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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Usable Security by University of Maryland, College Park

3,300 ratings

About the Course

This course focuses on how to design and build secure systems with a human-centric focus. We will look at basic principles of human-computer interaction, and apply these insights to the design of secure systems with the goal of developing security measures that respect human performance and their goals within a system....

Top reviews


Jun 28, 2016

Despite not being very fond of areas such as human-computer interaction, I found this course to be well-presented and useful. Definitely a necessity for anyone planning on building secure software.


Mar 23, 2018

Usable Security is a one of the finest courses which explains what its description states.I gained a lot of experience with usablity and will try to implement the same in my future security features.

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626 - 650 of 791 Reviews for Usable Security

By Harsh R


Sep 16, 2019

It's a very intereting course,helping us to gain much knowledg about security,but when I got the certificate,isuing date was not mentioned,I want to know why this happened with me?

By Shubham S


Apr 24, 2020

Well i was looking for some practical knowledge..but its all about theoretical knowledge...course was good...the way you represent the course was was enjoyful..

By Jan F


Aug 3, 2017

Very good and interesting content, but the audio quality of the videos is inconsistent, and sometimes lacking. Excellent addtitional reading material is provided though.

By Manish K


Feb 24, 2017

Best course to learn about usable security, If you are familiar with Human Computer Interaction then easily can related the security issue in between Human and Machine.

By Manoj K


Jan 21, 2020

The course is good and i learned about the passwords and security and it is more like theory only no practical session will be there in this course . But i like it

By Robin K


Apr 15, 2020

The course was very exciting and instructive, but you should bring the course up to date. The information was partly outdated and some links didn't work anymore.

By Sadler J F B


May 28, 2019

The instruction is clear and well organized. However, many of the videos contain typos or recording errors, and a couple quizzes contain minor typos as well.

By Haiyang Y


Mar 6, 2021

First time to see a thorough explanation on usability of HCI design from theory level, and know pitfalls of policies on varied social medias from internet.

By Carlos P


May 20, 2020

Buen curso para aprender el comportamiento que tienen los usuarios en cuanto a seguridad y como deben desarrollarse los sistemas para que sean mas seguros

By Stef S


Aug 20, 2020

The content was great but some of the quizzes' questions should be revised, as they aren't completely clear sometimes, and can depend on interpretation.

By Alok T


Mar 7, 2017

would be nice if you could see the questions and answers after you take a quiz or exam, that way its easier to lean where you went wrong on a question.

By Gustavo D


Jun 26, 2016

Great course, with really well-explained and interesting classes. A minor problem was the audio issues, but nothing that would hinder your learning.

By Aaron A


Apr 19, 2017

A very fascinating and enjoyable course! I would highly recommend this to anyone wanting to take the first step in learning about cybersecurity.

By George V


Oct 16, 2019

Very well presented course. A helpful aspect is that you can save notes, repeat parts of the vids, and you have written text to follow.

By Dheeraj M P


Nov 7, 2016

Good Course. But has many generic stuffs. We will get to know about most of the security details that we come across our day today life

By Bruno T


Jul 5, 2016

Interesting topics and some very good case studies. But overall I found the course a little repetitive and lacking technical depth.

By Varughese K R


Oct 1, 2020

Very good structure of the Material. The course helps to increase the basic understanding and definitely comprehend the concepts.

By Michael P


Apr 26, 2023

Excellent topic, material was easy to understand and laid out in a easy to follow structure. The interviews were really helpful.

By János F P


Aug 29, 2020

Teaches some basic knowledge well but some of the content is out of date and the audio quality is poor in some of the videos.

By Zach G


Dec 10, 2019

Content of the course is good but felt extremely elementary and unrelated to what I thought this track was going to focus on.

By Ali A B


Aug 1, 2019

the information provided in this course i believe is well balanced for an intro the world of data in information security

By Christopher P


Nov 27, 2016

Instructor was easy to follow, made clear points with today's technology examples and kept me engaged during my time.

By Émile G


May 28, 2016

Very clear and organized, I will certainly make use of what I learned when writing programs or designing software.

By Amrita B


Apr 8, 2016

Very informative, easy to understand and gives a clear understanding about the overall concept on usable security.

By Pam


Apr 25, 2019

The audio could be better. In some of the lectures the sound would fluctuate from very low to moderately higher.