2017

Este curso ha sido una nueva experiencia para mi. Me ha cambiado la forma de entender a la obesidad y ha ampliado mucgisimo mi conocimiento. Muchisimas gracias.

By Ravi C

Aug 20, 2020

The science behind the Obesity, its effects, addiction, control methods are explained clearly and helped to take a self motive step towards healthy living.

By טגנייץ' א

Mar 16, 2022

I think this course is amazing! It exposes you to a lot of very important knowledge and information about obesity and nutrition, I really recommend it .

By hana a

Apr 26, 2020

enjoyed learning about obesity and learning to identify facts vs assumptions. I hope to help support people around me who have obesity issue.


Aug 30, 2020

Very good course to understand the underlying constraints of obesity and helps us to make plan of action to start our weight loss journey

By Rajendr R

Aug 14, 2017

this is very good course, helped me think about well being not just health. hope to see more courses from the Mr Menzies. thanks!