Aug 2, 2020
Great course to learn the basics! The supplementary material in Jupyter notebooks is extremely valuable. Really appreciate the PhD students who took the time to explain even the simplest of codes :)
Oct 31, 2020
Well organized material. The Discussion forum was the best one I've experienced in my Coursera education. All my questions were answered within one day. The best statistics class I've taken yet!
By Sankalp N V
•Aug 25, 2020
The course is very well structured. Teaching and links to related articles help us understand the concepts better. Jupyter notebook based python learning is very comfortable and easy to use.
By Philippe G
•Aug 14, 2021
Very thorough and comprehensive. The Python labs are a great complement, but introductory knowledge of Python is strongly recommended...
By Luis A S R
•Jun 21, 2021
la ultima semana debería ser divida en dos , y tener mejor interacción entre la aplicación de python y el contenido explicado, ya que al ser tantas horas de video puede llegar a ser extenuante y aburrido.
By Peter D
•Mar 13, 2021
A very basic but good introduction to understanding data. An introduction to data visualization. Not a good introduction to Python, but does show how to use Python functions to present data.
By Anastasios B
•Sep 29, 2021
The title of the course is a bit misleading. The focus is really on some basic Statistics, with Python notebooks thrown in to demonstrate some of those concepts. However, you won't get much help understanding Python. Even the workbooks involved use some interesting methods/libraries, but not much detail in the course about them, other than the particular use they come up in. It's a 4 week course, but can easily be completed in about a week, possibly less. If you already have a fair foundation in Stats, this course probably won't add much value. I did enjoy the instructors and they were trying to keep things interesting.
By asher b
•Dec 10, 2019
Good stats course. Needs more Python. Much of the Python is just watching or clicking run. Would appreciated more opportunity to walk through the coding with hints and hidden solutions to gain some proficiency.
By Yaroslav B
•Apr 24, 2019
There is incorrect course title for this course as in reality it’s Statistics AND partial illustration of it using Python. There is no consіstent exposition on Python libraries and frameworks.
By Wongi J
•Sep 26, 2020
I think the order of lab components should be rearranged. Introduction of core python mechanics should come before the module in which each code is implemented.
By Bhanu P P
•Jun 28, 2020
Well taught, it will be hard for beginners with python.
By Feri M
•May 2, 2022
Do not waste your time and don't take this course. You won't develop any tangible skill from this course.
The course is mostly a narrative of statistics and has nothing to do with the real statistics with is a branch of mathematics. Virtually zero formula is shown by the time you complete the course.
Some of the instructors are good but the majority of course is narrated by Brady which is good enough to put you to sleep. He reads from a screen and following his line of sight is jsut as distracting as the monotone narrative.
Also what they advertise for the length of the course is an absolute misrepresentation, the course takes at least twice as long as they show in the title page. There are much better courses out there, don't waste your time and money.
By Maria K
•Dec 26, 2023
The courses is supposed to help students learn how to use Python to understand and visualize data. However, the course lacks focus on the subject as well as tasks for practicing Python code. Lack of practice. The peer-reviewed tasks are hilarious - you will be asked to describe how you'd visualize metrics in (Python you would think? No!) words. This is so easy to turn this task into something actually useful: create a notebook with preloaded data and ask students to come up with metrics and visualize them. No-one came here to practice English writing skills, and this shows in the tasks of the students. The quizzes are easy, the final quiz has all answers in hints which are not even hidden. That's actually a pretty good representation of the course creators' confidence in the students' knowledge after the course - we know you didn't learn anything, so we will just give you all the answers. Concentration on the course goal. The course is too short for trying to pack all the information in it. The last week was interesting, but if I wanted to learn about study design, I'd take a course on Study design. A lot of topics can be described as 'Understanding and Visualizing Data', and the difference between a well-designed course with thought-through structure and this course is that the good course is focused around the narrow subject (e.g. using Python for understanding the data) and delves as deep as possible instead of throw in different topics that are related to 'understanding data' in such a short course. And one last thing I would like to bring up is the students teaching in the course. I understand that it was probably the project they got credits for, and the professors thought that it's be a great practice for them. This is a great initiative, but the Coursera students actually pay for this course, and, I am sorry, but the students lectures were bad for the most part - the explanations are not coherent, the repetitions, the 'we are not going discuss that' (then please structure the lection the way the you don't use the function you don't want to explain). While it's understandable that students need more practice in teaching (they are students after all), the question arises as to why one should pay to listen to their 'end-of-the-course project'.
By Jinglin “ C
•Mar 3, 2024
Good statistics content, but it is not interactive and the testing is weak. Python learning is extremely unforgivable. There are no step-by-step videos, and no theory explanation either, which makes understanding python syntax and functions (particularly in the context of data science) extremely difficult. As someone with an advanced java background, I expected the python learning to be smooth. Unfortunately, I was thrown into the deep end with no life jacket, as the course went from basic variables to creating scatterplots and manipulating datasets in less than a day. This wouldn't be as bad if there were video instructions, but there are none. The "interactive labs" are not interactive, but rather, are just vague notes that don't truly teach or test you on anything. After completing week 2, I left with nothing other than 5 hours of wasted time.
By Leonardo J B d A
•Jun 28, 2020
The statistics material is extremely superficial and naive to anyone with high school level of statistics. On the other hand, the Python lessons are extremely difficult, going directly to complex tasks with no explanation of the intermediate skills required to understand what is being taught. This is the case even if the course description says only a basic level of Python knowledge would suffice to follow the course. I don't see how this course could be useful to anyone.
