Oct 22, 2017
The best introduction classes, gives an overall idea about UI/UX. Grateful for the efforts taken by the Georgia Tech and Coursera. Looking forward to see more courses related to my career. Thank you.
Dec 15, 2022
In the steps of User Experience Design, I got how to go through all four stages; Requirements gathering, Alternative designs, Prototyping, and Evaluation to design and get a good product on the table.
By Róża T
•Nov 10, 2016
Lack of examples.
By Yugansh G
•Apr 17, 2020
course was great
•Jul 7, 2024
estuvo bien
By Tina G
•Sep 11, 2022
very short
By A G
•Nov 30, 2021
Out dated
By Sarah F
•Jan 25, 2022
By simran s
•May 15, 2022
By Dino H
•Oct 10, 2021
By Arvind C
•May 30, 2020
By James B
•Feb 11, 2024
This course has become too dated. The material is very basic so it is still relevant, but the power points and presentation feel like they were created in 2010. Additionally, one of the recommended texts was published in 2003 (over 20 years ago at the time of this review). Throughout the course you are presented with links to optional resources and readings. Many of these sources have not been updated in 10-15 years and several or them are links to dead URLs. There should be regular evaluations of theses courses to make sure they meet the standard of modern online learning and that the resources they reference are up to date or active. In the future I will be checking reviews and how old the course is before enrolling.
By Julia M
•Oct 26, 2020
it's funny that this course is all about user experience and yet it was not at all a good teaching technique. I found it boring and not at all interactive. It was very difficult to concentrate while the professor was talking and reading slides on a white artificial background. This topic involves a lot of technical terms and I feel like I was missing a lot of examples and metaphors in order to actually remember them all. I would love to see a course in an interactive video, one that not only talking but also using visual examples in order to make this or any other topic memorable and easy to learn. something similar to this but with a voice:
By Courtney B
•Feb 17, 2022
In this course you’re getting very basic definitions without any real world application so it creates a very general understanding. You’re pretty much listening to a lecture and viewing basic text slides, it is a challenge to stay interested and focused.
This course is listed as introductory but around week 3 starts speaking on topics and in specific terms without explaining them enough for someone completely new to UX to understand. Those criticisms are echoed in the discussions and forums for week 3.
The course also feels very dated, some of the resources are no longer active and some of the examples feel irrelevant.
By Veenal R D
•Jun 8, 2021
It's a good course to get started with UX design as it just introduces you to different aspects within the field. The course however fails to go enough in depth to help someone get started within the field or feel confident about the same. There is no way to analyze your progress besides the quiz which in no way help while working in this field. The course also has a lot of reading material that helps understand topic much better than the tutor in the course.
By Teri P
•Dec 18, 2023
The links were just listed on random pages with no information. Half of the links were missing. No one knew why we were directed to YouTube. There are typos everywhere. The questions and answers were skewed on some of the quizzes. We were constantly reading other people's papers and articles. We were directed to websites to buy user-designed products. We have to pay for the certificate for a free course. The only positive is that I did learn a lot.
By Benjamín V P
•Dec 28, 2020
El tema es muy interesante, entretenido y donde se puede aprender bastante. Pero, la presentadora es aburrida, lee todo el curso, monótona y no aporta nada, es lamantable. Este curso NO es de la experiencia del usuario ya que lo expuesto se puede aplicar en casi cualquier forma de hacer las cosas. No es un curso bueno, es un mal curso.
Gracias de todas maneras, siempre se puede aprender algo nuevo y rescatar cosas buenas de cada curso.
By Oliver F
•Apr 30, 2021
This course is almost entirely about how to talk to customers when looking at design which is how we end up with terrible interfaces in everything. Just because you implement what the customer says they like doesn't mean it is the optimal way to develop a UX. I was expecting at least some general concepts of what makes a good UX but it is basically just a general project management course with some UX specific terms thrown in.
By Saif u I
•Nov 5, 2023
This course was very informative theoreticallay. But this was contrasting to my expectations as there was nothing practical in this course. Although, I gained alot of knowledge but in my opinion, I am still lagging the skill require to implement this knowledge. For those who see this review, I strongly recommend not to take this course if you are looking to learn something practical. But if you are into theory, Take it.
By Teresa B
•Aug 22, 2020
I had no prior UX experience, this course was painfully slow and lacked content in the videos. I learned more from the reference reading material than I did the videos. The quirkiness of the lingo specific to UX is not explained well in this course. Despite being a beginner at UX, I learned very little directly from this class. I gave it two starts because at least I learned things from the reference materials.
By Đức A N
•May 12, 2023
The content was very helpful but the way the lecturer present them was honestly very bland. I feel like she was just reading the content out of a script rather than trying to convey or interact with the students in any sense.
I trusted that she tried her best at what she was doing as I can still sometimes see the enthusiasm in her teaching but other than that the course left a bad taste in my mouth.
By Andrea S
•May 11, 2021
Una buena y básica introducción al mundo de diseño de experiencia de usuario, me permitió repasar los conceptos vistos en mi carrera (diseño industrial) y ahora procederé a tomar un curso más completo y especializado con las bases frescas y correctas. La verdad es que es bastante aburrido pero al menos pude acabarlo rápidamente y repasar algunos conceptos.
By Uriell B
•Jul 30, 2024
le cours est proposé avec une traduction automatique de très mauvaise qualité. Les questions du quizz avec traduction sont trop souvent incompréhensibles en raison de problèmes de mise en page n'affichant pas l'intégralité des phrases et surtout de traductions farfelues modifiant le sens des phrases. Ce cours est surement intéressant pour les anglophones.
By Зак К
•Apr 24, 2022
Hello, I passed the 2nd week of this course and started solving the test. it turned out that your test gives the correct answer randomly... Especially to confirm my words, I wrote down every time I took the test at the end of the 2nd week for the same answers, your test gives completely different answers. Please correct =(
By Connor W
•Feb 6, 2022
This course seemed great at first, but the quality really dropped off after the first week. The mini progress questions disappeared. The transcript quality steadily dropped. More and more focus was placed on outside material. The quality and quantity of test questions by the end of the last section was frustratingly low.
By Bosa I
•Jan 3, 2021
Very average course... This course wasn't the best. Besides the poorly worded quiz questions, especially the Prototype and Evaluation quizes, there's way too much theory and not much practical learning. I going to have to take many more courses in order to learn UX/UI Design. Average course.
By Alexandr L
•Jan 17, 2018
Very basic course. Lack of practical tasks and to much of external links - instead of covering material within the lessons - made this course too short and not very involving... I get that this is Introduction, but I was hoping for more 'in depth' approach.