Aug 15, 2020
Excellent program to learn lots of tools towards Design Thinking !! Thanks a lot! Very interactive and the last activity of completing the assignment was very thought provoking !! thanks to all pears!
Nov 30, 2016
As a design manager I should say this course actually opened my eyes to a new world. I hope be able to make good changes in my world by using this knowledge more and more in my life. Thanks to All :)
•Jul 29, 2024
By Fatima A G O
•Jun 17, 2024
By Hussein D A
•Feb 21, 2023
By Sumit K J
•Nov 12, 2021
•Jul 29, 2021
By Paola
•Aug 31, 2020
By Ramanathan S
•Aug 20, 2020
•Jul 28, 2020
By Hamad M A A ( O - T A
•Jul 19, 2020
By Deniz C
•Jul 14, 2020
By Safaa A N
•Jun 28, 2020
By Kantharao T
•May 26, 2020
By Iliana E
•Nov 10, 2019
•May 7, 2019
By Murugaperumal
•Apr 22, 2019
By Tanja G
•May 3, 2018
By Richard L
•Oct 19, 2017
By Christian A A R
•Sep 21, 2017
By Manoj K A
•Mar 6, 2017
By Shivkumar K
•Dec 28, 2016
By nirupama
•May 15, 2021
Very satisfied with the course and the range of topics it covers. Professor Jeanne Leidtka presented the modules with such clarity and skill. Special mention to Professor Ed Hess whose cheerful attitude and thoroughness with the subject put a smile on my face throughout his session. The inclusion of videos from experts across fields of study ranging from design and art to business provided very meaningful insights. As a student from the Advertising domain, I found most of the content applicable to my field of work as well.
Although I found the course material extremely valuable as a student, the assignment and thinking exercises seemed more relevant to working professionals who are already in organizational positions at work and have problems to apply the theories to. For students like me who are still in University and haven't yet started working, application assignments are harder to test out in real-life scenarios within the time-frame of the course.
Overall, I would definitely recommend this course to fellow learners.
By Kevin H
•Jun 12, 2021
This course is a good overview of Design Thinking and how it can help solve ambiguous problems. I'm one who tries to use historical data to support hypotheses and this opened up my eyes that there are times I shouldn't even go down that path at all. Rather, I should develop experiments to get rapid feedback from the actual customer. I took away one star because how this course is graded. I put in effort to the assignment and peer reviews, but it seems like many people do not. The 3 essays I reviewed clearly didn't follow the instructions and were largely copy/paste hack jobs. To me, these are people who are certificate chasing and that worries me because it devalues the market view of this course and certificate. It's also concerning if that type of effort is applied to providing you feedback on your essay, which it is. All three people who reviewed my essay provided one word feedback "good" in all sections or less, like a period.
By Jaime S
•Oct 10, 2020
This course aims to introduce design thinking for a general audience. One might as well just read a book or two, however, as the course provides incomplete handouts, gives learners no opportunities for interaction with the instructor, and only has one assessment, which is graded by peers. At minimum, quizzes should be included at the end of each module to help reinforce the lessons.
It is not that you will learn nothing from the course—I learned a lot. But it is best thought of as a hastily sketched map rather than a sufficiently detailed overview of the field of design thinking. I do appreciate that Prof. Liedtka makes a point of saying that design thinking is not a one-size-fits-all solution or a silver bullet; there are too many charlatans out there who flog design thinking as if we could design our way out of all of the world's problems.
By Michele
•Sep 14, 2016
Interesting course with well-organized lectures and graphics. I enjoyed the diversity of case studies, and especially hearing about countries other than the US and organizations other than large corporations with big budgets. The practice grading of the final project was well done and illuminating. It was effective in helping me understand the grading criteria better.
It would be helpful if the printouts were 1 slide per page, as on the page the type is small and difficult to read. Small, weekly assignments such as posting a reflection question in the forum could be helpful. One guest presenter spoke too quickly, so I was thankful for the transcript.
It would be nice if those auditing the course could also participate in the final assignment w/ peer feedback.
By Kamlesh N
•Aug 11, 2016
I am two weeks into the course and really like it. The ideas and concepts mentioned are quite profound. And hope to apply them soon enough in both my personal and professional life.
One additional thing which would really like seeing in the course is use of questions just to ascertain our mastery over concepts. Something like the other course which I am taking concurrently -- Think again: How to understand arguments. Where intermediate quizzes ensures that learners are understanding what the intention is followed by 'Share your thoughts' questions to express your views and discuss specific course material with other learners. I feel this mix of quizzes and sharing really helps in learning the course.