Nov 10, 2017
Great Course and excellent insight about strategy approach for any business. Its has really given a full overview about business strategy approach.Thanks for professors to design such module.
May 25, 2016
Really advanced thinking in strategy, excellent work by Darden Business School. Particular appreciation for Prof. Jared D. Harris and Mike Lenox for their competency in the subject matter.
•Feb 3, 2018
By Gajanan B
•Mar 30, 2016
By Laurentiu B
•Dec 9, 2015
By Ghim C
•Feb 19, 2021
Prof Michael is good but Prof Jared is a little too non-specific and general. I would have preferred if he had been in-depth on some of his examples instead of glossing over a list of names without going into further detail. Overall, the course is not bad as an introduction to strategy, but a little basic. It would be improved if some of the tools could be applied to real world case studies to show some novel strategies or missed opportunities that these firms could apply.
By Glenda D
•Aug 1, 2017
I enjoyed the content, the case studies were really good to analyze and understand the reality of these strategies. I specially enjoyed the stakeholders management study case in which media, government and community really had an impact on the execution and implementation of the GE company. Let's keep learning!
By Hannes K
•Nov 22, 2018
The first chapter is very repetitive and the multiple choice questions are also not very smart. The cases are nice though and all in all I feel much better prepared to analyse a company's strategic position after having taking these two courses.
By Andrius b R
•Dec 2, 2015
My first course on Coursera was Fundamentals of Business Strategy, by professor M. Lenox. When I saw this course coming, I had no doubt I have to take it. I like it for being short, compressed, professional and straight to the point!
By Igor C
•Jan 1, 2020
the course is built to provide the most relevant and important info. At the same time there are issues which are good to know but I would prefer to have it as a supplementary info (e.g. classification of distributional conflict)
By Hernan E
•May 8, 2020
Course exceed my expectations however the certificate is not consistent with the program description. Instead of being a Virginia University course looks more like a Coursera course just endorsed by UV.
By Rafael C
•Mar 4, 2021
Not as good as the first course. Even though I learned about corporate strategy and a couple of fundamental concepts, this course didn't provide me many useful tools.
By Mansingh N
•Feb 6, 2016
The content was very good and informative. It just that I couldn't relate the later part of the module as I have not been a part of any industry as such.
By Lisa N
•Aug 1, 2018
I liked the course and course content but the concept of peer reviewing and waiting for someone to peer-review your final assignment is really tiring.
By Reema A H
•Jun 5, 2020
Valuable if you are working in Strategy, Business development, Business growth, Product development .
By Chiedza L
•Aug 16, 2021
Any one who is ready to change a business from one stage to another have to do this course.
By Jayavelu G
•Oct 24, 2022
Excelle module, nicely narrated by the professors. exapmles are real time & insightful
By Nuno N
•Feb 24, 2023
Nice content. Should have more detail regarding some subjects but overall acceptable.
By Mary B
•Jul 28, 2020
Really insightful, good examples and concise lecturers. Great work, thank you!
By gaanji s k
•Sep 10, 2018
Very interesting topic and very helpful for me and will be great for others
By Delmy A
•Sep 14, 2016
great introductory course. i been able to apply these concepts in my work.
By Xuân D T
•Jul 2, 2021
I wish i had more reading materials such as real business cases and books
By Sérgio A d O
•Aug 16, 2019
The lessons could have more exemple and explaning by exemple
By Akashjyoti S M
•Sep 11, 2020
Great course. Practical learning with hands-on assignments!
By Elvis G B L
•Sep 4, 2016
Great Course! However, not so happy with scoring methods
By Miguel D
•Nov 16, 2017
I wish better slides material with clearer structure
By Muhammad I s M Z
•Mar 7, 2019
This course truly enhanced my skills/ knowlwdge.