By Rajesh T
•Apr 18, 2022
The videos are rather long. The presenter talks a lot. He should be precise, non-repetetive.
By Kaiquan M
•Dec 12, 2021
This "Understanding and Visualising Data with Python" training offers: 1. lecture videos teaching you concepts 2. graded quizzes 3. a graded assignment where you have to create a survey design 4. Jupyter notebooks with exercises for you to explore statistical concepts in Python 5. walkthrough videos on Jupyter notebook exercises if you need some help to unblock yourself or when you want to understand why certain things were done The training was alittle lengthy but well worth the time. At times, because concepts can be explained in long sentences, you may need to rewind and revisit certain parts of the videos to get the full meaning of what has been explained. Overall, this training refreshed my understanding of: 1. basic statistical concepts - statistical measures, population, sampling 2. using numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, scipy packages in Jupyter notebooks (which was good because I currently dont code in Python at work) This training also explained practical ideas such as: 1. stratifying, clustering, why these concepts are important when sampling 2. issues with certain sampling approaches 3. useful ways to turn a non-probability sample into a probability sample, so that the analysis/claims you present would be grounded in a more solid basis. Points 2 and 3 in the list above were neither covered in school nor statistics texts in the past. So like me, you may get the chance to learn something new to apply to your work.
By Kylie A
•Jun 24, 2021
THIS! This is a very well thought out and planned course! It is up to date and doesn't use expired packages or expect you to program WAY beyond the level they teach. The instructors/lecturers are awesome and easy to follow (although the ones who do python speak a little fast!). THIS is what I was looking for in a specialization/ class. I do recommend doing codecademy's python training if you know absolutely 0 python (like me), but even with zero prior knowledge this course walks you through it very nicely! THANK YOU soooo much! I greatly appreciate the thought that went into designing this and the following courses and will definitely take a closer look at UM when I apply for a master's program!
By Matt S
•Mar 5, 2022
This excellent course provides a good introduction to methods used to collect data and draw meaningful inferences and to use python for this purpose. The course also shows how to write simple python scripts that, through random simulation, illustrate and test the theory behind the statistical methods.
You will find this course much easier if you have a basic understanding of python and numpy (arrays), pandas (dataframes), matplotlib (scatter plots, histograms). and seaborn (histograms, violin plots, box plots). You don't need to be an expert on any of these, just a few tutorials. Then you will be ready to learn a lot about statistics and python from people who know quite a lot about both.
By shahriyer p
•Jun 27, 2020
From my point of view, this course was very fundamental for learning statistics with python . I have learnt a lot about different statistical model with how to describe by visualizing them. I have also studied uni-variate , multi-variate data analysis and introduced to a practical NHANES model which was implemented on python code to get different visualization of data analysis. Finally also learnt about using sampling distribution , sampling variance and probability and non-probability sample. This course will definitely boost up confidence for statistical analysis with python.
By Pankaj B
•Dec 13, 2019
The content is very comprehensive, provides an introduction about all the useful things necessary to do statistical data analysis with Python. However, some of the quiz questions are ambiguous and its not clear to me why the chosen answer was the correct one. I submitted feedback on one of these quizzes but I didn't receive any response. Other than that, I felt the instructors did a great job of explaining the fundamental concepts in statistics and the basic tools in Python, and I am glad at having taken this course.
By Minas-Marios V
•Apr 23, 2020
This course introduces basic but crucial statistical concepts that any data analyst should be aware of, and offers detailed explanations of the steps that one should follow when desinging an observational survey. I have had several courses online and on campus, but none have done such a great job at explaining study design as this one. Note, however, that knowledge of basic Python programming is a must-have before attending this course, and I would also recommending getting one or two tutorials on numpy and pandas.
By Antonello P
•Jul 22, 2020
Very good course for people that don't have any knowledge of statistics, like me. The material is detailed, the concepts are explained clearly in the lectures and the instructors make it easy to follow.
I don't understand why people complain about the programming assignments being difficult. Normally they cover things that are shown in the lectures. When that is not the case, links to the relevant documentation pages are presented. If anything the assignments are too easy and there should be more.
By David B
•Jul 4, 2021
This was a fantastic course! It did a wonderful balancing act of getting students to use jupyter notebooks/python for data analysis and visualization with a very good introduction to the different types of sampling methods used in research studies. I really enjoyed the assignment where we needed to create a memo to a pizza company - it really was a clever exercise that didn't hold your hand. Overall, a really great course that made me eager to continue on with the specialization.
By Gustavo S
•Jun 2, 2023
It's a great course as usual from the University of Michigan, lots of contents but i feel that i'm not much the target audience for this course, it seemed to me something more aligned for someone who wants to work on the collect data side, someone who wants to work at a survey organization something like that. For now im looking for courses in coursera with data science/analytics focus, hands-on projects and stuff that will aggregate more on my in-progress university course.
•Aug 16, 2019
They cover basics like normal distribution, z-scores, and plotting data with scatterplots/histograms. In week 4, they give a fairly detailed overview of distribution sampling, and hammer home that you need to be cognizant of bias in your data. To me the most useful aspect of the course were links to third-party articles and web-sites that I would not have discovered otherwise (such as the app from Brown where you can play with different distributions).
By Tarit G
•Jul 2, 2020
Excellent course to learn different statistical ways of understanding and visualizing datasets. Also, it was taught how to gather data. What I like about this course is, besides explaining every topic clearly, the instructors have commented on when to use that and when not to and drawbacks of that concept. The instructors were great at explaining things. I am very thankful to the instructors, team and the University of Michigan.