Learner Reviews & Feedback for Unethical Decision Making in Organizations by University of Lausanne
416 ratings
About the Course
This course 'Unethical decision making in organizations : A seminar on the dark side of the force' will teach you how strong organizational contexts push good people towards unethical decisions. You will also learn how to protect yourself and your organization against such forces lurking in the dark.
About the Course
This course teaches how narrow frames and strong contexts can push good people towards unethical decisions and how they can protect themselves and their organization against ethical blindness.
The goal of this course is to empower the participants to analyze the risks of unethical or illegal behavior that might be triggered by powerful contexts. It draws from various disciplines such as management, psychology, sociology, philosophy, and literature, in order to learn what these disciplines contribute to a better understanding of unethical behavior. The course also analyzes some of the most prominent organizational scandals of the recent decades through the lenses of these disciplines.
Whenever we hear about ethical scandals, we tend to believe that unethical or illegal behaviour in organizations is driven by character deficiencies of individual actors. Put differently, we simply assume that bad things are done by bad people. However, numerous corporate scandals have demonstrated that even people with a high level of integrity can break the rules if they are put into a strong context.
A better understanding of why and under what conditions good people make bad ethical decisions will enable us to better protect individuals as well as their respective organizations against the potentially overwhelming power of the context. It will also enable us to cure societies from problems like corruption.
At the end of the course, you are able to:
1. Explain the impact of social context on individual decision making using various theories (from Management, Sociology, Psychology, and Philosophy)
2. Apply these theories to the analysis of some of the most eminent organizational scandals of the recent decades
3. Assess risks of ethical blindness in your own organizational context
4. Design interventions to reduce such risks for yourself and your organization
Recommended Background
No background expertise is required. The course is open for interested layperson as well as experts who work on related topics, be it as researchers or practitioners (e.g., compliance managers in corporations).
Why is this course important for me?
Currently, the understanding of why good people make unethical decisions is rather limited, related research is rather fragmented, and the management of such problems in organizations is overly simplistic, legalistic, and inadequate. Understanding contexts, including the dangers of routines, the mindlessness of our daily decisions, and the healing power of mindful decision-making routines is of increasing importance. In this course, you will learn the latest knowledge and the appropriate tool box for dealing with ethical challenges that you will face throughout your life!
What do I need to follow this course?
We build bridges between various scientific disciplines and will familiarize you with those disciplines smoothly. You need no expertise, just come and share your own real-world experiences about unethical decisions. After all, we are all experts in making decisions—some more ethically, some less ethically—aren’t we?...
Top reviews
Jan 14, 2017
Great course, very structured, systemised and clear. Good examples as cases described, and give a very clear understanding of the reasoning, context and why and what is important. Very recommended!
Jul 29, 2017
i am faculty in an engineer college in vizag. I teach Professional ethics to the undergraduate student. Your course content is extremely useful. Thanks for provide great contents
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151 - 152 of 152 Reviews for Unethical Decision Making in Organizations
By Velmurugan
Sep 5, 2020
review is over delay
By Sanchez-Moreno
Feb 2, 2017
The structure is not clear, with similar ideas coming up several times. Examples can be far-fetched (Britannica for ethical blindness ?). The teachers read the script and sometimes stumble on the words. An idea is explained in 3 minutes when 30s are enough. I am getting bored and very disappointed because it is a very important topics these days. I quit. Thank you anyways