Aug 2, 2020
Great course to learn the basics! The supplementary material in Jupyter notebooks is extremely valuable. Really appreciate the PhD students who took the time to explain even the simplest of codes :)
Oct 31, 2020
Well organized material. The Discussion forum was the best one I've experienced in my Coursera education. All my questions were answered within one day. The best statistics class I've taken yet!
•Aug 23, 2020
Very nice Course
By k k
•Feb 24, 2020
excellent course
By aditi a
•Apr 26, 2020
Worth Learning
By Liu M
•Jan 13, 2020
great course
By Ata M
•Feb 1, 2019
nice effort
By Elvan V
•Sep 30, 2020
Keep it up
By 黄存昕
•Jun 2, 2021
not bad
By Mikel A
•May 14, 2020
In overall the course is good. However, there are some issues that could be improved, as for example:
- Using the NHANES database is come cases is not the most effective as you can spend some times trying to indetify or search for the variable they are asking for. Better instructions or the use of a simpler database could be an alternative.
- Some videos could be improved. There are compilation errors in the Python demostrative videos, in some other cases previoulsy not-explained functions are used (while similar functions already known by the alumn are available) or Python 2 functions are proposed (the course should be oriented to Python 3).
- I found that both parts of the course (stats and programming) are not always perfectly coordinated.
Despite these issues, the course is good and I will go to the next course with them.
By maytat l
•Jul 7, 2020
Overall good but still have rooms to improve. I knew so little about statistics and Python. The concept is quite difficult but relatively new unlike other typical statistics courses offer. Practice assignments are very good but difficult. More guidance of Python libraries usage would help. Passing assignments were too easy. Strong foundations of using Python especially in libraries such as matplot, numpy, panda, seaborn would really help to better understand the concepts with a graphical presentation in Python. I would recommend this course for those who are familiar with those Python libraries already. For me, I need to learn more about those and would revisit the content here again to better grasp full understanding.
By Mitchell H
•May 25, 2021
Generally very good content and presentation. Removing a star due to frustrations with a really off topic essay assignment required in week 3 of the course. An online programming/statistics course is not the place to teach writing skills. This is especially true since the online peer review grading system isn't configured to ensure submitted essays are reviewed.
By Sig I
•Mar 24, 2022
The course material seemed a bit scattered, possibly because of there being at least five presenters. The material wasn't really that focused on data visualization and veered into esoteric (but interesting) topics like non-probability sampling. The pizza memorandum assignment seemed quite pointless. More work with Python labs would have been my preferrence.
By Jaime A C V
•Apr 8, 2020
The topics that were seen in the course started in a very basic and understandable way but they evolved to much more advanced and difficult topics without a good explanation.Sometimes I felt no connection between theory and practice with Python. The large number of teachers does not allow continuity in learning and creates gaps.
By Hossein P
•Nov 1, 2019
This course started well, but unfortunately, I think they should add more extra example and focus on the topics more in-depth, I can say in each quiz I spend around 3 hours to find related topics in the internet and learn them to answer to the questions and I think it should be cover by the course itself.
By kamalakannan
•Jul 26, 2020
It's great course to understand the basic concepts of statistics like uni-variate and bi-variate data.But,the assignment which they give week 3 and week 4 is not that much to implement the concepts practically. Overall ,it is a good course.
By Khang “ P
•Sep 20, 2021
The theory material is great. However, the final week has a bit exhausting content but the lab is way too easy. Additionally, there is no real "key answers" for the lab so I cannot double check my work.
By Vikram J
•Oct 20, 2020
Very long videos, even the simplest concept is explained in a slower manner. But this is true for me and a lot might benefit from this pace.
By Rakesh D
•Jan 20, 2020
Lectures are boring and very long it should be more practical ,but yes I've gain certain statistical insights.
By Vignesh R
•Nov 11, 2019
Python in week 2 is largely unexplained, also course could have dived deeper into statistics
By Zhehao G
•May 23, 2021
too much works in each week, It may be possible for people, who work only half day
By Leonardo S
•Apr 10, 2020
Good content and syllabus, though the later videos could be easier to follow.
By Ayush Z
•May 19, 2020
I think it was more theoretical and more practice is required.
By Navavat P
•Sep 6, 2020
Too many texts in the lectures
By Djon P
•Apr 4, 2020
A little easy, and lacks focus
By Chunsi
•Jun 22, 2020
Could be more refined.
By Yu J K
•Dec 3, 2019
phyton part is shit